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The Rennes le Chateau Parchments and Galamus Gorge

The Galamus Gorge church Sator square with the singing head.

Galamus Gorge and the Parchments of Rennes le Chateau

Galamus is a river gorge in the area of the apocalyptic 2012 UFO peak of Mt. Bugarach in southwestern France. Mt. Bugarach can be clearly seen from the tower at Rennes le Chateau. The parchments that were discovered during the 19th c. renovations of the RLC church contain clues which seem to point to the Galamus Gorge cavern complex, church, and hermitage. The beautiful Galamus River is a favorite of adventurers.


 “THIS TREASURE BELONGS TO DAGOBERT II AND TO SION AND HE IS THERE DEAD’ – Rennes le Chateau parchment found at the RLC church. Some say that this passage can be interpreted as “…and the treasure is death.”

“No temptation” and reference to the painter Teniers indicate the locally venerated St. Anthony of the caves of the desert, a hermit. As a clue to a location, it points to a cavern.

“Shepherdess” and the painter Poussin refer to his “Shepherds of Arcadia II” masterpiece. The Shepherdess is a reference to Mary Magdalene as the “Good Shepherd” is a term used for Christ. The KEY that the painting contains is the Rose-Line Meridian. The shepherd points to the line on the tomb which is the Meridian based on the tomb of Mary Magdalene in the Rennes le Chateau area. This line is the KEY axis used in the trigonomic maps of the Templars.

PEACE (PAX) 681 – in Numerology the letters PAX = 681. The writer of this coded parchment message is familiar with the Masonic Templar sciences. The letters “PAX” are also written very large beneath the figure of  St. Anthony at Galamus Gorge on the outdoor entrance to the hermitage which is sacred to St. Anthony and to St. Mary Magdalene as well. Both were known to be hermits who lived in caves. Dagobert II was killed in the year 681 A.D. – a double meaning.

The wild river Gorge of Galamus and its cavern church is also a place of veneration for the other hermit St. Anthony, the St. Anthony who was not tempted. Teniers painted several versions of St. Anthony, but the parchments say “no temptation” – this could describe the second St. Anthony. At Galamus there are caves and the saints who are referenced in the RLC parchments, plus the giant word PAX written at this site.

The terrain of Galamus is mountainous and present day driving along the road which was blasted out of the side of the mountains is hazardous. In the days before modern transportation, horseback was the only way to travel to the Galamus hermitage. Would these hermitage horses be called a “horse of God”? These horses did have the holy mission of transporting pilgrims to Galamus Gorge.

The SATOR Square

The writer of the hidden parchments was a sympathizer of the followers of the Merovingian King Dagobert II who was slain. There is a bust of Dagobert which stood in Rennes le Bains. On the back of the head is carved the Latin SATOR magic square which is ancient. It was also discovered at the ruins of Pompeii and other places such as in early Roman England. Rennes le Bains is famous for its thermal baths. An unusual sight in the church in the Galamus cave is the large carving of this same Sator square topped by a singing or chanting head. This cave is so dramatic that it once had a reputation for being an entrance to the underworld. Magic squares of letters and numbers were thought to hold magic power and were used as talismans in jewelry. Magic number squares symbolized the planets and protected the wearer from particular dangers.  

Does this huge carved example of a magic square talisman protect the Galamus chapel from its former status as the gloomy vestibule to the Land of the Dead? The acoustics of the cavern must be impressive; the head with open mouth could be a reminder of the many monks who have worshipped within the cavern. He may be singing or chanting. There are vowels on the square – these same vowels were used as chants by the Gnostics in the Egyptian desert who wrote the Nag Hammadi Codices.

This is the same Sator magic square that was carved onto the back of the head of the bust of Dagobert. Is this a connection to the treasure of Dagobert II in the Rennes le Chateau parchments?“

By the cross…I destroy this demon…” from the parchments sounds like an exorcism. The “blue apples of the Midi area” or “midi” as “noonday” refers to the blue fruit of southern France. These are the blue grapes from which they make the wine used in the Eucharist.

Many of the clues in the coded texts delivered to San Sulpice Church in Paris by the priest Berenger Sauinere are found at the spectacular site of the Galamus Gorge hermitage. It is said that a nun was lost in the caves there once. It is a location that provides many mysterious passages and hiding places. Perhaps there is more to be discovered there.


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