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Angela Merkel, Theresa May, and Dalia Grybauskaitė - Then & Now



Angela Merkel, Theresa May, and Dalia Grybauskaitė – Then & Now



“Three Little Maids”

From “Brainwashing-School” … Are We!


Patrick Ocarroll

The reason the truth sounds strange is because the licensed monopoly-media no longer carry the truth, thus vastly increasing its scarcity value. The licensed monopoly-media have become self-parodying and self-ridiculing outlets, at least when you consider the likes of Faux News, CIA Network News (CNN) or the Beast’s Brainwashing Corporation (BBC). Their motto remains “Last Week’s News Tomorrow”, and we have evidence galore of their one key maxim;

“If It Were True, Then Why On Earth Would We Need To Keep Repeating It?”.


Naïve people who still believe in Santa Claus may well tell you that “democracy” exists and that each electorate gets to “elect” its future “leader”.


But here is the strange truth.


By pure “coincidence”, the following photograph was taken at the Tavistock Institute around 1970 and shows the following trio in their teens as fellow members of the very same class in brainwashing-school for the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild):



Angela Merkel (now Chancellor of Germany),

Theresa May (now Prime Minister of Britain), and

Dalia Grybauskaite (now president of Lithuania


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This latter photograph gives us yet more confirmation that, already around 1970, all the following things were widely known in top circles across the world, because they had already been decided by the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild):


  1. The staged “cold war” was run centrally from London and, all along, both so-called “superpowers” were under the thumb of the London-NY-Axis (the primary control mechanism of course being world Freemasonry; see also Roland Perry’s 1994 book “The Fifth Man” which exposed Victor Rothschild as the fifth member of the notorious Cambridge “spy”-ring and showed clearly how, all along, the Rothschilds were running both sides of the staged “cold war”, a “war” staged purely for big profit and brainwashing by means of the oldest trick in the book, the Hegelian Dialectic, and a “war” that made them a huge fortune; see also Father Malachi Martin’s final fact-based novel “Windswept House” depicting Freemasonry and the Church’s enemies ultimately having to please a mysterious, shadowy figure known only as “Capstone”);

  2. The London-NY-Axis had already decided the break-up of the “soviet” “union” and, along with it, the reestablishment of the three Baltic states Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia which had previously been “soviet” “republics” run from Moscow;

  3. The staged “cold war” was to be brought to a close with the reunification of Germany whose future “leader” was to be Helmut Kohl’s East-German protégé within the CDU called Angela Merkel, who had also worked in East Germany for the London-NY-Axis agency called the Stasi (“StaatsSicherheit”), itself based on and very similar in nature to the Tavistock Institute, a brainwashing and torture camp. By pure “coincidence”, when Putin was in Germany, he was Merkel’s KGB officer in Operation Luch (also called Operation Beam, Gruppe Strahl, Gruppe Lutsch). Both Kohl and Merkel were awarded the Kalergi Prize in gratitude for their contributions toward genociding the White-European-Christian population. So far, the Kalergi Prize has been awarded to the following recipients for the same effort: Raymond Barre (FR, 1978), Konstantinos Tsatsos (GR, 1980), Rudolf Kirchschläger (AT, 1982), Sandro Pertini (IT, 1984), King Juan Carlos (ES, 1986), Franz-Josef Strauss (DE, 1988), Helmut Kohl (DE, 1990), Ronald Reagan (US, 1992), Otto von Habsburg (AT, 1994), Alois Mock (AT, 1994), Lennart Meri (EE, 1996), Emil Constantinescu (RO, 1998), Yehudi Menuhin (GB/US, 2000, posthumously), Franjo Komarica (BA, 2002), Ibrahim Rugova (AL, 2004), Vaira Vike-Freiberga (LV, 2006), Wladyslaw Bartoszewski (PL, 2008), Angela Merkel (DE, 2010), Herman van Rompuy (BE, 2012), Jean-Claude Juncker (LU, 2014) and Kenneth Clarke (GB, 2016);

  4. The “soviet” “union” and East Germany were vassal states of the London-NY-Axis and in particular of the House of Rothschild, so in the late-1960s it was simple for the Rothschilds to command East German Angela Merkel and Lithuanian Dalia Grybauskaite over to Britain for their brainwashing at Tavistock (which is today centered at the University of Sussex in Brighton on the south coast of England). Anyone who believed in “defection” by “dissidents” was in fact believing in fairy-stories, possibly written by the likes of MI6-agents John Le Carré or Ian Fleming who were both Freemasons. London’s Fabian Society had a permanent desk in the Kremlin to provide financing and “advice” to communist Russia throughout its world-altering career. Chatham House (RIIA) still owns and controls the real government of Russia, the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO); it founded it on 14 Oct 1944 as its Russian affiliate. The MGIMO is the Russian equivalent of the CFR in Harold Pratt House, NYC, and these are the agencies through which the London-NY-Axis controls Russia and the US respectively by wholly bypassing the showbiz puppeticians. In late 1991, the UN assumed communist Russia’s former role in spreading soviet-totalitarianism to all countries in the world for the UN’s owners (of course the London-NY-Axis);

  5. New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”) would become stronger and would even get to absorb former “soviet” republics, such as in this case Lithuania. Today, New Soviet Europe generates over 100 million euros per day in salaries and expenses for its carnival of powerless puppeticians while it serves as the template for the totalitarian “new world order” under the London-NY-Axis. A puppetician is about as relevant to the direction of his country as a logo is to the direction of a car (a “Stern” for a Mercedes, a “Stuttgarter Rössle” for a Porsche, and “Vier Ringe” for an Audi etc.; nice figureheads, but no relevance whatsoever to direction). Puppeticians are interchangeable dummies, who read dummy-boards, and only pretend to represent the public, the only tie between the two being the fact that the public are unfairly compelled to finance every puppetician’s ride on the gravy train;

  6. Women were to play an increasingly important role in future politics and in the future workplace, with the vast majority of women “leaders” born after 1950, as in these three cases, and with these three women “leaders” later installed by the London-NY-Axis into top roles of world politics. All three of these “leaders” later took major replacement-migration steps to create the single race of “Egyptoids” explicitly demanded by the Kalergi Plan, which was secretly adopted in the 1950s by Western regions especially New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”) and North America. The Kalergi Plan is the London-NY-Axis plan to destroy forever the White-European-Christian population, which it perceived as the biggest obstacle to its totalitarian “new world order”, in the interests of leaving only an Ashkenazi power-elite (by pure “coincidence”, the English monarchy is, by now, most likely over 95 percent Ashkenazi);

  7. Tavistock-brainwashed “leaders” will always get the top jobs, especially those “leaders” brainwashed by Tavistock from a very young age (as in these three cases). Today, Angela Merkel is nicknamed “Merkel-Ferkel” for her porcine features, Theresa May is nicknamed “the fish-eyed zombie-corpse” while Dalia Grybauskaite is nicknamed “the ironing lady of the Baltic”. So, at some stage, voters always grow very weary of their Tavistock-brainwashed or Rothschild-installed “leaders” who, by pure “coincidence”, only ever seem to “say the right thing” before they get “elected” (in reality of course preselected by the London-NY-Axis, then to follow London-NY-Axis orders forever more thereafter). The victims of these three women “leaders” will generally invert the soviet-sloganeering rallying-cry prescribed by Tavistock with the following contradiction: it is now finally time for women to GIVE BACK their power;

  8. MI5-insider Greg Hallett is most likely bang-on correct in his MI5 research and revelations that London-NY-Axis Agent Adolf Hitler (a rabid Zionist) was brainwashed by Tavistock-predecessor Wellington House in 1912-13, as Adolf’s sister-in-law Bridget Dowling also confirmed in her autobiography (she married Adolf’s older half-brother Alois when he was a kitchen-porter at Dublin’s ritzy Shelbourne Hotel). From within London’s Luciferian-Freemasonic lodge QUATUOR CORONATI (“Crowned Quartet”), the London-NY-Axis created the NSDAP as its very own controlled-opposition agency. Keeping it simple, Wellington House most likely said: “Call them something like ‘the Nasties’ and give them feces-colored uniforms!”. Monarch Edward VII, the House of Rothschild and the top-brass of British politics at the time all belonged to the QUATUOR CORONATI lodge. The NSDAP was never required to sign the deed of surrender ending WW2 because it was on the winning side. The onerous task of surrendering was left to the three arms of the German military (none had NSDAP members); the Deutsche WehrMacht, the Deutsche KriegsMarine and the Deutsche LuftWaffe. It is very likely that Edward VII (which started planning WW1 and WW2 around 1870, as shown masterfully by Webster Tarpley) knew Adolf personally or at least knew of him, especially given the evidence that Zionist Adolf was himself a Rothschild, with Zionist Edward VII very likely a Rothschild too, on top of all that. Around 1970, Zionist Adolf had only recently croaked in his late 70s in San Carlos de Bariloche Argentina where he lived out the freedom granted him in gratitude for having smashed Germany on behalf of the London-NY-Axis, by making hundreds of deliberate military blunders. Note too: WW1 and WW2 were fought not for “freedom” or “democracy” but to establish the totalitarian “new world order” under the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild). All that hot air about “freedom” or “democracy” was merely, as usual, deception to get men to give their lives willingly and to commit genocide (for instance as members of the Brutish Air Force) for a cause completely different from the one for which they were told they were fighting;

