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Two Pillars: Ley Lines to Your Fault Line

Two Pillars: Ley Lines to

Your Fault Line


By Peter Fotis Kapnistos



Is someone else here?”

 ”Yes,” the stranger said. “Boaz and Jachin are here.”

In the cave, two pillars looked like they had been inserted into the surface of a stony wall.

 “Boaz, meaning strength is here, on the left,” the stranger pointed. “The pillar of smoke, of cloud by day. And Jachin, to establish, is on the right, the pillar of fire by night.”

  “Melcart and Hiram of Tyre? The Pillars of Hercules? Verses of the Rig-Veda, the sacred columns of the Norse mythology?”

 “Mythology?” the stranger asked. “Take a closer look at these pillars. Tell me how old you think they are.”

 ”They seem to be ancient.” The pillars were not decorative. They were the most unattractive pillars he had ever seen. “They look like clay pipes.”

 “They are the sturdiest pillars ever made.” Notice how they don’t reach the floor or ceiling of the grotto. They jut out from the mass like two elbows. What purpose could they serve? The pillars Boaz and Jachin are said to support the foundation of the world. They are chains which bind together the earth and sea. If the pillars go, what happens to the world?

 Two ancient rivets were made into immovable bolts, to prevent a ley line, or commonly traveled pathway, from becoming a fault line. But the unattractive pillars are gone now, taken away by a modern museum team.

 When the new fault line forms, three continents will lash against each other. The world, as we know it today, will no longer exist. Will we be compelled to establish a New Jerusalem?


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Ley line: Ley lines are alleged alignments of ancient sites or holy places, such as stone circles, standing stones, cairns, and churches Interest in alleged trade routes as sources of mystical energy has become very popular in Great Britain. Occultists believe that there are certain sites on the earth that are filled with special “energy.”


The Seattle Arts Commission gave $5,000 to a group of dowsers to do a ley line map of Seattle. The group said that the “project made Seattle the first city on Earth to balance and tune its ley-line system.” Skeptical citizens have criticized the Arts Commission for funding a New Age project, but the artwork continues to be displayed on a rotating basis in city-owned buildings within Seattle.


There is no evidence for the belief that ley line energy is connected to changes in magnetic fields. None of it has been scientifically verified yet. However, it has long been known that birds are able to sense magnetic fields and use them to navigate, particularly when migrating south for the winter. Scientists have recently discovered that birds use their right eye to see the Earth’s magnetic field and use it to navigate.


German researchers found that if a bird’s right eye was covered by a frosted goggle, the birds could not navigate effectively, while they could navigate perfectly well if the left eye was covered instead. Both the visual and magnetic images involve variations in light and shade, but visual images tend to have sharp lines and edges, while the magnetic images have more gradual changes from light to dark.


“Researchers led by Katrin Stapput of Goethe-Universitat in Frankfurt, Germany, discovered that when this magnetic sense is distorted the patterns of light and dark make little sense because the bird cannot separate the information from the visual and magnetic images.”  (“Revealed: Birds navigate by being able to SEE Earth’s magnetic field with their right eye,” Daily Mail Reporter, 14th July 2010)


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Fault line: In geology, a fault is a planar fracture or discontinuity in a volume of rock, across which there has been significant displacement. Large faults within the Earth’s crust result from the action of tectonic forces. Energy release associated with rapid movement on active faults is the cause of most earthquakes.


A fault line is the surface trace of a fault, the line of intersection between the fault plane and the Earth’s surface. Since faults do not usually consist of a single, clean fracture, geologists use the term fault zone when referring to the zone of complex deformation associated with the fault plane. Faulting breaks rocks and tends to grind them into small bits that decompose faster than the nearby, unfaulted rocks. The result is that most fault lines are obscured by thick soils.


“Faults are different from fault lines. A fault is a three-dimensional surface within the planet Earth. At the fault, rocks have broken. The rocks on one side of the fault have moved past the rocks on the other side. In contrast, a fault line is a line that stretches along the ground. The fault line is where the fault cuts the Earth’s surface. Faults come in all sizes, from small ones whose short fault lines you can see in a single road cut, to huge faults whose long fault lines can be seen best in pictures taken from orbiting satellites. Any particular block of the Earth has room inside for more small faults than big ones, so most faults are small. On continents, faults are everywhere, of all sizes, and they formed at many different times during the Earth’s long history.”   – United States Geological Survey (USGS)







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