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While writing and interviewing the group of people I refer to as Real Time Abductees two sisters became part of the abductee group.

I use the term Real Time Abductions to describe abductions and lost time events that regular everyday people are forced to endure while going about the routine of their normal daily life. The people are not asleep or hypnotized do they get messages telepathically. These abductions occur while the people are fully awake and going about the routine business of their everyday life.

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There are common occurrences that link these specific types of abduction. The people are all fully awake going about the business of their day or night when suddenly they find they are in a situation that leaves them open to being taken. They may be driving alone in their cars, or walking down a lonely street or simply placing their trash out at night for pick up the next day. All that is needed is a moment of opportunity for those who take these people to quickly snatch and abduct them for whatever purpose they so desire.

The Real Time Abductees usually remember the start of the encounter and what they were doing when the approach of either strange lights, an unknown craft or odd life forms appear. The abductees may or may not have any recall of what takes place during the time they are taken by their captors but do recall waking ill and shaken sometimes close to where they were taken other times miles away from where the abduction occurred. The abductee usually find a lost time of about three hours and at best only flash memories of what took place while they were missing.

Many of the people I interviewed over the years have been tortured with these strange lost time events of abduction starting in childhood and continuing on during their life time until they are in their 70s.  Many come from families where this oddness is generational and can be traced back to parents and grandparents. There are families where multiple members are taken.

I am sad to report that I have been contacted by two older members of the abduction group I interviewed and wrote about a few summers ago. They wanted to inform me of what was continuing to happen to them.  I somehow thought as I started my research years ago on this subject that with age would come a reduction of abduction events in the life of the abductees. Many of them who were aging did find they were no longer being taken and they did feel the aging process could be what was protecting them from these horrid kidnapping abusive abductions by unknown beings.

Donna and Kate are two sisters who were both lifelong abductees as was their father. Now both seniors they hoped they were past having to deal with the horror of abduction at this point in their life but unfortunately it appears to continue despite the fact they are aging and were hopeful this nightmare would end with their advanced age.

The younger sister, in her early 60’s, recently retired from a successful career in science mostly in research labs. The other sister is a bit older at age 75 spends her time in her home retired from her career as a medical doctor. The sisters have had successful careers as well as being married with children and grandchildren.

By all outward appearances you would not think anything was out of the ordinary or strange in the lives of the sisters, they appear normal in all ways including living in typical suburban homes surrounded by long term neighbors, friends and family.

It has been a long hard road for Kate and Donna as they have been fighting with and dealing with lost time abduction events since they were children. Kate recalls being taken very early in life starting before the age of 5 while Donna ‘s events began later in life with the first event happening in her early 20’s. The sisters have other siblings who seem to have been spared this burden of abduction however the women’s father also suffered abduction encounters starting when he was 13 which stayed with him until he was in his late 50s.

The sisters knowing this about their father hoped that they too would be spared continued abductions once they started to age. Sadly for them that is not the case. Both sisters have had continued abductions.

Kate contacted me to let me know that she and her entire family would be leaving with her sister’s family to a new area in which they will be taking drastic steps, which I will not be going in to, in order to try to prevent anymore events happening to the sisters. The sisters met with me to tell me what had happened to them and to my regret to say good bye.

Both sisters suffer physical problems due to a life time of abductions in which they were returned ill, burned or physically altered until they both have extreme problems with illness and skin infections as well as other physical oddities.

Having science backgrounds and knowing many people who they were able to trust to help them.  The sisters feel that their backgrounds did help them survive their abduction ordeals. They feel they were without question taken due to a genetic feature unique to their father’s family. The sisters think they were used for adrenal, hormonal or DNA biological material 

They knew early on that they were somehow being drained as it took them weeks to recover back to a degree of health after each event of abduction. As the years passed and the encounters continued the sisters both started to develop strange aliments and horrific skin problems that went unexplained by the medical help they did try to find.

Donna being a doctor and Kate a person of science actually were able to keep alive by way of their own backgrounds and abilities. They often would say that those who go through this hell without the knowledge to survive may often die young without the true cause of what was happening ever being discovered. The stigma of being an abductee often keeps those being taken and harmed silent suffering alone without any help at all.

Kate and Donna decided to spend the day together about a month ago in early April. Kate the younger sister picked up her older sister so they could spend the day shopping and having lunch together. They left early in the day so they could be home before dark, even before dusk, as they were always on guard not to offer any tempting openings for their life long abductors to capture and once again harm them. 