  9. The BrExodus-Theater may well have been planned in advance for the following three purposes:


  1. To oust David Cameron (himself a “bâtard” (blood-relative of the English monarch) whose recent ancestors controlled HSBC and laundered all monies from the genocidal opium-trade for the English monarchy, just as HSBC continues to do to this day for the same English monarchy and from the very same genocidal opium-trade, with the true purpose of the Afghan War primarily to wrest control over Afghanistan’s opium crop from the Taliban (a name that in Pashto simply means “students”, because the Taliban were students passionate about wiping out corruption in their country and about reducing that poppy crop);

  2. To install Tavistock-brainwashed Theresa May whose task it was to prevent BrExodus from happening properly, or else to force an “à-la-carte BrExodus” in accordance with the precise wishes of the London-NY-Axis (which is the real owner and controller of both Britain and the EU), meaning in particular that the sovereign tax-free offshore entity called the City of London must remain in place;

  3. To ensure that the City of London would remain a sovereign tax-free offshore entity untouched by Brussels regulators and that Britain would keep financing the EU, which all along was a project launched by the London-NY-Axis (the original founders of the EU having all been financed or bribed directly by the House of Rothschild which always wanted, and still wants, the EU to serve as an embryo for the soviet-totalitarian “new world order” still today being constructed by the London-NY-Axis as its most favored mode of socialism to control for it all the world’s human livestock (peasants, serfs and plebeians).

  4. It must be borne in mind that, in the twentieth century, international-socialism (communism), national-socialism and welfare-socialism were all launched by the London-NY-Axis as experimental forms of socialism, and that it studied their progress and results and then cherry-picked the best parts from each to construct its “now-finalized” system). From its experiments in communist Russia, the main thing the London-NY-Axis learned was that any multilingual or multicultural super-state, such as the future political bloc it was planning for Western Europe, would have to be constructed as a centralist tyranny run by a centralist bureaucracy.

  5. And that is precisely why Brussels in 2018 is much more a replica of Moscow in 1958 than anyone would care to admit. Also, by pure “coincidence”, the sovereign tax-free offshore status of the City of London is never even mentioned by the West’s Rothschild-controlled licensed monopoly-media nor even mentioned, let alone complained about, by any other EU member-states because it is totally anathema, or one of the top taboo-topics in the world, and because all major world “leaders” are in fact puppeticians owned and controlled by the London-NY-Axis. If the City of London were counted in Britain’s GDP, Britain would be unmasked as a much larger and more powerful economy, which is also why the pound currency GBP was never really in danger. But the London-NY-Axis does not want City-of-London profits being shared out among Britain’s human livestock, so Britain’s real and massive GDP remains one of its best-kept secrets. On the other hand, the London-NY-Axis does want Britain’s human livestock to continue paying lavishly into the financial black-hole that is New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”).


The British “conservative” and “labor” “parties” are wholly owned and controlled by the House of Rothschild and their “leaders” have always been chosen directly by the House of Rothschild. Since the 1960s, the “leader” of the British “conservative” “party” has always been chosen personally by Serena Dunn Rothschild, who is the owner and chief financier of the British “conservative” “party” and the wife of Jacob Rothschild. Jacob Rothschild is the de-facto owner and controller of New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”) and, when he finally kicks the bucket, he is set to be succeeded in his role as Supreme-Fearless-Leader of New Soviet Europe by his imbecilic son Nathaniel Rothschild, who currently lives in Klosters-Switzerland. The only puppeticians of New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”) who have any decision-making power whatsoever are the commissars of “the Eurovision Politburo” who get appointed and commanded directly by Jacob Rothschild. The politburo bears the title of “the Eurovision Commission” to accentuate its flavor as a supreme-soviet. The job of the totally powerless “Eurovision Parliament” is to just robo-sign any laws handed down to it by Jacob Rothschild and to then draw its enormous expenses and throw wild “parties”. Even a different “leader” of the British “conservative” “party”, such as controlled-opposition clown Boris Johnson (yet another member of the notorious Bullingdon Club), would again have to be chosen personally by Serena Dunn Rothschild, who would then simply demand that the new “leader” just continue following Rothschild orders. To spell this out for the hard of understanding: Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss; And Meet The New World Order, Same As The Old World Order …


By pure “coincidence”, none of the West’s Rothschild-controlled licensed monopoly-media (including the wholly Rothschild-owned center-“right” Telegraph of London and the wholly Rothschild-owned center-“left” Economist of London) ever even mention the fact that the House of Rothschild is the owner of both the British “conservative” “party” and of the EU, or the fact that, from the very start, the whole BrExodus-Theater could only ever have been a Punch & Judy Show in which both sides were always controlled directly by the House of Rothschild.


It is likely that the House of Rothschild launched the BrExodus-Theater partly as a business venture in which it could make a mint off financial markets, e.g. through currency futures. The BrExodus-Theater is most likely being set up to deliberately fail so that each and every member-state (soviet republic really) of the EU gets a live-real-time demonstration that even “The Most Reluctant European In History” (Britain) cannot properly leave the EU; so therefore Portugal, Italy, Greece or Spain, and anyone else who may have such “pretensions”, will IMMEDIATELY have to FORGET FOR EVER any ideas they may have had about leaving New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”). The very best policy may well have been never to join in the first place, as Switzerland chose (or was allowed, or designed, by the Rothschilds to choose) and as Serbia now looks like choosing.


If the BrExodus-Theater comes to a crashing halt, then New Soviet Europe will effectively thenceforth have a check-out policy akin to that of Hotel California (which is spelled out as You Can Check Out Any Time You Like, But You Can Never Leave, followed by demonic guitar-solos by Joe Walsh and Don Felder). And this Hotel California Check-Out Policy will also apply forever to any members of the other London-NY-Axis “trading” blocs (political blocs really) being constructed today in accordance with the plans made as early as the 1850s by London-NY-Axis agent Karl Marx, who worked in London-England directly for the House of Rothschild; Marx having planned the three major blocs Europe (now the EU), North America (now NAFTA) and Asia-Pacific (now PARTA) for the Rothschilds that got adopted in the 1850s as London-NY-Axis policy for its soviet-totalitarian “new world order” because the London-NY-Axis viewed soviet-totalitarianism as being the very best way to control the human livestock by what has been labeled “a more scientific form of slavery” in countless hundreds of books over the decades by dozens of the authors themselves of the London-NY-Axis Agenda.





Socialism always meant the scientific control of the body-social by experts for the power-elite-owners of the “human herd”; no more, no less. That is what socialism always meant and that is what socialism will always mean. Socialism never had anything to do with “helping” the poor, just as it never did yet “help” them. In fact, socialism, eugenics and human-farming are all the very same thing, or else branches of the same thing. Humanism is hardly better, with many “humanists” counted among the biggest genociders.


The authors of the London-NY-Axis Agenda include, among others, Luciferian eugenicists HG Wells, Bertrand Russell, Aldous Huxley, Julian Huxley, Thomas Henry Huxley, Cecil Rhodes, Lionel Curtis, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Heinz-Alfred Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Maurice Strong, Charles Darwin, Francis Galton, Charles Galton-Darwin, John-Stuart Mill, Kurt Lewin, Winston Churchill, Mikhail Gorbachev, John Holdren, Rudyard Kipling, Arthur C Clarke, George-Bernard Shaw, Edward Bernays, Walter Lippmann, Jacques Attali, Arnold-Joseph Toynbee, José-Manuel Durão-Barroso, Arthur Koestler, Aleister Crowley, Alfred Pike, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Eric Pianka, Jonas Salk, José Delgado, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, Alan Guttmacher, David Suzuki, Jacques Cousteau, Ray Kurzweil, Alice Bailey, Peter Singer, Alan Gregg, and Robert Mueller.


