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Hope you are enjoying this warm summer. UFO Digests’ contributors have a variety of UFO and paranormal indepth, entertaining and news articles! We have more alien abductions in Argentian, more sightings in the U.S. A review of the Kentucky Goblin, and investigating whether Nickola Tesla was a Martian or a time traveler. An abductee discloses a secret symbol only know to abductees. More on Adam’s Calendar and the Annunaki and the Rendlesham Forest incident. Plus much more. Enjoy Dirk
lFour Alien Abductions Occurred in Rosario, Argentina by Scott Corrales. “We’re cosmic detectives.” These are how the researchers who devoted yesterday’s sunny weather to exchanging their most recent results of their UFO research. They met at Centro de Distrito Sur and spoke on various phenomena related to the subject. The audience was stunned by a fact: in recent decades, four abductions occurred in Rosario that were thoroughly investigated and were even forwarded to the court system. Furthermore, they said that cattle mutilations had taken place in neighboring Victoria (Province of Entre Rios) and that a green light fifteen degrees over the Paraná River illuminated an astounded onlooker, while the recent “crop circles” in Pujato had been created by a very earthly ATV. More…
Also read: Aeronautical Administration Launches UFO Website In Chile
A Favorite UFO/Fortean Event: The Kentucky/Hopkinsville Goblins by Regan Lee. A favorite anomalous event, one that remains a mystery more than fifty-five years later, is the Kentucky or Hopkinsville “goblins.” Small, alien looking creatures terrified the Sutton family in Hopkinsville, Kentucky in 1955. Shots were fired, the sheriff notified. More…
The Mystical Legacy OF Nikola Tesla – Martian Or Time Traveler? by Sean Casteel. Previously, we revealed how Nikola Tesla has impacted each of our lives without us being, in many cases, even aware of his existence. We noted that Tesla has a much-deserved reputation as perhaps the greatest single inventor of the last 200 years, having created Alternating Current, radio, radar and remote control, among many other indispensable innovations. What is less well known is his kinship with the stars, his relationship to the divine and direct connection to the Godhead. More…
Retired U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant who liaised with Aliens for U.S. Government to speak at Liverpool conference by antony. This summer The Static Gallery on Liverpool’s Roscoe Lane will play host to the first of two summer events to bring discussions and witness testimony from those whom claim experiences that are out of this world. More…
The Symbol and the Lifelong Mystery by Rick Stokes. It’s been several years, now, since Chris Holly first began seeking input from her readers about a mysterious symbol that has been part and parcel of one Real Time Abductee’s life. This abductee was approaching age 60 when Chris’s online quest began, but for the abductee the quest has been underway since about the age of three. That’s the earliest age this abductee recalls becoming the focal point of strange events that continue to this day. More…
“Occupy Adam’s Calendar” Part I Extraterrestrial Genetic Manipulation: Geneticist William Brown – A film by Alfred Lambremont Webre by Alfred Lambremont Webre. The film is a tour de force on the science of extraterrestrial intervention and genetic manipulation of our Earth human species as seen through the genius of University of Hawaii geneticist William Brown. The film grows out of Occupy Adam’s Calendar, a 280,000 year-old Annunaki extraterrestrial site in South Africa. On November 28, 2011 international researchers including University of Hawaii geneticist William Brown joined activist and author Michael Tellinger to Occupy Adam’s Calendar, break the cycle of Annunaki occupation, and reveal it to the world. More…
Hovering Orange Lights Witnessed in Virgina and Washington by Roger Marsh. Witnesses in Virginia and Washington report hovering orange lights in the sky in separate cases on June 25, 2012, a national UFO phenomena that appears to be escalating and is being studied by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). More… Also read: Triangle UFO with red pulsating lights OVer Michigan!
UFOs jazz Vancouver summer skywatch by Jon Kelly. Live streaming Facebook video recorded by Ustream.tv on June 24, 2012 shows how some unexpected visitors may have dropped by to sample the Vancouver International Jazz Festival’s late night music. More…
Receive free “e” newsletter, EXO-TREKKING! Put your finger on the pulse of the infinite with messages from the alien perspective, as well as predictions, commentary on UFOs, earth changes, 2012, and more! Diane and Tibus work toward a brighter future, both here on Earth and out of this world! Come along for the spirit, come along for the thrill, and for the celebration of universal life! [email protected]. Just say, “I want my free EXO-TREKKING“
The Two Most Dangerous Forms of Mind Control by Dr. John Reizer. Most people attempt to validate information they come upon by inputting the data, in question, into one of two mental cylinders where it is quickly processed and analyzed, by our brains, for a final decision – valid or invalid. The two mental cylinders, the vast majority of us use, are religion and science. More…
Law of Attraction, Vibrational Parameters, UFOs, Earth Portals, and Space-Time Anomalies by Hope Bradford. In a former article, I described the Law of Attraction as a person’s relationship with time, space and values. In our modern era, though, we have yet to fully understand the relationship between time, space and gravity—much less with consciousness. What we do know is that time slows down in relation to increased velocity. We also know that time, space and vibration are interrelated. More…
The 2012 Rendlesham UFO Conference – Review by Dave Hodrien. Due to conflicts behind the scenes, the Rendlesham UFO conference nearly didn’t take place this year. Fortunately a group of dedicated individuals not only managed to salvage it, but also organise what was arguably one of the best single day conference line ups ever seen! Living in Birmingham it’s obviously quite a way down to Suffolk, but after taking a look at who was planned to speak at the conference there was no way I would have missed it for the world. More…
UFO photographed in Bastia in Corsica June 23, 2012 by Christian Macé. A gentleman by the name of Fred sent our European Correspondence Christian Macé an email and a link to this photograph he captured in Corsica. More…
Alien ET UFO Community – Founder TJ Morris ET Radio by TJ Morris. The mission is to empower, educate, and nurture individuals of diverse Alien ET UFO Community orientations and gender identities, generating a sense of community by providing for their social, emotional, and physical well- being. We share the American News Magazine, Anew News Magazine Body-Mind-Spirit, and the TJ Morris ET Radio shows. More…
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