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Alien and UFO debunkers clearly join UFO groups to closely monitor those who claim to be alien abductees and to plant seeds of ridicule.

From their abject denials, to their deliberate planting of Pollyanna disinformation, about alien creatures and their sinister motives, it can initially and wrongly make one wonder, whether there is intelligent life, on Earth.

Some debunkers, however, seem not to be purposeful, governmental planted cynics.

When someone like THAT surfaces, one must feel sorry for them because they are so very poorly informed, and one must tell them that there is no longer room for such ignorance, (ignoring evidence) in this endeavor, given the mountains of evidential details available.

But, a true debunker, is one who purposefully attempts to muddy the UFO fountain, such that none may drink.

Some debunkers are those who accept the phenomenon, but color it, from their wearing blinders, perspective.

The lunatic fringe religious, stubbornly hold that alien encounters are not with aliens, but only with demons, and every ‘spirit’ , to them, is strictly a demon, as well, because their one and only reference BOOK, the Bible, does NOT remotely mention aliens, but DOES repeatedly, mention demons.

These stubbornly inculcated religious people can only consider, what their thumped BOOK does refer to, or lobsters will crawl out of their ears, for the sin, of Original Thought, if they dare accept aliens as space aliens, and not ‘fallen angels’..

But if one realizes that ancients called the skies above, ‘Heaven’, then flesh and blood aliens and not ,’Gods’ are more illuminated as the authors of the Old Testament and of the Greek’s myths.

But debunkers are not the only threat to attaining truths, in this paranormal endeavor.

When, however, alien abductees get too close to finding or reaching truths about aliens and their involvement in our broad history, and in their personal lives, they are universally diverted to and distracted with a new- found keen interest in ghosts, haunting and demonics, a common alien ruse and ploy, which works well, as a distraction and a diversion from alien realizations.

Paradoxically, reptilians and small dark greys, the gangster fringe element of space aliens, relish any chance to imposter as ghosts and poltergeists, since they enter and exit our physical reality from the same astral dimensional portals that ghosts and demons use, and they do especially delight, in muddling the E.T. picture, for any astute researcher.

The rub remains, that rather than a flotilla of UFO aliens enslaving Earth enmasse,

Earth is under invasion, one person at a time.

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