Even more notorious and historic members were Ioseb Dzhugashvili (nickname “Stalin”), Vladimir Ulyanov (nickname “Lenin”), Lev Bronstein (nickname “Trotsky”), Mao Zedong (financed into power by the London-NY-Axis and installed by the Freemasonic lodge Skull & Bones via its subgroup Yale In China, to which Mao Zedong belonged before he went on to genocide 100 million Chinese (some say 200 million) for the London-NY-Axis), and of course vaccine-genocider Bill Gates. The entire London-NY-Axis Agenda can be found in black and white in their documents and books, and it is amplified all over the web.


George Orwell was a top-MI5-insider who knew the soviet or international-socialist agenda of the London-NY-Axis and tried to warn his readers about it in his great masterpiece 1984, probably the single greatest political (not really literature) novel of the twentieth century. Orwell’s “Outer Party” is today the combo of London’s Chatham House (RIIA) and New York’s CFR; his “Inner Party” nowadays comprises several secretive, often unnamed, groupings centered on the dark-occult All Souls College Oxford and the murky depths of Freemasonry.


In his poorly-written 1966 classic Tragedy And Hope, the official historian to New York’s CFR, Professor Carroll Quigley, confirmed that, since around 1890, no major “leaders” in the world were ever permitted to become “leaders” unless they were first approved for the London-NY-Axis by the combo of London’s Chatham House (RIIA) and New York’s CFR (or predecessor clubs bearing names like the Milner Group). Hence, the above photograph, from around 1970, of three future “leaders” in world politics comes as absolutely no surprise to anyone who simply invested some time in reading the London-NY-Axis Agenda by the aforementioned authors, an agenda which remains very much “hidden in plain sight”, meaning it is still very widely available for full perusal across the internet and in most libraries.


Luciferians must ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS adhere to the legalism whereby they must leave the truth in plain sight so as to give fair notice to the souls their “prince” intends to reap.


Otherwise their “prince” Lucifer would have very little legal basis on which to claim those souls when the time finally arrived.


Old arguments include “I Did Not Know” orI Was Only Doing My Job”, but Lucifer knows these well and is a very skillful, slick and urbane DA who is highly proficient, deft and astute at arguing his case in Court, a case he is very-well-versed in preparing and advancing.

And although Jesus says He does not condemn, He also makes clear that the Law does condemn.


How do we know for sure that Freemasonry is Luciferian?


Because the writings of the all-time, top-three “officially-approved” writers on Freemasonry (Albert Pike, Manly-Palmer Hall, Albert Mackey) all made this admission and expounded in detail on how the Freemasonic godhead is in fact Lucifer.


And to make matters even worse, this is further aggravated by the fact that the English monarch is the worldwide patron of Freemasonry. Since 1517, between 470 and 620 million human beings and counting have been genocided in the name of the English monarch.


The London-NY-Axis may well be something akin to a Babylonian Death Cult that has been ruling the world for at least 200 years, maybe even longer.



So now we know or now we have yet more proof of all this, the last few slow-coaches in the audience (the slowest 10 percent perhaps), who still believed that “democracy” was something real, will be obliged to revise opinions and defect to reality. “Voting” and “democracy” only ever constituted a Freemasonic ruse for providing the illusion of “choice” or “debate” while the same old London-NY-Axis agenda was being implemented anyway. “Voting” and “democracy” also constitute a Freemasonic legalism whereby a voter is deemed to give his legal consent to the evil the Freemasonic puppetician requesting that authority intends to do in his name or in the name of his country. That is also why, during its staged “cold war”, the London-NY-Axis required that “voting” and “democracy” be taken just as seriously in its vassal states to the “east” as they were to be taken in its vassal states to the “west”. It even decreed that several vassal states in the “east”, such as East Germany or Vietnam, must explicitly bear the word “democratic” in their titles. So too, for example, Freemasons consider a vote for a Freemason as implicit legal consent to the evil that Freemason intends to commit in the voter’s name (and that is exactly the legal reason why Freemasons always praise “voting” and “democracy” as if it were the bee’s knees, the fox’s socks and the cat’s pajamas all rolled into one; because they think that, in this way, they can take more souls with them when they go down, or at least that is the reasoning or “warped logic” they are applying for their “prince” Lucifer in this context).


Despite now knowing that their “leaders” are in fact appointed, some exceedingly slow people will nonetheless choose to continue believing that “democracy” and Santa Claus are both just as fine as they are genuine.

Recently, Maggie Rose McGrath interviewed Vinny Eastwood of Auckland-NZ and asked him the inept or perhaps quite silly question “Is New Zealand controlled by the English monarch?” to which Vinny’s quick, accurate and apt reply was “Well, we all are, Love!”; truth in simplicity. Vinny calls his show “The Lighter Side of Genocide”.


And today, the next generation of world-soviet puppeticians is being brainwashed by the London-NY-Axis at its brainwashing and torture camp Tavistock. And it is this next generation of puppeticians that will probably oversee the final completion of the totalitarian “new world order” under the London-NY-Axis (unless the people of the world finally wake up, despite the odds of that happening currently remaining frighteningly low, probably less than 5 percent; as they just slumber on, munch on, amble on …).





Of course, wise people realized decades or centuries ago that all future “leaders” in the world are preselected by the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild) and that “democracy” was only ever a Freemasonic ruse whereby the blame gets shared with the populace for the evil that Freemasons intended to do in the name of that populace.


A prime example of this blame-sharing ruse was the Second Gulf War, which the London-NY-Axis launched in March 2003 and in which the responsibility for the genocide got shared down to the populaces that voted into power (and paid taxes without protest to) those Freemasons who had planned it. Planning in earnest for the second gulf war began in 1996 from within the Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA.


Luciferian Tony Blair, of the Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA, is often regarded as a one-man-band-act who dragged Britain into Gulf War 2003. But nothing could be further from the truth. Behind the scenes, the Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA was calling all the shots and Blair was only acting out his part [source: “Massoni; The Discovery of the Ur-Lodges” (2014), by Gioele Magaldi, grandmaster of the Freemasonic lodge Grand Orient of Italy].


Notable members of the Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA include:


  1. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (IR), president;

  2. Ariel Sharon (IL), military general, prime-minister;

  3. Bill Bennett (CA), provincial puppetician, insider-trader;

  4. Condoleezza Rice (US), national security advisor;

  5. David Klein (IL), central-bankster;

  6. Donald Kagan (US), neoconservative, historian at Yale University (nicknamed Skull & Bones University);

  7. Douglas Feith (IL), neoconservative defense advisor, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute;

  8. Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje’i (IR), cabinet-minister, chief justice;

  9. GW Bush (US), president, member of Skull & Bones, genocider, Freemasonic dark-occult byname or cryptonym Temporary, alleged grandson of Aleister Crowley (the dark-occult byname of Crowley’s alleged daughter Barbara Bush was Enforcer);

  10. Heydar Moslehi (IR), cleric, cabinet-minister;

  11. Jan Peter Balkenende (NL), prime-minister;

  12. Joe Käser (DE), CEO of Siemens AG (the vehicle used to bribe German foreign-minister Joschka Fischer into two foreign wars by offering him 200 million euros in “consultancy” fees despite the fact that Fischer, who left school around 16, had no skills as a “consultant” besides deceit, choosing statesmanlike suits or tying his own shoelaces; today, Fischer has a net-worth of around 150 million euros for the genocide);

  13. Karl Rove (US), neoconservative, senior advisor, deputy chief of staff in the GW Bush regime;

  14. Klaus Kleinfeld (DE), CEO of Alcoa, former CEO of Siemens AG (vehicle used to bribe German foreign-minister Joschka Fischer into two foreign wars, hundreds of millions of euros for Joschka’s genociding);

  15. Mahmoud Alavi (IR), cleric, cabinet-minister;

  16. Michael Ledeen (US), neoconservative foreign-policy “analyst”;

  17. Moshe Ya’alon (IL), defense-minister, chief of general staff of Israel Defense Forces;

  18. Nicolas Sarkozy (FR), president, genocider;

  19. Osama bin-Laden (SA), “leader” of the terror organization Al-Qaeda which was launched and sponsored directly by the London-NY-Axis and by the wholly-Rothschild-owned vassal state of Israel;

  20. Peter Mandelson (GB), cabinet-minister, “trade” commissar for New Soviet Europe;

  21. Qaboos bin-Saïd (OM), sultan;

  22. Richard Perle (IL), neoconservative political “advisor”, member of PNAC, genocider, member of WINEP, member of CSP, member of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research;

  23. Robert Zoellick (IL), MD of Goldman Sachs, president of the World Bank;

  24. Samuel Phillips Huntington (US), political scientist, senior member of the Trilateral Commission, author of the notorious doctrine “The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order” as the ideological manifesto for Freemasonry in the twenty-first century;

  25. Tamim bin-Hamad al-Thani (QA), emir;

  26. Tony Blair (GB), prime-minister, genocider;

  27. Valiollah Seif (IR), central-bankster;

  28. William Kristol (US), neoconservative political analyst and co-founder of PNAC, genocider.


Perhaps some might assume that the presence of five Iranians on the list was the real reason why the London-NY-Axis never attacked Iran … yet.


