UFO Digest Digest Newsletter May 17, 2012

ufo ring closeupThis week, once again, I am surprised at the number of articles as well as the controversial nature of many of them.

To lead off Doug Auld has shared his amazing Hoboken Ring UFO Photos.

Next, Sean Casteel asks if Angels are real?  Diane Tessman explores the Tibetan Tulpas and alien thought forms. 

Then Chris Holly states that reptiles can build spaceships!  Scott Corrales reports on strange happenings in Argentina and Chile.

Editor Robert D Morningstar sees possible proof of Planet X here and now. 

Next, Alfred Lambremont Webre, updates on Fukushima. Hope Bradford writes about the human empathetic response.

Paul Shishis shares more UFO photos and Nancy Talbot introduces Robbert v/d Broeke, a Dutch medium and his affinity with crop circles. Finally I report on some strange UFO sightings.

Enjoy Dirk

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