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UFO Bombs Area With Glowing Balls

Roger Marsh
UFO Examiner

A Maryland witness reports her boyfriend woke her on April 21, 2011, to say a “strange flying object” moved low over the house with a “pulsating rumbling” and “strange green lighting” that was dropping “glowing balls of light” onto the ground, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The woman said her boyfriend thought the object may have been a plane, but that it “had the strangest green lighting pattern on it – he’s never seen before.”

The object flew over the house and over nearby trees. “He suddenly saw small glowing balls of light dropping out of the plane to the ground.”

The woman then looked outside to see a “small glowing light across the road in a field.”

“It glowed for a few minutes (not pulsing, a steady glowing) and then it suddenly faded out.”

No town name was mentioned in the public portion of the MUFON report, which was filed on April 21, 2011. No images or videos were included with the report. We previously reported Maryland drivers stop to watch ‘square’ UFO overhead

In an unrelated case, a Nebraska witness reports a “greenish object” moved overhead that was oval shaped on April 20, 2011, in MUFON Case # 28736.



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