In September 2000, PNAC called for a “New Pearl Harbor Event” to shock the USA into multiple Middle-East wars which Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA was at the very same time planning in detail. Richard Perle and William Kristol acted as liaisons between PNAC and HATHOR PENTALPHA. By pure “coincidence”, PNAC had its wish granted by the “bad fairy” when the London-NY-Axis launched its 11 Sep 2001 attacks and its war of terror (WW3 really) on the very first day of 6001 Anno Lucis by the Sirius-based Freemasonic calendar (in honor of the Freemasonic “New Seventh Millennium”). Anno Lucis means the year of Freemasonic “prince” Lucifer. In London, HATHOR PENTALPHA trained so-called transition-teams for each target-country on the PNAC list of seven countries (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran) which the London-NY-Axis wanted to “liberate” by genociding civilians. Each transition-team would speak the language of the target-country and would be installed into power when the carnage and destruction were drawing to a close. Several Freemasons have gone on record to say that this war of terror must last “as long as it takes” (at least until 2100), meaning that it is a war on all of humanity until it finally submits unconditionally and absolutely to the totalitarian “new world order” under the London-NY-Axis. And that can only mean that, on 11 Sep 2001, the London-NY-Axis actually launched the third of its three world wars which it had originally designed in the nineteenth century and described in Albert Pike’s letter to Giuseppe Mazzini dated 15 Aug 1871. For this reason, we must assume that the London-NY-Axis actually launched WW3 on 11 Sep 2001 and that it is intended to be a war-of-attrition lasting perhaps a century until humanity finally submits absolutely. Note: Albert Pike, Giuseppe Mazzini and Vladimir Ulyanov (nickname “Lenin”) were stellar Freemasons generally regarded and recorded as the first three ringleaders of Freemasonry’s world “revolutionary” movement.


Nowadays, there is very little the London-NY-Axis will ever leave to “coincidence” anymore. It takes very seriously what it views as its “need” to control all important major events, while leaving minor events to “coincidence”. Its documents call for nothing short of worldwide “full-spectrum dominance”. If it does not achieve “full-spectrum dominance”, it feels that genociding humanity might be a bit more difficult and might take quite a bit longer. Power simply does NOT allow what you might think of as “democracy” to run rampant and go its own strange way. The first duty of power is to perpetuate itself by never losing power. Power always tries its very best to never, ever allow chance to take over. At the very top, power is like a military strategy that plans for every eventuality that could possibly take place, even events having tiny or remote possibilities. The whole purpose of power is to bar “coincidence” as best it can so as to thus avert the accompanying slings and arrows of outrageous “coincidence”.




It is currently foreseen that the following general items get implemented by 2100 in the scope of the Agenda of the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild). Of course, no one knows to what extent the London-NY-Axis will succeed since our system is, at least in theory, supposed to supply pushback as this agenda continues to be unmasked increasingly despite all the efforts of the centrally controlled licensed monopoly-media (all mainstream fake-news outlets controlled by the London-NY-Axis) to get the victims and the targets to go back to sleep:


  1. Final destruction of the world’s White-European-Christian population by 2050 as per the Kalergi Plan, the London-NY-Axis policy that was secretly adopted by Europe and North America in the 1950s. Because of inbreeding with the House of Rothschild, the English monarchy is now likely over 95 percent Ashkenazi. MI5-insider Greg Hallett stated that the House of Rothschild actually purchased the breeding rights to the English monarchy in 1818. We have no DNA to prove the allegations that William V’s grandfather (or Lady Diana’s father) was James Goldsmith-Rothschild, or that William V’s father was Guy de Rothschild, or that most of William V’s other ancestors were Rothschilds too. The eradication of the world’s White-European-Christian population may be intended in order to leave an Ashkenazi power-elite in charge of a mixed-race Proletariat having a newly invented world-irreligion known as Gaya Worship which is being pushed by London-NY-Axis agent Mikhail Gorbachev, by the UN and others. None of this sounds strange if you know what the London-NY-Axis has been up to for the past 70 years, or for the past 300 years for that matter;

  2. Deliberate asset-stripping of all middle-classes to leave two economic classes of people only. Excuses deployed by the London-NY-Axis to include “austerity” (poverty enforced, if need be, by martial-law), climate “change” (a filthy lie) and interest payable on the “national debt”, despite the latter being a wholly fictional device invented by the House of Rothschild for its own personal enrichment;

  3. Just as it planned for communist Russia, the London-NY-Axis plans that citizens of its the totalitarian “new world order” will be only either Nomenklatura or Proletariat, nothing in between, with the Nomenklatura naturally to include puppeticians, CEOs, actors, stars of Freemasonic “pop”, stars of Freemasonic “sport”, stars of Freemasonic “science” (in fact fake-science by the Chatham-House-controlled “royal” “society” of “science” which acts as the central-soviet “keeper of official-scientific-truth” for the entire world). Primarily, the Proletariat will be forced down to third-world status while the Nomenklatura will simply grow richer;

  4. Only two classes of company (either a mammoth world corporation with its very own retail trade, or else a microenterprise like “Joe the Plumber Inc”, nothing in between);

  5. Mass infertility (5G, Wi-Gig, “smart”-meters, “smart”-phones and Wi-Fi in schools, already causing most women to be sterilized by 2040, the MO being the destruction of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of the human ovum, and with BPA or artificial estrogen in plastic bottles and can-linings deployed from the 1960s on to collapse by design the male human sperm-count, and that is already confirmed to have succeeded);

  6. Mass die-off of 90 percent of the human population (as decreed by documents on UN websites today and cited explicitly and implicitly in UN papers like Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Codex Alimentarius etc.);

  7. Further reduction in atmospheric CO² so as to deplete O² from the Earth’s air and water, and thus impair all life on Earth but in particular to enhance genocide. In one of Mother Nature’s most spectacular touches of environmental magic, plants thrive on CO², converting CO² and sunlight to O². That means that the amount of oxygen (O²) is directly dependent on the amount of carbon-dioxide (CO²). The London-NY-Axis is demonizing CO² so it can deplete oxygen by stealth, since it would lose “credibility” (assuming it had any in the first place) if it were to target O² directly. The whole “Reduce CO²” scam is just another method by which the London-NY-Axis can kill more people, in this case effectively by suffocating them;

  8. More electronic genocide operations like the one the London-NY-Axis launched as Operation Crimson Mist in Rwanda in the four months from Apr-Jul 1994 (with similar “applications” in Gulf War 2003). The Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA) deployed microwaves very many times over those four months of 1994 from the same Lockheed C-130 Hercules plane above crowds of Hutus to induce them to suddenly go berserk and slaughter Tutsis. In the late 1950s, scientists had discovered that there is a precise frequency to “control” brainwaves for many things we do and feel (like rage, fear, panic, lethargy, vomiting etc.) assuming they get transmitted with an accuracy of three decimal places. The CIA agents and security-“service” people first had to point the Hutu tribesmen in the direction of the Tutsi; then induce reasonable anger on the ground by inciting them to kill, and of course ensure they were appropriately armed with machetes. Only then could the C-130 go to work with transmitting the precise “control-brainwaves of rage”, thus augmenting the behavior of each Hutu participant from “mere angry demonstrator” to “uncontrollable genocidal maniac“. An expert in this field, Dr Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise, demonstrated the effects many times in quasi-public forums and claimed to experiment only on “fully-informed people”. The London-NY-Axis only stopped the Rwandan genocide after it had achieved a death-toll of about 1 million, but this “test” showed that it can easily induce uncontrollable genocidal attacks wherever it wants in the world. It could set two sides against each other, get them rioting and then microwave them from a Lockheed C-130 Hercules to induce uncontrollable genocide anywhere; from the north of Ireland, to Los Ángeles CA, to Detroit MI. By pure “coincidence”, most shares in the genocidal corporation Lockheed Martin are owned by the English monarchy and the House of Rothschild. To reduce the world’s population, the London-NY-Axis is currently crying out for much higher murder-rates everywhere; evil but logical. Some were perplexed by the fact that “crimson mist” may be related to “purple rain”; maybe the CIA genociders on the ground or some higher-ups in the London-NY-Axis were fans of Prince. The “test” also helped the London-NY-Axis decide which weapons-frequencies it wanted to deploy for more effective genocide via mobile-phones and the TETRA system (a microwave system for the emergency services in major population centers);

