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UFO Digest Launches Canada Edition April 18!

HAMILTON, ONTARIO: Dirk Vander Ploeg, publisher of the very popular website, UFO, is excited to announce the launch of his newest website UFO Digest Canada.

Canada is in the forefront of UFO disclosure globally and It’s about time Canada had its own UFO website dealing exclusively with Canadian UFO sightings, photos and videos.

After all, Alberta, Canada was the first in the World to open a UFO landing pad back in 1967. Hon Paul Hellyer, the former Canadian Minister for National Defense was the guest of honour at the opening, arriving by helicopter. Hellyer described his time as Minister for Defense from 1963-1967 where the occasional UFO sighting report crossed his desk. He claims to never having time for what he considered to be a “flight of fancy”, but nevertheless retained an interest in the UFO phenomenon. He also gave a speech in Toronto at an event titled: “Exopolitics Toronto: A Symposium on UFO Disclosure and Planetary Direction” ( He also describes a private UFO sighting he later had with family and guests, but once again attributed it to a ‘flight of fancy’ rather than anything having serious policy implications.

From Vancouver Island to Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada has had its share of UFO sightings.

Famous among UFO lore is the report of a UFO crash into the waters off Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, October 4, 1967 ( ). Then there is a report of a UFO landing outside of Ottawa in Carp, Ontario. ( The story involves a UFO crash and retrieval efforts, extraterrestrials, Canadian and American investigators, the RCMP, TV show producers and a handful of witnesses.

Vander Ploeg has also videos of an unknown object of his own, ” Let me take you back to the summer of 2001. I was watching the morning sky at approximately 2.00am. Venus was in the eastern sky and I decided to use my video camera to get a closer look at the planet. What I noticed was that the planet had a companion. I believed it was either another planet or a star. But during the time period I watched the sky, the object which was to the left of Venus paralleled the planet, moving through the sky and remaining the same distance from Venus. What then happened was extraordinary! The object to the left, whatever it was, began to fade and then when it had almost disappeared completely, suddenly moved rapidly to the right eventually fading into nothingness!”. The original video has not be edited and is available for expert analysis. (

UFO hosts over 10 million visitors annually, many of these are Canadians. We have many reporters and contributors from across Canada, but we need more. We invite interested Canadians to grab their digital camera or camera phone and scan the heavens for unidentified flying objects: note that these UFOs may not be extraterrestrials but simply terrestrial (man-made) objects simply too difficult to identify. We are also interested if you have experienced an encounter with a UFO or believe that you have been abducted by extraterrestrials. We invite those with photos, videos and past encounters to submit their evidence by simply completely the submission form on

A regular contributor to UFODigest.Com is Paul Shishis of Scarborough, Ontario. Paul as an amateur UFOlogist photographs UFOs on a regular basis. He shot one last March 26, 2010 and a copy of the photo is shown here.

To read an analysis of the photo go to:

Canada is also home to Vancouver based futurist and author Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, whose book Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe founded the field of Exopolitics (the science of relations between intelligent civilizations in the Universe) and is a regular contributor to UFO Digest.

Visitors to the website have the opportunity to read the articles, view the Canadian content UFO videos or join into one of many forums, ask questions and offer comments. Membership is required to participate in the forums and to post comments…but membership is FREE!

UFO Digest Canada officially launches Monday April 18, 2011.

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