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The Strange Light in the Australian Valley- Another type of Abduction Event

Years ago when I first started to write about the paranormal I met a very nice  man named Peter. Peter lived in Australia and wanted to tell me about a very strange experience he had years before in a remote area of Australia while on a hunting trip with a friend. 

 Peter is what I would consider a man’s man. He is a man of the earth. He hunts and is a fisherman. Peter is the kind of man who could survive in the wild if need be and is use to the outdoors and comfortable with his relationship to nature.

 Peter is also a straight shooter  who tells you how it is without lots of fan fare. He is without question not the type for fanciful stories or a man that seeks attention. Peter is a strong man who knows his place in this world and is happy with it.

Peter is also a man who had a extreme event and lost time experience that haunts him to this day.

About 30  years ago Peter went hunting  in the wilderness of Australia with his  friends  Frank and Dan. Frank was a good friend of Peters, Dan was a man Peter and Frank worked with. The three of them decided to go hunting late one night after work. They did this on a regular basis at the time.  The method used for this night hunting  is called spotlight hunting. The men  go out at night with  one man  driving  a pickup truck, another  aiming  a big flood or spotlight as the third man did the shooting.

The three men were out in an area between a group of mountains on one side and a huge valley on the other. They were positioned on the side of the mountains with the truck looking over and down into this valley. Of course at night the only thing clearly visible to them was what they caught on the road with the truck headlights and of course the areas they were flashing the large spotlight.

The three men were going about the business of spotlight hunting  when all of a sudden Peter found he was  standing beside the truck he had just been driving. He does not recall how he transitioned from, driving to standing  outside next to his truck.  He found himself standing next to his truck  looking down into the valley with  both of his friends standing next to him on the side of the pickup truck.

 Peter and his friends were stunned as they stood next to the truck and looked down into the valley before them.  The entire valley in an

The entire valley in an instant  became fully lit exactly like daytime. Not by lights or flares not anything mechanical or man-made. The valley became daytime right before their eyes. They could not figure it out  They knew it was  1:00 A.M.. in the morning and that it was a dark night . Everything around them alongside the mountain looking down into the valley should be  should be  dark as coal.

The three men stood there confused looking around as they tried to reason out why night instantly turned to day. Peter remembers  the daylight had a very gentle blue tint to it but otherwise was simply daytime.

Peter does not recall anything else other than lighting up a cigarette while they looked around at the valley. He thinks he finished his smoke and  jumped into the truck to drive back home. Peter and his friends were about two hours out from where they lived in this valley-mountain area. Peter recalls arriving home and going to bed.

The next day Peter saw his friends and they began to question what had happened the night before. Peter asked them if they remembered the strange light in the valley? Both of his friends  clearly did recall the valley all bright and lit like daylight. Peter  asked  his friends if they recalled the long drive home. They all looked at each other with confused expressions. None of the men could not recall the long  drive home or which one drove. They could not remember if they stopped for gas or what they talked about.

The three men felt others who lived in the valley’s area also  must have  seen the valley turn to day. The three men watched  television and waited for a report on the news however- no report was found. They bought the daily newspaper yet again nothing was found about the light in the valley.

The  men were confused and did not know what to make of the ordeal. They even phoned the local police and asked them if the strange daylight in the valley had been reported  The police responded by asking the men  what they were drinking at the time of their hunting excursion!

The three men were left with a mystery and no answers. They also had full lives and families , which they needed to attend to. The mystery of the valley had to be placed aside for the time being.

Time went on, life happened, jobs changed and Peter lost touch with both of his friends.
Fast-forward about ten years and we find Peter now living in a different area with different friends. Peter and his wife were invited to a BBQ by one of his buddies at work. While  at the party Peter talked to another party guest who just so happened to be a rather well known UFO investigator in the area.

Peter mentioned his odd experience in that valley years ago to the UFO investigator. To Peters absolute shock the UFO investigator told Peter he was aware of that event as years ago  one of the men who experienced the event with Peter went to this man and told him all about the event.

Peter felt oddly offended that his friend would do this without informing him. It also made him realize his friend felt that night was as unusual as Peter did.

The UFO expert told Peter he had no other reports of that night other than that of  his friend Frank and now Peters version of the event.  The UFO investigator told Peter he did think something  very strange did happen to them. The investigator asked Peter if he thought he had been abducted. He told Peter that could explain the lost memory of how they stopped hunting without recalling doing so and finding they were standing on the side of the truck without any explanation. Peter felt more confused than ever about what took place that night.

Again we fast forward  another ten years.  Out of the blue Frank called Peter up one day. During the phone call Frank said something about Peter. pinching the rabbit he shot that night of the light in the valley Peter did not  understand what his friend was talking about..  Frank told Peter he was going to be in his area the next day. . The two men arranged to meet  at Peter’s homer the following day.

The visit was going well when Peter recalled the odd comment his friend had made on the phone. . He asked Frank what he meant about “pinching his rabbit”
 Frank looked at Peter and said :

 “The night of the light years back, don’t you remember mate? I shot a rabbit just before the valley went to day. I threw it on the top of the truck, when we started off for home my rabbit was gone. I figured you pinched (took) my rabbit..”

 Peter looked at his friend stunned and replied :

 “I did not take you rabbit, I don’t even remember you killing one!”

 The two men started to then get a bit cranky  over this mysterious rabbit. The subject of time  somehow came up. Frank was convinced the valley turned to light at exactly 10:30 P.M. Peter swears he also checked his timepiece at that moment and it happened at 1 :00 A.M. in the morning.

The men just looked at each other. The truth was that neither one of them could recall the same thing, the same time, or what happened during the hours in question including the ride home.

Stranger yet is that both men had a different memory of which friend was with them and what happened to him after that night. The entire event was turning into a bleak dark mystery they did not understand.

I talked  for a long time  with Peter about this event. He admitted to me that this strange night of the unknown light and missing time has haunted him all these years.. Peter told me that no matter when he goes to bed or falls asleep he always fully awakes at 1: 00 A.M. each and every night of his life. He finally arranged his nights to not even try to head to bed until after 1:00 A.M..

It is obvious Peter and his friends  had an encounter that night with the unknown. I  think it may have been possible that Peter and his friends were subjected to an unknown abduction that filled the hours of lost time the men cannot account for. I also think it best for them that what took place remains lost to their memory.  Anything that can turn a huge valley from night to day, take hours away from you and erase the experience from your conscious thoughts is best left alone.

Talking to Peter I found him to be a logical man who realizes he had an encounter of  total strangeness . Peter has become far more careful where he goes and what he does since this event took place. He told me he does all he can  to protect his family from this type of encounter as well. Peter does take time to look at his surroundings and to provide a safe environment for those he loves. For Pete, hunting at night alone in the wild is definitely a thing of the past.

I believe Peter’s story without hesitation and hope those who take reckless risks in lonely places think twice after reading this story. Who knows what lurks beyond the valley light!


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