  9. Increased deployment of vaccines, which in his TED talk of Feb 2010 Bill Gates admitted were for genocide. Gates presented his notorious pseudoscientific formula CO² = P * S * E * C, saying that it meant (total CO²) = (number of people) * (services per person) * (energy per service) * (CO² per unit of energy), no doubt pulled out of his nose, and then stated: “Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines … we could lower P by perhaps 10 or 15 percent”. Thus, Gates explicitly advocated using vaccines to lower the Earth’s population by about a billion, also explicitly admitting vaccines were in fact for genocide. Boy, when things slip out … In the West, you are less likely to get tetanus from a rusty nail than you are to be hit by a flying bus. The tetanus vaccine is totally surplus to requirements given that the only people who die from tetanus are the ones who get vaccinated to “prevent” it. Proper scientists know that the tetanus vaccine gets trapped in the left lobe of the thyroid; thus, you literally “need” a tetanus vaccine like you “need” a goiter. By giving its victim the very disease it claims to “protect” him against, a vaccine is designed not to “prevent” but to spread that disease. That is why, around the end of WW1, it was completely logical that the “Spanish” Influenza got spread by the very vaccine that had been designed to “prevent” it. Proper scientists also know that no vaccine has ever been proven to be safe or effective. By injecting ineffective vaccines into its “herd of livestock”, the London-NY-Axis has managed to get mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, aspartame, glutamate, cancer viruses, squalene and nagalese into the human body for more effective genocide. Nagalese is particularly noxious given that it destroys the human body’s own GcMAF so as to kill more victims and increase the profits of the cancer-business. GcMAF (or Gc protein-derived Macrophage Activating Factor) is a protein produced by modification of Vitamin-D-binding protein and was discovered in 1990 as the most effective approach or cure for cancer and as being even more effective at preventing cancer and many other illnesses. Naturally, GcMAF clinics, e.g. those of Dr David Noakes, were shuttered by Big Pharma so as to protect their chemo-“therapy” profits which amount to a stunning 400,000 USD per patient for mere mustard gas;

  10. Increased deployment of designer viruses (nicknamed “Kissinger Viruses” after the chief crown-agent of the London-NY-Axis in North America) to genocide humanity, either by the virus itself or by the vaccine the London-NY-Axis gets to deploy as the “solution”. The London-NY-Axis developed and controls the Zika virus (ATCC® VR-84™) for which the Rockefellers deposited the patent. The London-NY-Axis also developed and controls the Ebola virus; the patent “EboBun” (CA2741523A1) is owned by the US CDC (centers for disease “control” whose function is in fact disease circulation). The London-NY-Axis develops most of its genocidal viruses in laboratories and even openly patents many of them. These included AIDS, whose true story was researched and told by Harvard’s Len Horowitz. British mil-intel developed the West Nile Virus in a lab in West Nile Province Uganda. These viruses and many others are intended for deployment against humanity in the coming decades. They have also been the subject of several movies that engage in predictive programming to prepare their viewers for this predesigned or intended future;

  11. Proliferation of artificial-scarcity-lies to dupe the human population into believing that oil, water, wood, gas etc. are “finite resources”, which of course on this Earth of excess overabundance for every human being, they definitely are NOT. This is yet more London-NY-Axis nonsense about “sustainability” which is not only a total lie, it is moreover so laughable that it is not even funny;

  12. Increased “induced suicide” due to frequencies from “smart”-meters, and mortality caused by “extreme or prolonged heat events” induced by the London-NY-Axis. But these events will not register by thermometer because the London-NY-Axis achieves them using microwaves, so the heat is only FELT by the victims;

  13. Proliferation of regime-cannabis in keeping with Huxley’s Soma, drugging of schoolchildren, pushing even more escapism to counter the pain and adverse effects of microwaving and of pharmaceuticals;

  14. More-widespread killing by euthanasia, “post-natal abortion”, assisted suicide and by the deathcare business (orwellized to “healthcare”) which is set to push the Suicide Pill for more and more tiny ailments it encounters, with the bonus system for white-coated witchdoctors and pill-pushers also upgraded in the interests of massively elevating their kill-counts (“Are you feeling depressed? Why not take this Suicide Pill?”). In future, the white-coat with the highest kill-count will “earn” the biggest bonus because, if there is nothing else it knows how to do, the London-NY-Axis certainly knows how to incentivize);

  15. Increase in directed-energy weapons, pulsed electromagnetic plasma rifles, machine-gunning with pulsed energy projectiles, psychotronic weapons, all for more enhanced genocide by the London-NY-Axis;

  16. Destruction of industry by the London-NY-Axis via UN campaign “Diesel-Free by ’33” to destroy medium-sized industry in particular; so as to then leave only the two abovementioned classes of company standing;

  17. Urbanization of all Proletariat populations, and hence a Proletariat rural population of zero, by 2050-70. UN “Wildlands Maps” show “human habitat areas” and the locations of the mega-cities to which humans are to be confined. Birth rates always plummet for humans held in captivity, as in the case of city-dwellers. The rural Proletariat will be “encouraged” to relocate to “smart” cities by means of “events” like forest fires (many induced by the London-NY-Axis using weapons of weather-warfare) and by the known-in-advance effects of fracking (planned by the London-NY-Axis specifically to destroy the water-table in rural areas);

  18. Rewilding of all rural areas (no agriculture, no access granted to the Proletariat, but hunting grounds and other access still granted to the Nomenklatura, plus today’s “nature parks” to become the central hubs from which ever-increasing rewilding zones will fan out and encompass more and more land each year as the London-NY-Axis-dubbed “century of change” progresses);

  19. Urban farming and vertical gardening in cities (e.g. aquaponics currently being tested in the more soviet-leaning cities such as Berlin-Germany, Vienna-Austria, London-England, NYC-USA etc.);

  20. Destruction of food supply, food shortages, forced austerity (enforced poverty), rioting, microwaving of protesters using ADS by soviet storm troopers, robo-cops and police in ski-masks dressed as Darth Vader. In the 1950s, the London-NY-Axis decided to revoke all civil liberties from “democracies” (orwellized to “spreading freedom by strip-searches”) using the ploy of terrorism, and that is why it launched its “war of terror” in order to by pure “coincidence” obtain the very pretext for revoking civil liberties. The London-NY-Axis designed the “troubles” in the north of Ireland from 1968-98 to serve as the test-bed for planning its worldwide “war of terror”. By pure “coincidence”, the “troubles” in the north of Ireland ended roughly three years (roughly 1300 days) before the London-NY-Axis launched its attacks on NYC on 11 Sep 2001 to inaugurate that “war of terror”. Those “troubles” were easy to bring to an end because both sides were led by Freemasons appointed by the very same MI5 (and MI6) agents, who were controlling both sides from London all along. If the green side had ever been “republican”, it might have opposed the English monarch, but it never did, proving it was a tool of Freemasonry and of MI5 possibly from 1968 on (but certainly from Dec 1969 on, when MI5 launched the Provos and the non-terrorist Official IRA split away);

  21. Increase in the intentional poisoning of the human food, air and water supplies by the London-NY-Axis (as described in its “Report from Iron Mountain”), e.g. by means of geo-engineering chemtrails (US patent 5,003,186 owned by the London-NY-Axis) which spread noxious nano-particles and chemicals into the human air and water supplies containing 10-micron-size particles of aluminum-oxide and nano-particles of barium, strontium and aluminum so as to get these into the human bloodstream and past the blood-brain-barrier for more effective genocide. The US regime officially admitted geo-engineering chemtrails in its document titled “Tropospheric Aerosol Program, Program Plan”, dated 1 Mar 2001 by SE Schwartz and P Lunn of the US department of energy, office of science, office of biological and environmental research, environmental sciences division;;

