Dear Editor, I would like to report what I filmed on the above date at about 11-00pm.Standing on the lane in the fields just past my house I noticed a star like object approaching from west[Liverpool]over slack-heaps one mile to West,1,000ft.alt.,30mph.and I started filming on analogue JVC 22x optical, night sight on.
Though I COULD’NT see in viewfinder I filmed as it went by about 40 ft. to south of me. It was silent and when trans. to VHS I have managed to film an alien craft about 30ft.diam.,yellow and preceded by 2 or 3 silver craft about 12ft.diam.,and followed by 2 more silver craft.
The next night I returned at same time and a ”star” came over 20ft. to south of me doing 5,000 mph+.I think they may have been showing-off. I have seen many alien craft since 1978,and filmed many in last 28months.At the moment I am trying to sell some of my footage to media but will try and upload some film soon to you-tube etc.
If you are coming to England you can come and see for yourself. Thanks Robert Newton, Earlestown, nr. St. Helens.