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UFO Believer or Skeptic? A Request for Your Help from Birmingham, England

UFO Believer or Skeptic?

A Personal Message to the UFO Digest Community

From Dave Hodrien


A number of weeks back I sent out an advert about a UFO-themed psychology research study being orchestrated by my brother Andrew. The aim of this study is to look at the psychological side of the subject and hopefully provide some additional ammunition for the UFO reality debate.

To take part all you need to do is fill in an anonymous online survey.

Many of you may have already completed this survey, however my brother still requires 20 more people to contact him and complete the survey by close of Tuesday 29th, February or else the study will not have enough participants for it to be valid.

Please can you consider taking part? It would be disappointing if this study were not authorized for whatever reason.

If you have already taken part then can you ask a friend/relative if they would also complete it? Below is the original advert which went out – in it you will find details on how to get in touch with my brother.

Thanks very much for your time,

Dave Hodrien

Birmingham, England

UFO Group Chairman/Investigator

UFO Believer or Skeptic?

Participants are requested for a Psychology dissertation research study, exploring how our beliefs affect the way we process new information.

This is a new study which will hopefully develop further understanding in UFO belief, specifically with regard to some UFOs having an extraterrestrial cause. Whether you believe, are skeptical, or are unsure…

This study is for you!

Research is collected anonymously, by completion of an online survey. So this can be completed at a time suitable to you, anywhere with an internet connection.

This may take around 20-30 minutes, and involves some questionnaires and simple tasks. If you are able to take part can you please contact the researcher via email (putting UFO research in the subject), who will provide you with the survey link and a participant number. Further information will be provided at the start of the survey, so you won’t have to decide if you wish to complete it until after that.


Please contact:

UFO Editor’s Note:

If you have taken part in a previous UFO belief study for me then unfortunately…

you will be unable to take part.

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