  22. Yet more open Luciferianism (already seen in Olympics ceremonies or at halftime in “sports” events) pushed by the London-NY-Axis and its private corporation called the UN (DUNS® number 824777304));

  23. More open Luciferianism in the classroom (despite macroevolution theory having long been disproven and despite all the known problems with scientism, which assumes science is the controlling reality about life, when in fact scientism is merely pseudoscience or pseudoscientific language and a very dangerous worldview. And although science cannot measure love, beauty, good, evil, conscience, ethics, sin etc., scientism concludes these are all “subjective fantasy”);

  24. Increased fluoridation of municipal water supplies (fluoridation being the exact same as rat-poison) plus an increase in newer, even more lethal, poisons being introduced into municipal water supplies;

  25. Increased genocide by GMOs; in the Americas totally ubiquitous, in Europe currently in most livestock-feedstuffs, and in Africa disguised as “aid” (being pushed with the help of London-NY-Axis agent Bono). Glyphosate is specifically designed to attack the human intestines where 70-80 percent of the immune system resides. GMO foods or feedstuffs (for meats you eat) are bathed in lethal glyphosate. Glyphosate is called “herbicide”, but it should be called genocide because glyphosate is designed to kill all its eaters;

  26. Continued suppression of known natural cures for heart-disease, cancer, diabetes etc. so as to achieve quicker genocide and to make more profit, either as plain profit or to reinvest in yet more genocide;

  27. Continued suppression of biodegradable plastics so that the London-NY-Axis can continue to blame humanity for the mess in accordance with the old Club of Rome formula “Man, then, is the Enemy”;

  28. Increased deployment of depleted uranium in all empire-building wars launched by the Zionist London-NY-Axis for establishing Greater Israel, which is planned to span from the Nile to the Euphrates (as signified by the two blue stripes in the flag of Rothschild-vassal-state Israel, which is also the Mid-East’s largest and most dangerous nuclear power), with DU getting carried on the jet-stream to all four corners of the Earth;

  29. Continued suppression of cheap-energy so as to increase air-pollution even more and to deplete yet more oxygen from the air;

  30. Increased infanticide (euphemized to “abortion”) as a child-sacrifice to Baal, the London-NY-Axis god of child-sacrifice and as a method of population-control;

  31. Increased deployment of “smart”-technology (Orwellism for dumb-technology). As director of the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA), David Petraeus bragged that the CIA was already spying on everyone through their dishwashers and “smart” devices (Orwellism for dumb devices). Cyber-expert John McAfee already verified that the US regime can spy on everyone through the E911 chip in every “smart”-phone by gaining full access to microphone, camera, location and every function of the phone. Whistleblower Mark Klein already exposed NSA spy-room 641A at the AT&T building in FEMA-infested San Francisco CA, via which the NSA vacuums up all US phone-calls. The Orwellism “public-private partnership” is used when S&P War-Economy corporations give the regime backdoor-access to literally everything, and the regime sells the data on to other members of the Big “Public-Private” Club whenever it can make a buck off of it. A great example of a “public-private partnership” is the Mafia and shown in the first two “Godfather” movies;

  32. Increase in genetically-modified mosquitos and other insects or pests, to kill more humans;

  33. Proliferation of yet more NGOs sponsored by the tax-exempt London-NY-Axis foundations to dupe humanity into believing false doctrines (such as the CO² lie which is in fact designed to deplete oxygen from all air and water) and to “help” humanity make bad choices based on false pretenses or sheer lack of information. At least 99 percent of the NGOs in the world today are the equivalent of soviets in communist Russia, mostly acting as controlled-opposition for the London-NY-Axis which always makes sure that its human livestock pays for its own genocide and that it can even turn a profit from the genocide by asset-stripping the victims and by applying the deathcare system’s timeworn maxim whereby a patient cured is a customer lost (i.e. treat illness for longer and for more profit, instead of curing it quickly for less profit);

  34. Genocide Watch is an NGO sponsored by tax-exempt London-NY-Axis foundations to focus on all genocide except the greatest genocide, namely that being committed by the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild). The job of Genocide Watch is thus to call the kettle black and, by deception and deceit, to aid the very cause of genociding humanity. NGOs paid to lie for the London-NY-Axis are very much a tradition and, unfortunately, have today become par for the course. But genocide does not stop when the UN (a private corporation owned by the London-NY-Axis, DUNS® number 824777304) PRETENDS to deal with it; it can only be stopped if the London-NY-Axis finally gets compelled to stop genociding. Any donation to Genocide Watch is money that will go towards helping the London-NY-Axis to genocide more people more quickly;

  35. Transparency International is an NGO sponsored by tax-exempt London-NY-Axis foundations to focus on all corruption in the world except the greatest corruption, namely that practiced in the world’s most corrupt country, Britain, where three sovereign organized-crime-entities control the purely-for-showbiz parliament of powerless puppeticians, with the country utterly rotten from top to bottom with Freemasonry. Transparency International is paid a lot of money to give “a clean bill of health” to Britain for its “total lack of corruption”. A donation to Transparency International is money that will go towards helping the London-NY-Axis to genocide more people more quickly;

  36. Greenpeace is an NGO sponsored by tax-exempt London-NY-Axis foundations to focus on reducing resources and CO², so as to reduce the human oxygen supply. Greenpeace is paid a lot of money never to mention the ecological damage to the environment being done deliberately by the London-NY-Axis (such as its suppression of cheap-energy like the hydrogen motor, or its suppression of biodegradable plastics so that it can continue to blame humanity for the mess, the Club of Rome doctrine always having been “Man, then, is the Enemy”. A donation to Greenpeace is money that will go towards helping the London-NY-Axis to genocide more people more quickly, and towards destroying the Earth’s environment all the more quickly in the process;

  37. You get the picture. A similar story applies for every single NGO sponsored by tax-exempt London-NY-Axis foundations, meaning most NGOs in the world are working to genocide more people more quickly;

  38. More secret testing of new methods of genocide such as vaccines, spraying, slow-poisons, quick-poisons, microwaving etc. on human guinea-pigs of “low social value” (value calculated by Freemasonic irreligion called Social-Darwinism) such as the long-term unemployed, prisoners, other inmates, soldiers, police, addicts, long-term patients of the deathcare system (orwellized to “healthcare”), victims in general;

  39. Increased blindness, inner swelling and body heat due to microwaving and 5G (the cooking of humanity);

  40. Increased destruction of any major corporations who refuse to partake in the genocide by subjecting them to industrial espionage by London-NY-Axis mil-intel agencies (MI5, MI6, Mossad, CIA, NSA, BND etc.) and then “fining them out of existence” with the same red-tape and regulations as have already been deployed to kill off all mid-sized companies (so as to leave the aforementioned two classes only);

  41. Possible Cobalt-60 attacks by the London-NY-Axis, which can send one of its ISIS or Al-Qaeda agents to explode a dirty bomb in a Tesla factory and transform the 5 kg Cobalt-59 in the batteries of each car to radioactive Cobalt-60. According to weapons expert Tim Rifat, there are 15 kilograms of Cobalt-59 in the batteries of each Tesla car (but also in the batteries of cellphones, laptops, tablets, electric trucks and the electric cars of other makers). If one Tesla car got nuked, the amount of resulting radioactive Cobalt-60 would be sufficient to kill 15 million people. Rifat says a thousandth of a gram of radioactive Cobalt-60 will kill a human being in three minutes by literally cooking him alive with seared flesh peeling off his bones. “50 tons of Cobalt-60 will wipe out the Northern Hemisphere and 100 tons of radioactive Cobalt-60 will wipe out the whole world”, says Rifat. If the London-NY-Axis chose to deploy this method of genocide, it could wipe out whole countries and regions overnight, and blame it on an invented Bond-Novel-Villain like Osama bin-Laden of the Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA;

  42. Possible increase in the recurrence of nuclear “accidents on purpose” launched by the London-NY-Axis. Many researchers have stated the plausible case that both nuclear “accidents” Chernobyl and Fukushima were in fact launched by agents of the London-NY-Axis. CIA-insider John Lear provided evidence that Mossad launched Fukushima on 11 Mar 2011 and pointed out that the “tsunami” did not make sense since it never reached US coasts having been “apparently unidirectional”, he said;

  43. With increased urbanization, the London-NY-Axis wishes to rapidly change the world map of “smart mega-cities” (“smart” being an Orwellism for dumb). The London-NY-Axis needs more people urbanized because once people are in the cities, they are much easier to genocide by microwaving them to death using “smart” appliances or “smart” street-signs, by water fluoridation, by passing them through “care”-pathways in the deathcare system (orwellized to “healthcare”, they are called “care”-pathways because the London-NY-Axis really CARES, you see, it really CARES about its human livestock, or even by Cobalt-60 attacks;

