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The Return of the Giants

Are the Anakim or the Refaim, the giants of the Bible returning to Israel today? There are only two periods of recorded history when giants were reported in Israel; In biblical days from the time of the Flood to the ascension of King David and since 1993 in modern Israel.

The case for the return of giants to Israel is airtight. The giants thoughtfully chose reliable contactees as witnesses, allowed their craft to be filmed and left in their wake ample physical evidence.

In fact, what characterizes the current Israeli UFO wave from others in the world, is the shere abundance of physical evidence left behind by the visitors. Consider the first incident to usher Israel into the UFO age.

On the evening of Sept. 28, 1987, a 27 year old auto mechanic, Ami Achrai was driving just south of Haifa when he saw what he thought might be a helicopter in distress hovering just above the sands of Shikmona Beach on the Mediterranean Sea. He stopped his car and to his utter amazement saw a disc-shaped craft which emitted a bright red flash before disappearing.

Shikmona Beach

Two days later he returned to the site with a ufologist the police referred him to, Hadassah Arbel. What they discovered remains one of the most lasting proofs ever left by a UFO of its physical existence. The flash emitted by the craft burned its image into the sands of Shikmona Beach. A fifteen metere ellipsoid disk was burnt black into the sand but what was more interesting was what wasn’t burned. In the vegetation which wasn’t burned was a clear image of the pilot of the craft facing a control board.


Seven years later I sent samples of the burnt sand to the television show Sightings which subjected it to laboratory tests. The sand seemed to melt in the heat of the camera light. The reason later discovered was the sand particles were covered by a low melting hydrocarbon material. The laboratory could find no natural or human explanation for the phenomenon.

Ami Achrai’s incident was followed by a repeat performance on June 6, 1988 when a similarly shaped craft was once again burned into the sands of Shikmona Beach, about 100 yards north of the first site. This was followed by the most spectacular display of all. On April 27, 1989, two teenagers witnessed a UFO explode into thousands of shards over Shikmona Beach.

By now, Israeli UFOlogists were prepared to handle the latest incident more scientifically. The beach was strewn with burning white metal which was cool to the touch. The metal even glowed in water. When picked up, the shards turned into a white ash. Scientists from the Technion Institute of Technology tested the site and found that magnetism was 6000 times higher than the surrounding area. The shards were found top be very pure magnesium.

Two hundred yards above Shikmona Beach is a biblical shrine called Elijah’s cave. Here Elijah preached and here or somewhere nearby in the Carmel Mountains, Elijah challenged the Canaanites to a duel of Gods. Two bulls were tethered and the gods were beseeched to roast them. Naturally, baal failed the Canaanites but Elijah’s God sent a ray of light from heaven which cooked the bull on the spot. This ray must have been similar to the kind of beam which burned the sands of Shikmona Beach into a saucer shape.

Within the Cave of Elijah is an ancient drawing of something that was the spitting image of the craft burned into the sands below. The Sightings team decided the image “was a coincidence. Maybe it was a bat.” When Michael Hesemann filmed the drawing he left certain it was a match for the burned sand pictures.

Although the cave drawing’s meaning is in dispute, the fact of the modern UFO-burned inscriptions is not. Something unique occurred at Shikmona Beach. Alien craft decided to leave souvenirs there at least three times. By doing so, they revealed the dimensions of their craft and apparently pilot, as well as their construction material. These were not crop circles nor were they formed the same way. A very different message was left on Shikmona Beach’s sands.

After the UFO explosion, there was a hiatus of UFO activity until 1993 broken only once in late 1991 over the village of Sde Moshe, some five miles from Kadima. There, after two straight nights of having the inside of his house lit up by an unexplained craft hovering above it, Eli Cohen captured the responsible UFO on videotape. Several minutes of the tape were filmed after daybreak making the result a most clear and convincing record of a UFO.

It seems the visitors were merely scouting the Kadima area in 1991 but they returned in force in 1993. And this time, the occupants of the crafts did more than merely hover in the sky.

In the early morning of April 20, Tsiporet Carmel’s house glowed from within. She stepped outside and saw what she thought was a new fruit silo built outside her back yard. But then she saw the silo add a second storey to itself. Ten yards to the side of this magical silo, Tsiporet saw a seven foot tall being wearing metallic overalls. Its head was covered in a what looked like a beekeeper’s hat. Tsiporet said, “Why don’t you take off your hat so I can see your face?” The being answered her telepathically, “That’s the way it is.”

This was Israel’s first publicized close encounter with an alien being. Tsiporet could easily have been made an object of ridicule but for the fact that a crop circle 4.5 metres in diameter was found exactly where she had seen the craft. Within the circle were shards of a material later found to be a very pure silicon. I add, Israel’s UFOlogists are divided over the veracity of the silicon because there was a prankster loose in Kadima.

However, within ten days, two more circles were found just outside Tsiporet’s back yard. This time, they were soaked with a red liquid and this fluid would be a constant feature of upcoming landing circles. It was tested by the National Biological Laboratory in Ness Tziona and found to be composed mostly of cadmium.

