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Three Keys to Indigo Kid’s Success

By Maureen Dawn Healy

Our indigo children are intense. It is this intensity that can go quickly in the “right direction” by immersing into a creative project or in the “wrong direction” by crying their eyes out. Our highly sensitive and aware children need us — parents, teachers and healers, to help them understand their energy, how to channel it and ultimately how to use their sensitivity as a strength versus a weakness.

So what do we do? That is the question. And in my new book, The Energetic Keys to Indigo Kids, that query is answered. Consider this book a guidebook for raising your sensitive and oftentimes strong-willed children that are sweet, perceptive, intelligent, compassionate, and stubborn to the core. But to help you immediately, I am going to share three tips for seeing more success with our sensitive and indigos kids today. They are:

ü      Partnership – Becoming your child’s partner comes naturally to some parents, while others struggle with being anything besides their kids’ authority figure. I realize it’s a slippery slope for some adults too — where do you draw the line? And I get that. But the truth of the matter is that indigo children need adults to partner with them, ask them what their opinions are and craft solutions together. The more adults just tell them, “Because I said so” as an answer why to do something they’ve lost a perfectly good opportunity to create a positive and authentic relationship that honors both parent and child.
            And probably most importantly one of the “indigo energetic triggers” is authoritarian parenting or teaching where children are told what to do without any consideration for their thoughts, feelings and ideas. Indigo children cannot stand this style and often rebel at this approach whereas partnering with them would produce far better, happier and overall healthier results.

ü      Outlets – Indigo children have an intensity to them that needs to be channeled or it will undeniably come out “wrong” with such things like sassing parents back or fighting with their siblings. It is these boys and girls that need something creative to immerse their energies into whether it is reading Harry Potter, playing a video game like Minecraft, or developing a skill like playing the piano. It isn’t a “nice to have” to channel their energy but again a necessity for their physical, emotional and mental health.
            Young indigos that don’t have daily outlets for their intensity either act out or internalize their energy and become down-in-the-dumps. So it’s a good thing to connect your indigo children with projects, sports or things they love as a means to release pent-up energy and also build their confidence in themselves.

ü      Mentors – Indigo children are highly sensitive, perceptive, intense and oftentimes gifted in one particular area. They are not necessarily gifted in the area of how to balance their intuition with reason or life management skills therefore these sensitive kids benefit greatly from getting an Indigo Mentor. A person with the same sensitivities that has learned how to be themselves (i.e. share their unique gifts per their patterning) and thrive in today’s world. For example, Michael Phelps noted that he received pivotal coaching from his swimming instructor that helped him gain skills in and outside of the pool.
            Indigo Mentors are not a child’s parents although they can play a similar role. A mentor is someone whether they are a teacher, coach, therapist or friend that has learned how to manage their sensitivities as an asset and is willing to teach your kids how to do the same. For instance, I consider my role in teaching energy healing and also counseling kids a mentorship type role.

Our indigo children’s intelligence, intensity and mindset need guidance from older indigos so they can succeed in this very lifetime. Some of the quick things to be sure your highly sensitive children also have are daily outlets for their creativity, adults around them to validate their feelings and also work with them to make smart choices. Of course, there is more but this is a solid start to moving in the direction of more harmony and ease at home today.

If you would like information or to purchase this book, simply click on its title: The Energetic Keys to Indigo Kids: Your Guide to Raising and Resonating With the New Children


Maureen Dawn Healy is an energy healer, speaker and counselor working directly with adults and children globally. Her last book, Growing Happy Kids, was considered to be a “parenting manual” by Publisher’s Weekly and her new book, The Energetic Keys to Indigo Kids, guides adults to have more success with our sensitive yet stubborn indigo kids. To learn more about Maureen’s work and schedule go to: or @mdhealy

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