  44. More deliberate “dumbing-down” and forced vaccination of schoolchildren to increase autism so as to thus create Huxley’s caste of Deltas (his Epsilon caste already exists as robots). Reagan and Gorbachev merged the US and Russian “education” systems in the mid-1980s because the London-NY-Axis deemed this necessary to prepare the USA for its soviet future;

  45. Increase in covert electronic harassment of Targeted Individuals by the London-NY-Axis;

  46. Possible trashing of the US economy by the House of Rothschild and the City of London if the USA fails to more speedily adopt the soviet system which the combo of London’s Chatham House (RIIA) and New York’s CFR is still trying to force through, irrespective of opposition. If the London-NY-Axis drops the USA, then China and New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”) will assume greater roles;

  47. Possible forced-transfer of 1000 US-military bases in the world to UN control as the World Army for the World Regime, by order of the House of Rothschild and the City of London, to act as military enforcers of London-NY-Axis policy with the help of drones, robotic soldiers and some conventional forces (orwellized of course to “peacekeepers”, naturally);

  48. Greater role for China (currently the UN’s model state for all soviet republics in the world, being designed as the template for all others to follow. The London-NY-Axis is now rolling out, worldwide, China’s recently launched “Social Credit Score” which ostracizes anyone who does not continually praise Big Brother, the soviet state and the London-NY-Axis in his mails, antisocial media and other electronic dispatches);

  49. Greater role for New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”);

  50. Emergence of New Soviet America (North and South, misleadingly titled the American “Union”);

  51. Emergence of New Soviet Asia-Pacific (misleadingly titled the Asia-Pacific “Union”);

  52. Emergence of New Soviet Eurasia (misleadingly titled the Eurasian “Union”);

  53. Enormous genocide in Sub-Saharan Africa (with the help of microwaves such as in the Rwandan genocide of 1994 by the London-NY-Axis (Operation Crimson Mist) and with help from vaccine-genocider Bill Gates, plus help too from celebrities-of-ill-repute such as London-NY-Axis agents like Bono or Bob Geldof, who are both probable Freemasons of the OTO and Golden Dawn lodges);

  54. Emergence of New Soviet Africa (misleadingly titled the African “Union”);

  55. Possible physical destruction of Japan (as openly threatened more than once by the London-NY-Axis);

  56. Because the British people have always in fact been the living dead, it is very unlikely that they will ever to be alerted to the reality that they are living in the longest Monty Python Sketch in history, in which the parliament of powerless puppeticians pretends to be the real government and the people pretend to believe that. This is set to continue for several centuries longer as the British get zombified even more thanks to microwaving. Meanwhile, the English monarchy, the City of London and the House of Rothschild dictate all policy (from within their microwave-proof alcazars, drinking filtered water, breathing filtered air and shielded from all the toxic radiation they release), as they call all the shots, using the powerless puppeticians as a shield to weather any adverse impacts of their decisions (no problem, they can just sacrifice and replace each pawn as the need arises);

  57. DEAGEL.COM is a military-equipment guide run by the London-NY-Axis which cites as its sources the US Department of Defense, the US Department of State, the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA), the World Bank and New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”). In its population forecasts, DEAGEL.COM “predicts” by 2025 a 77 percent drop in Britain’s population from 66 million to 15 million; a 69.4 percent drop in the USA’s population from 327 million to 100 million; a 65 percent drop in Germany’s population from 81 million to 28 million; a 42 percent drop in France’s population from 67 million to 39 million; a 35 percent drop in Switzerland’s population from 8.2 million to 5.3 million; a 35 percent drop in Australia’s population from 23 million to 15 million; a 29 percent drop in Italy’s population from 62 million to 44 million; all by 2025. The UN (owned by the London-NY-Axis) cites similar trends but none of these agencies ever states explicitly how their owner, the London-NY-Axis, intends to achieve such colossal genocide. If these figures are correct, the London-NY-Axis and its private agency the UN would appear to really mean business with their “century of change”. The word “change” may be a code-word for genocide given how often it was used by US puppetician-in-chief O’Bomber, who went on to genocide a lot of victims for the London-NY-Axis;;

  58. Enhanced, widespread, induced skepticism about whether genocide is even taking place (when all the while it IS). Of course, the London-NY-Axis wishes to enhance this skepticism via the licensed monopoly-media, who will encourage people to go back to sleep so that the London-NY-Axis can get on with the serious business of killing them. If an outlet does not toe the line, the London-NY-Axis simply revokes its license, easy. Indeed, it was for a very good reason that George Orwell gave the nickname “Big Brother Corporation” to his employer, that “fake-news beauty” known as the BBC. The fake-news MO is that the eyes can only see very little when the mind gets blinkered or even blinded;

  59. Because it wants to cull the population, in all its agenda documents, the London-NY-Axis euphemizes the twenty-first century as the “century of change”. If there is one statistic that will go down in history as the most striking actuarial correlation of the twenty-first century, it will be this: Being skeptical on whether the London-NY-Axis was actually even genociding people vastly increased your chances of getting genocided in the first place. Only those who took the matter seriously stood any chance of saving themselves. Because, just as Mohammed Ali once said to George Foreman “this is THE WRONG PLACE to get tired“, this twenty-first century is THE WRONG TIME to get skeptical;

  60. The London-NY-Axis even has the means, motive and opportunity to commit genocide by “natural” or “apparently natural” means but it always prefers its favorite cover, Plausible Deniability. Cumbre Vieja is a potential bull’s-eye on La Palma, Canary Islands. The London-NY-Axis (or an agent like Goldfinger) can topple it with one missile from a submarine, which would induce a mega-tsunami that would smash the coastlines of North America and Western Europe and wipe out hundreds of millions of “soiling humans” overnight. Apart from the aging populations of those cities, the London-NY-Axis wants all cities to be replete with spying technology and not just cameras on every street-corner. Hence, it has nothing against completely rebuilding everything with Hadrian X robo-builders and filling every square-centimeter of it with eavesdropping spyware. Would you really be surprised if the London-NY-Axis dropped Cumbre Vieja in the morning? Now-declassified files show that the London-NY-Axis told the Brutish Air Force to spray bio-warfare chemicals and carcinogens including Zinc Cadmium Sulfide on the civilian population of Britain from 1946-79 because, as you well know, government is there to “protect” the people. The London-NY-Axis loves killing people and it loves bull’s-eyes. Other bull’s-eyes that might potentially be visited by “natural” events include Yellowstone (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming), the San Andreas Fault (California) and the Brothers Fault Zone (Oregon). The London-NY-Axis can flatten the world in more ways than one;

  61. It really must be said that the single most efficient and cost-effective genocider in the history of the world is the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild);

  62. Many predict that all “public” entities will be bankrupted and then merged into a corporation known as the totalitarian “new world order” under the London-NY-Axis. Given that every city and nation in the world is now a private corporation, each has the option of declaring bankruptcy. The USA is actually the United States of America Inc, file number 2193946, type religious nonprofit, 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400, Wilmington, Delaware. The USA’s SEC (standing for Securities and Exchange Commission, but also for Sudden Economic Collapse) uses the CIK (central index key) to uniquely index all SEC filings. Some CIK numbers for private corporations which were formally sovereign countries include Italy (CIK 0000052782), Japan (CIK 0000837056), Finland (CIK 0000035946), Israel (CIK 0000052749), Brazil (CIK 0000205317), New Zealand (CIK 0000216105), Hungary (CIK 0000889414), Panama (CIK 0000076027). Dun & Bradstreet lists all private corporations in the world. Some DUNS® numbers for private corporations which you may have mistaken for sovereigns include the US regime (DUNS® number 052714196), Bank for International Settlements (DUNS® number 481964443), the United Nations (DUNS® number 824777304), the UN World Homicide Organization (WHO, DUNS® number 618736326), Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland Finanzagentur GmbH, Lurgiallee 5 Frankfurt am Main, DUNS® number 314802591). Would it not to be the most enormous “coincidence” in history if the new owners of most of the world’s formerly sovereign entities transpired to be the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild)? So, while you were sleeping and dreaming that the nation-state was still real, the London-NY-Axis privatized everything, even your own city, region and country, and then by the year 2100 merged everything into a single corporation owned by the London-NY-Axis. But what did they call the corporation? What was its misleading title? Might it have perhaps been The World “Union”?




