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Tsunami Needs No UFO

by Junji Numakawa

Seeing is being seen, if UFOs have the ability to   hide themselves; and I believe that they have. In YouTube many foreign people took up strange objects seen in pictures of Japanese TV news on the colossal tsunami of March 11. However, I can not find any reason for UFOs to show themselves to us.

As a Japanese I must apologize: the nuclear disaster was avoidable, because this tsunami was not of “once a thousand years.” Actually a certain village survived owing to its very tall bank built in the 1960s; the then village headman paid serious attention to the tradition about a 15-meter-wave (or waves: the Japanese language usually does not declare whether it is singular) of 1896. There was no secret to be told from UFOs; everything was in our hands (#1).  

In the early years of the Flying Saucer age UFOs frequently appeared over American atomic-bomb-related areas. Space people must have been able to investigate them without being noticed by us, therefore this appearance has to be interpreted as a statement to us: space people began to intervene in order to prevent the extinction of Earth people by nuclear war (#2). It was a necessary help to this hopeless planet. In contrast, the Fukushima nuclear disaster has nothing to ask for space people’s help (incidentally, nuclear weapons testing in the Cold War period scattered far larger quantity of radioactive substances).

Watch the original video: 

    For this reason, I do not feel like studying the above mentioned UFO-like objects. Here is an example: the arrow indicates a short-tailed “luminous body” which goes across the TV screen from left to right. This was “captured” by a helicopter of NHK (Nippon Hoso Kyokai: Japan Broadcasting Corporation) from the sky of Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, at 15:51 of the day. But this “object” keeps almost the same interval from the screen frame for five seconds or so, though the helicopter is changing its position (see the next page). And I noticed remarkable three bright dots showing freer “flights” at 15:58 (#3). These “objects” seems to be reflections on lenses of the camera and/or on the camera case.

#1  When the earthquake occurred, I was at my workplace in the southern part of Tokyo. You may have heard about no small damage of Tokyo, but our office did not get any damage.

#2  Space people must be able to make our primitive weapons powerless easily, therefore their interest in our atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs is not for them but for us.

#3  I made use of a YouTube video of the NHK live broadcast showing this picture; Japanese digital TV broadcasting indicates time in the corner of the picture.  

Source: UFO Criticism by J. N. from Japan    The19th issue/ Vol.11  No.1/ May 2011    END  


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