This was the end of Tsiporet’s incidents. Now the visitors concentrated on two other woman in their late thirties living on Hapalmach Street. The first was a Russian immigrant Mara. Strange forces shook her house so hard they caused the outside airconditioning unit to fall out of its casing into the house. Voices called to Mara in her childhood nickname. Eventually she decided the house was haunted and she moved far from Kadima.

Shosh Yahud is the treasurer of the town of Kadima. She is down to earth and wants as little to do with her UFO experience as possible. In May, she awoke to see a seven foot, round faced being in silvery overalls circling her bed as if “floating on his shoes.” The creature assured her he was not there to harm her and she became relaxed. After a few minutes the being floated through her wall outside.

Shosh thought she had dreamed the incident until she looked out her wondow in the morning and saw a 4.5 meter crop circle in her backyard. The UFOlogists descended on her home and discovered the silicon and cadmium within the circle.

Next, in June, it was Hannah Somech’s turn to be visited by a giant. Hannah lives in Burgata, three miles from Kadima. She was startled to see her dog go flying across the kitchen into a wall. She stepped outside to investigate and her way was stopped by an invisible force. She then saw a seven foot, round-faced being in metallic overalls examining her pickup truck. She said to it, “What did you do to my dog?” It answered telepathically, “Go away. I’m busy. I could crush you like an ant if I wanted to. Go back to your husband.”
Needless to say, a 4.5 meter circle crushed out of the grass was later found in Hannah’s back yard. Within, the grass was soaked with red liquid cadmium.
By the end of the summer, the credible reports of giants roaming the land persuaded the normally staid television station Channel One, to broadcast a one hour program on the subject. Tsiporet and Shosh appeared as well as the UFOlogists who had examined the circles of Kadima. To the apparent shock of the host, the viewing audience believed the advocates of alien landings. The result was two more witnesses coming out into the open.
Both were women in their late thirties who lived within ten miles of each other south of Tel Aviv. Clara Kahonov of Holon was most reluctant to be quoted but acknowledged that she had seen a giant being.
Batya Shimon of Rishon Letzion saw far more than one. In early July, two seven foot tall, bald creatures beamed themselves into her seventh floor apartment. They told her telepathically not to be frightened and she immediately relaxed. She then felt they had “friendly faces.” They roamed her home, “floating on their shoes” dusting her shelves with a yellow, foul- smelling powder. One being saw her son’s aquarium, became very excited and called his colleague over. After a few minutes, they beamed themselves outside. The next night at 3 AM, a dozen giants visited Batya arriving and leaving the same way.
I have had extensive conversations with the contactees and there is much in common with their stories. That is fit subject for a separate lecture. In short, all were the same age, all were white collar workers, three have been haunted since their encounters telepathically, all their men slept through the encounters, two had mysterious pregnancies etc. But the core commonality is that these women did not know each other and separately described the same seven foot tall, bald, round-faced giants.
And if absolute proof that giants were about in Israel was needed, it came in December in the village of Yatzitz, twelve miles east of Rishon Letzion. The giants had opened a new axis after Kadima, a triangle of twenty miles linking Rishon Letzion, Holon and Yatzitz.
Herzl Casatini, the village security chief and his friend Danny Ezra were sharing conversation when they heard an explosion and felt Ezra’s house shake. Herzl opened the door and stood face to face with a nine foot tall creature in metallic clothes whose face was hidden in “a haze.” He shut the door and called the police. They arrived and discovered deep boot tracks in the hard mud. The tracks sunk 35 centimeters into the ground meaning whoever made them had to have weighed, literally, a ton. Thinking there might have been a terrorist incursion, the army was called in.

As there were 5,000 years ago and they also left proof of their existence. The giants were descended from the nefilim, literally the fallen ones. In ancient time, entities fell on Israel from the heavens and later became the mortal enemies of the Hebrew nations.

One giant king was Og of Bashan. The bible records that his bed was thirteen feet long. Bashan’s territory included the Golan Heights. Sitting on the Golan Heights is the Israeli version of Stonehenge. Called Gilgal Refaim, the Circle of the Refaim or giants in English, this site consists of five concentric rings whose beauty can only be appreciated from above. Unfortunately, there was supposedly no way for the simple nomads of 5000 years ago to see the circles from above.

The cite is enormous. The outside circle has a diameter of 159 meters and over 37,000 tons of rock went into the construction of the complex. Two openings in the circles may have been used to measure the solar solstice and the rising of Sirius in 3000 BCE.

The fact remains that Israeli archaeologists are totally mystified by the Gilgal Refaim. No other complex built in the Middle East resembles it and it predates the pyramids by over 500 years. The indigenous nomads of the time did not engage in this kind of megalith building, so outsiders were probably the builders. According to the Bible, the only outsiders living on the Golan Heights back then were giants.

Maybe it’s a longshot, but no one has come up with a better explanation for Israel’s current UFO wave. I believe the ancient giants may be coming home. I conclude on a somber note. The biblical giants were God’s enemy and Israel’s armies were the means to their utter destruction. There is a legitimate reason to contemplate the recent re-arrival of giants in Israel with a good measure of dread.

For more information on The Return of the Giants or to purchase the book click here or here.

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