The fact is that Kate and Donna rarely go anywhere without a third person usually one or both of their husbands. They were only planning to be gone a few hours during this bright sunny day where they would be out in public and felt they would be OK.

It had been awhile since either one of the sisters had suffered an incident. They were beginning to believe the nightmare of abductions may finally be ending for them. Any way they were together and only had incidents when they were alone and in a situation that offered their kidnappers the opportunity to grab them without being seen.  This however can be done in seconds which is why living with this horror grows to be unbearably stressful for those who are the victims of this crime. Abduction or kidnapping of innocent unwilling people is without question a crime. It just happens to be a crime that is allowed to happen which in my mind is a serious moral issue of mankind towards those being taken.

Kate and Donna were having a wonderful morning together ending with a lovely lunch near the beach front where they live. The sisters decided to take a fast ride down to look out over the dock nearby to have a look at the water before returning home. It was mid-day the world was bright and cheery and this one time they let down their guard and drove down the sandy road that leads to the town dock to take a peek at the water at the end of the dock road. The sister took a few minutes to admire the day and the gleaming water sitting in the Kate’s large new SUV vehicle with the motor running,

Kate always feared she would drive her car by accident off the dock in to the water and always parked leaving a good ten to twenty feet in front of her and the end of the dock road.

Kate was preparing to turn her new SUV around to leave the dock area when in a blink of an eye the entire vehicle was suddenly and completely engulfed in green neon colored light, . They were covered by a ray beaming down from above the truck. The new SUV continued to run and Kate knew instantly what was beginning to happen. She looked over at Donna who was staring blankly ahead as if in a trance and did not respond when Kate called her name and pushed her as she sat in the seat next to Kate.

Kate watched in horror as her sister started to open her door and start to make moves to leave the vehicle. Something amazing came over Kate and instead of the usual heart stopping fear she felt during past abductions that started as this one was- Kate became furious. She threw her car door open and ran in front of her truck to her sister’s door and shoved with a mighty push the older Donna back into the car screaming in anger at the abductors. She could feel her skin burning and horrific pain in her arms and legs but found her anger so great that it over took her fear and pain at the situation she found she was in. She slammed her sister back into the truck catching part of her arm in the door yet managed with strength she did not know she had to get Donna back inside the SUV.

Kate ran with all she had in her back to her side where her door remained open from when she jumped out and flew back into the driver’s seat. She knew she was hurt but could not stop now and threw the truck in reverse and hit the gas speeding in reverse down the long sandy dock road. Her truck bounced all over the road as she kept her foot on the gas and in reverse quickly backing down the road until she hit a big patch of sand that placed her truck in a spin which ended with her facing the correct way on the road . Kate placed the truck in drive and just kept her foot on the gas speeding down the road and back to town.

Kate only looked back once and could still see the green ray circling the spot where her truck had been parked. Kate could not believe she got away and was able to stop the encounter. Donna sat silently next to her as Kate sped directly home to Donna’s house. Kate knew she was hurt and Donna was still in a trance but she was grateful that she somehow stopped the abduction.

Kate drove directly to Donna’s house breaking all speed limits the entire way. She flew into Donna’s driveway blowing the horn and yelling for help. Donna’s husband and son were outside working on a yard project and came running to the car. Kate immediately told the men what had happened as Donna’s son helped his mother from the car. Donna was now able to speak but remained weak and confused. The men took the sisters in to the house where they quickly tried to examine the women for wounds or burns. 

Donna’s son, also a medical doctor, an Internist, quickly assessed the situation and determined Kate’s condition was far more serious and need of immediate care. Donna although shaken and confused did suffer a few minor burns on her one arm and leg but due to her sisters fast actions did not receive too much physical damage. Mentally she was definitely scattered however the young doctor felt from past encounters this would soon wear off and instructed his father to keep his mother talking by asking her question she would need to focus on to answer. 

Kate was a different story. Kate was fully burned on her face, neck arms and legs.  Her mid-section of her body had a light rash but nothing like the harsh burns that covered the rest of her. She began to vomit and would black out for very short intervals of maybe 30 seconds but could not stay fully conscious or stay standing without help.

The young doctor gave Kate immediate attention including an IV to hydrate her and a injection that they wish to remain private but seemed to help Kate at once. He attended to her burns and also kept her talking to bring her clearly back to the present. 

Kate remained under the care of her family for weeks after this event. She suffered a long flu like illness which lasted about 14 days. Donna fared much better and felt returned to full health within a week or two. Donna spent her time tending to her sister who was truly brutalized during the abduction attempt.

Part II of this article continues tomorrow Wednesday, June 4, 2014!

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