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Nasa space expert Robert Freitas suggested in 1983 that any probes in our solar system may have been designed not to be seen, using technologies far beyond those available to us.

Forgan says, “The probe camouflages itself so as to set up a threshold test of the technology or intelligence of the recipient species, where the test must be met before the species is allowed to communicate with the device.”

“Project Condign was a secret UFO study funded by the Ministry of Defence between 1997 – 2000, which concluded that Unidentified Aerial Phenomena were often caused by rare plasma balls not fully understood by modern science,” says Watson. “At the moment the British Government does not conduct any type of UFO investigations, unless the UFO sightings indicate the activities of enemy aircraft.

If you would like more information or to purchase this book from AMAZON.COM simply click on its title: UFO Investigator’s Manual: UFO investigations from 1982 to the present day

If you would like more information or to purchase this book from AMAZON.CO.UK simply click on its title: UFO Investigations Manual: UFO Investigations from 1892 to the Present Day (Haynes Manual)

If you would like more information or to purchase this book from AMAZON.CA simply click on its title: UFO Investigator’s Manual: UFO Investigations from 1982 to the Present DayUFO Investigations Manual: UFO Investigations from 1892 to the Present Day (Haynes Manual)

“It would be good to have a team dedicated to studying UFO reports and communication with aliens, but I can’t see the Government funding such a study. Also, as my book shows, official studies conducted in the USA and elsewhere have never come to any firm conclusions.

Watson himself believes that most UFO sightings are not vehicles from outer space but perhaps of “rare aerial phenomena unknown to science”.

“John Rimmer is one of the most interesting UFOlogists I met,” says Watson. “He has edited Magonia magazine (now a website) since the 1970s, and has always taken a critical look at the dubious evidence and explanations put forward by ufologists. He has pioneered what is known as the psychosociological approach to the subject which opposes the main belief that UFOs are of an extraterrestrial origin.”

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