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The UFO Digest Spotlight On Loring AFB & The US Air Force Colonel 1967

<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar> 

In 1967, I was a UFO investigator. I was investigating sightings in and around the Massachusetts and New Hampshire NH area.  

From Exeter, NH to Massachusetts and beyond, I was doing UFO investigations for CAPER and APRO.   I was also working with Ray Fowler on several other cases locally in the Northern Mass/Southern NH area.  I was a noted UFO investigator with several local police stations and into NH as well.  So, if there were a report, they would call me up.…/Loring_AFB.htm

One day I got home from work at my usual time around 4:30 pm. My wife gave me a card from an air Force Colonel from Loring AFB in Maine.  I gave him a call and he was not there. The phone rang and rang but no one answered it. Remember, I had his card. 

I had called Ray Fowler about it as he lived about 30 minutes from me.  He had never heard of the man either.  So I called the next day.  I got a secretary there.  I told her a colonel had called me.  She told me there was no one there by that name.  I read her the card that this Colonel gave my wife.  But she insisted there was no colonel there by that name.  This was a time that I had some enigmatic happenings around and through my house and area.  Mysterious cars would follow me.  Strange cars (for our neck of the woods) and sinister people were following me. 

John Keel, along with Ramona Clark, was working with me on these enigmatic happenings and the black Cadillacs that were following me.  But the man from Loring AFB (according to the secretary) was not there and had never worked there.  

I called Ray and asked him if he knew of this Colonel at Loring, he did not.

But the weirdest thing was about to happen. 

The next day I called the same number and an Air Force officer answered. He told me that the Colonel was not in and I could leave a message.  I did not as I thought this whole thing was very strange.  I told the man to have the colonel call me the next day after four pm.  But the call never came. 

When I called back, I asked for the colonel and this man said the colonel was out.  I asked him what this officer wanted.  He left the phone and after about 5-10 minutes he came back to talk to me.  This officer asked me what I knew about the crafts that hovered and tried to infiltrate Loring AFB!    I asked him why was he asking me? 

He informed me that my name along with Ray’s was given to the Colonel. 

I told him something to the effect that I knew of nothing was happening up in Maine.  This man insisted that this colonel never visited me and asked how I got this number!!!!

I told him a military man gave my wife a military business card to give to me and I was told to call him back.  I called Ray and he said he had never heard of this colonel either or never received any call and anybody from the base ever came to his house. 

Loring AFB in the 1950s

From 1967 to the present, I have never heard from anybody from Loring AFB.  Much later, Ray Fowler told me about the Loring sightings and the alert that they, the military, had that year and some of the details.   But I will never know who came to my door or gave my wife that card. I did see a military car around my city that I lived in but even tracing the government license plate was impossible. 

Loring AFB said they did not have any plates with that number on it

Who or what visited me that warm summer of 1967? .

Hmm?  I will never know!!!!

Modern Day Loring AFB

Art Champoux

New Hampshire, USA

July 4, 2010


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