If people pray and wake up, there is still hope that the openly Luciferian plans of the London-NY-Axis can be foiled. It would seem logical to wake up. Otherwise you would have to ask: How long are you going to stand idly by, while a murderous London-NY-Axis agency called the UN genocides the world population down to 500 million under the guise of “saving the baby seals”? Or else you might have to ask: How long do you propose to wait while the Freemasonic “magician” keeps pulling more and more hat-tricks on you? Or else: Precisely when are you going to consider waking up, standing up and finally growing a pair of Cajones?


If people woke up, they could change a lot if they just went on a peaceful demonstration only once a week. There would have been no need to demonstrate if they had not been so distracted by tell-lie-vision and other nonsense since 1960. But, it is what it is. Another great idea would be to pray the Rosary;




Because governments are the cause of most corruption, all wars and all genocide, the time has finally come to clip their wings. One solution is to simply eliminate government over a 10-year period, after which the government will be only 10 percent of its original size. This can be financed by paying a one-off GET (Government Elimination Tax) which would be the very last tax payable ever in history. Once the positive economic effects are noticeable, citizens could decide to simply reduce government once again over a second 10-year period, after which the government would only be 1 percent of its original size. Whatever vestige of the original regime is left should be self-financing by way of a simple parking-fines system. People would no longer need to pay any more taxes because government would not be able to steal from them anymore. Currently, we still have the situation where a government is permitted to steal and call that “sharing”. Because citizens no longer consent to theft, that must end now, and the law of man must be brought back in line with the law of God in this connection. As for the fictional “national debt”, citizens should simply tell the London-NY-Axis to eat the loss because it invented the debt in the first place and citizens are no longer willing to submit to its slavery system. Thereafter, all public-serpents and regime-officials should be given a fair trial and jailed for felonies such as genocide, murder, fraud, harming or maltreating members of the public, or for any misdemeanor, malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance. This would NOT bring utopia, but it could never be any worse than the current state-of-affairs. Finally, the English monarch and its family, plus the House of Rothschild, need to be extradited on genocide charges to the ICJ in Den Haag. Do you still need a government to manage your life for you? Really? From cradle to grave? Really?


An additional solution would be to simply boycott London-NY-Axis corporations which engage in genocide, and that includes most of the S&P War Economy and most major world corporations. Instead of the current state-of-affairs, citizens could start a new economy based on buying locally and on peer-to-peer networking. Any of the corporations which engaged in genocide need to be asset-stripped and terminated (meaning, at long last, the introduction of capital punishment for corporations) and the corporate-officials who approved the acts jailed.




The western world would appear utterly doomed because of the outright stranglehold over it held by the London-NY-Axis (the English monarchy, the City of London, Wall Street and the House of Rothschild) and by Freemasonry, of which the English monarch is the worldwide patron.


In his 2014 book “Massoni”, Gioele Magaldi verified that President Vladimir Putin of Russia was a member of the worldwide Freemasonic super-lodge GOLDEN EURASIA (to which, by pure “coincidence”, Tavistock-brainwashed Rothschild-agent Angela Merkel also belongs). It is obvious that Putin could never have been “clean” if the combo of London’s Chatham House (RIIA) and New York’s CFR saw fit to approve him into his top position in the first place. However, in the past decades, Putin has stepped out of line, has bucked the trend and has infuriated the London-NY-Axis on at least three occasions, namely:


  1. Putin said Russia would not stand idly by while the White-European-Christian population of Western Europe got genocided in accordance with the London-NY-Axis Kalergi Plan that was secretly adopted in the 1950s by New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”). Naturally enough, this scared the living daylights out of the Zionist London-NY-Axis, whose top priority is the creation of Greater Israel, which is planned to span from the Nile to the Euphrates, and emptying all Arabs from Greater Israel into New Soviet Europe (misleadingly titled the European “Union”) with the willing participation of the London-NY-Axis agents who are Europe’s chief puppeticians assigned the main task of accepting “migrants”;

  2. In a speech at Schneerson Jewish Museum on 13 Jun 2013, Putin stated openly that 80-85 percent of the people who ran the Bolshevik “revolution” were Jews. He was thus the very first Russian head-of-state in a century to speak this truth loud and clear, to state it so openly and, furthermore, to state it brazenly in a venue run for the London-NY-Axis by the powerful sect Chabad Lubavitch. In doing this, Putin stated a well-known fact that the London-NY-Axis prefers its the licensed monopoly-media not to mention, namely that most of the London-NY-Axis agents involved in the coups d’état it launched in St Petersburg and Moscow were in fact Jews from the northeast USA. The true history is that there was never a Russian “revolution”, only two coups d’état both of which were planned, orchestrated, financed and carried out by the London-NY-Axis in Mar 1917 and Oct 1917. In the event, Putin’s open and honest speech again scared the living daylights out of the Zionist London-NY-Axis which finds the truth acutely embarrassing;

  3. Putin has developed a habit of visiting Holy Mass at the Russian Orthodox Church, not necessarily to help his image but to throw his powerful weight behind encouraging young Russians to re-embrace Christianity. And Putin has definitely succeeded in boosting church attendance in Russia. When Vladimir Putin visited the Vatican on 25 Nov 2013, he even asked Pope Francis specifically about his plans for the Consecration of Russia to Our Lady in accordance with the 1917 Apparitions at Fatima but received a tepid response. It is not known whether Putin is still a Freemason, but he would at least appear to be moving in the right direction, which is much more than can be said for western puppeticians who are absolutely bought and paid for (and no doubt blackmailed too into the bargain) by the London-NY-Axis.


It remains debatable whether Putin can or cannot have any major influence. It also remains debatable whether Putin is even proper opposition in the first place, or more controlled-opposition. One obvious question theologians also pose is whether the people of today actually deserve to be bailed out of the mess anymore. What if they just continued with their old ways or errors? Catholic Prophecy speaks of a Great Tribulation involving a chastisement by fire, but no one knows when. The Prophecy also speaks of Christianity thereafter being reborn in the East, “in Russia and Kiev”, to then grow much stronger than ever in all of history. But because the Catholic Church was undermined by Freemasonry on 28 Oct 1958, with the election of alleged Freemason Angelo Roncalli as Pope John XXIII, Christianity’s rebirth will probably not be Catholic but something wholly new instead. And the Catholic Church is now set to pass through the Agony in the Garden, the Via Dolorosa and the Crucifixion. Finally, Catholic Prophecy speaks of the Islamic Faithful converting “almost overnight” to Christianity but the Jewish Faithful not converting “until the end of the world”. If we put all these pieces together, it would seem that very hard times are in store for those alive today, but much better times are saved up for those born after the Great Tribulation.\




One of the greatest deceptions in the world today is that the combo of Chatham House (RIIA) and the CFR (who are basically joined at the hip) can so easily masquerade as “a pair of think tanks”. But nothing could be further from the truth. In the world’s true system of organized crime, the Chatham House Rule is the equivalent of the Sicilian Omertà. It means one version for the power-elite and a totally different version for the public, and serves as both a front and an affront to the public. Via the combo of London’s Chatham House (RIIA) and New York’s CFR, the London-NY-Axis has direct control over the following affiliates within its network of organized-crime:





Those who feel angry at the thought of so much manipulation of their thoughts and minds, and of so much utter deception and deceit, may recall this Al Pacino line from the 1997 movie “The Devil’s Advocate”: “You’ve got to hold on to that fury … that’s the last thing to go … that’s the final hiding place … it’s the final fig leaf“.


The right thing to do is to tell the truth and oppose what the regime requires, especially in this, their “century of change”. Nonetheless, Orwell did point out that telling the truth would become treasonous in the age of universal deceit, i.e. in this totalitarian “new world order” here and now. Already in the “free” England of around 1970, it was treasonous to criticize the monarch, for instance, by mentioning that between 470 million and 620 million human beings and counting had been genocided in its name. In England, the required thing was to worship the Beast (the English monarch) and to wave the Butcher’s Apron on Prom Night. Over the decades, the Beast visited hundreds of hospitals and pretended it was a “philanthropist” that really, really CARED about its human livestock (it really CARES, you see) and the gullible English just lapped it up. The problem is that most people who are complicit simply tag along and do the required thing willingly, instead of the right thing, and indeed they mostly followed an approach like that throughout history, with some notable exceptions. Doing the right thing is hard but, soon, there will be no other option left; because, after that, it may well be too late.


All the best,

Patrick O’Carroll

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