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Tibetan Tulpas and Alien Thought-Forms

By Diane Tessman

The Tibetans describe them as phantoms; they are “nirmita” and “nirmana” meaning, beings who were built or constructed.” The term tulpa was rendered into English, and is defined as “thought-form.”

What does this have to do with UFOs? Maybe everything, or at least, it may be a large piece of the enigmatic puzzle, as we explore this enormous UFO phenomenon.

How many sightings and encounters with aliens, are reported to be with beings who float above the ground and glow from an internal source? How many paranormal experiences have been reported which feature a translucent form, male or female (nirmita or nirmana), levitating over the bed? How many UFOs themselves seem to glow, shimmer, change form entirely, and then just disappear?

Could an alien race have mastered the ability to create thought-forms? Or perhaps they have had this ability for many eons on their planet or in their home dimension; perhaps evolution simply bestowed it on them.

After all, Buddhism has long taught that accomplished priests and holy men, can create thought forms called tulpas. This phenomenon is documented better than many paranormal phenomena are documented. Is it a leap to assume aliens might have this ability?

One could remain safely on the mothership and send out a “thought vessel” which shimmers, dances, changes form, and then de-manifests. Or, one could be safely in a scout craft, hovering in the vicinity, and a send thought-form to encounter humans and register their reactions.
We have no way of knowing the range of an accomplished tulpa-creator. Does the tulpa form for brief periods and swirl around the Tibetan Buddhist holy man, or can the thought-form travel miles away from its creator, if the creator is a really strong mind-power source?
Tulpas and the possibility that aliens create them, thus accounting for some of the bigger mysteries of UFOlogy, is a subject that is neglected. Yet, who among us has not tried to levitate an item or even create a thought-form? Maybe we only believe we are “summoning” a friendly alien or creating a beacon for a friendly alien, but maybe we too have the urge to actually create a being with our thoughts.

The principle behind tulpas is that the mind creates the world of appearances;  quantum physics substantiates this spiritual concept as it tells us we not only perceive our reality, we participate in making it. Essentially, we create our perceived reality.

The mind and the consciousness it possesses, are more important than “time,” and more important than “space.”

The Jewish “golem” concept also substantiates this knowledge. In the Jewish tradition, the golem is widely known as an artificial creature created by magic, often to serve its creator. In Hebrew, golem means “shapeless mass.” In the Talmud, Adam is called a “golem” meaning body without a soul.

Of course the truly astounding incidents are the ones in which the tulpas manage to free themselves from their creators, having gained enough vitality to do so. Tibetan occultists say that this happens logically, just as the child when its body is completed and it is able to live apart, leaves its mother’s womb. A tulpa can be like a rebellious son; uncanny power struggles have been reported between the magician/priests and their tulpas, creator and created.

We have to wonder if those aliens who create thought-forms also run into rebellious tulpas who do not want to de-materialize. Yes, it can get a bit silly, but the fact is, we know that any sufficiently advanced science appears as magic to less advanced beings.

The subject of tulpas is a huge one, steeped in ancient spiritual beliefs and abiltiies. If the subject intrigues you, research the specifics, they are fascinating. It is easy for a modern westerner to be skeptical as we sit in endless traffic jams and check our e-mail. However, Tibetan holy men devote a lifetime, lived in isolation, to accomplishing mind powers. These mind powers are the power of creation and lead to godhead. Buddhists do not believe in a God, but they believe each individual can eventually achieve the god-status of creator and near perfection. Who is to say what we westerners could accomplish if our lives were devoted to spiritual evolution?

If Tibetan priests, who are human after all, have accomplished creation of tulpas, it is a small step to knowing that aliens could also have this ability. It would be very handy when exploring strange new worlds and harmless to the indigenous lifeforms, except for the fright!

I wrote an article     recently suggesting that some aliens might be the creations of humankind as we stand on the cusp of becoming a new species who has expanded perception, and thus can perceive aliens and their ships; a new layer of the cosmic onion is becoming our reality. Or perhaps, I suggested, the evolving human mind  actually creates  some of the aliens who fall out of our quantum egg.

What if we put these two theories together and postulate that the mass human consciousness creates tulpas? These tulpas might be UFOs and their occupants in some cases.
If one Buddhist holy man can do it, what about the entire human consciousness?!

Is this where the subjects of UFOs and The Paranormal, meet and become one?

Is this part of the incomprehensibly magnificent machinery of cosmic evolution?

Let’s proceed in peace, with wonder, awe, intelligence and, logic. Fear begets hatred, and it needs to become extinct. Create your thought-form accordingly!

Leap aboard Exo-Trekking! It’s free and free wheeling and thought-provoking!




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