
We at UFO Digest sincerely hope that you and yours have a very wonderful Easter Weekend! 

This week would like to salute both Roger Marsh and Scott Corrales for their multiple contributions to UFO Digest over the years. Roger is a UFO writer, author, playwright and independent filmmaker. He is also editor of the monthly MUFON UFO Journal for the Mutual UFO Network. Scott is the creator of the Journal of the Institute of Hispanic UFOlogy (IHU), presenting UFO and paranormal cases from Spain, South America and the Caribbean.

We begin this newsletter with Roger Marsh presenting three recent MUFON cases and then Scott Corrales follows up three more amazing cases. Next, Chris Holly writes about a UFO shooting green beams over New Jersey. Then, Cheryl Costa remembers the Schenectady flying saucer. Carolyn Shield is back reporting on the ‘Keys of Life’ discovered by NASA. Sean Casteel writes about a journeyman paranormal writer, Tim R. Swartz. I report on a UFO in the UK that separated into two unknown crafts. Peter Fotis Kapnistos publishes part II of his ‘Wedding priest’ article. Next, Alfred Lambremont Webre forwards the official statement by Laura Magdalene Eisenhower regarding an ET invasion. Finally, author Ted Peters writes about outer space and the inner soul. Click here for additional articles. Also see new videos at the bottom of these articles.  Enjoy Dirk

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WITNESS CAPTURES UFO OVER NEW HAMPSHIRE by Roger Marsh. AA New Hampshire witness at Derry captured an unknown object crossing the sky on video about 1:44 p.m. on April 11, 2014, according to testimony in Case 55399 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. More...page Also read: MASSACHUSETT FAMILY REPORTS EGG-SHAPED UFOpage Also read: MORGAN SPURLOCK FROM ‘INSIDE MAN’ INVESTIGATES FLYING SAUCERSpage

THE F.A. CASE (Merida, Badajoz) 25 DECEMBER 1976 by Scott Corrales. The case I am going to discuss below has had to wait over twenty years before coming to light. Its protagonist, F.A. (we can only provide his initials at his own request) is a professor of Beaux Arts in the city of Mérida and at no time agreed to have anything published until the day he died. More…page Also read: RESEARCHING A UFO CRASH IN GENERAL CAMPOS, ARGENTINApage Also read: UFOS OVER COLOMBIA? ENORMOUS FLYING OBJECT VIDEOTAPED OVER MEDELLIN COLOMBIApage

WAS A UFO SHOOTING GREEN BEAMS OVER NEW JERSEY? by Chris Holly. About five or six years ago a friend of mine told me of an incident he witnessed while he was sitting on the beach one summers night on Fire Island which is a barrier island and vacation spot located off of the coast of Long Island New York that separates part of Long Island from the Atlantic Ocean, More...page

THE SCHENECTADY FLYING SAUCER (1973) by Cheryl Costa. Who knew a simple shopping trip would involve a flying saucer? It was the later months of 1973, the Christmas shopping season is in full swing. A very pregnant Carol and her sister Louise decided to drive from Amsterdam to Schenectady to do some Christmas shopping. So with Carol’s toddler son in tow, the three of them were off to go holiday shopping at the Mohawk Mall. More…page

KEYS OF LIFE FOUND BY NASA BY KEPLER IN CYGNUS CONSTELLATION by Carolyn Shield. Keys of Life found by NASA by Kepler in Cygnus Constellation A London tour guide points to an angel without a halo in Da Vinci’s Virgin of the Rocks whose name is Uriel. Uriel fights for justice against an ancient evil dating back from the times of Noah. More…page

THE REMARKABLE ODYSSEY OF JOURNEYMAN PARANORMAL WRITER TIM R. SWARTZ by Sean Casteel. Tim R. Swartz has had a long career in the field of paranormal journalism. One might call him a “journeyman” of sorts, covering diverse topics such as UFOs, Nikola Tesla, ghosts and hauntings – the list goes on – and chipping away at those imposing boulders of mystery without much fanfare. It is in some ways a lonely struggle, but it has always had its rewards. More...page Also read: THE REMARKABLE ODYSSEY OF JOURNEYMAN PARANORMAL WRITER TIM R. SWARTZ – PART IIpage

DUAL UFOS SEPARATE OVER THE UK by Dirk Vander Ploeg. A YOUNG woman from a small north Pembrokeshire village believes she had a close encounter early this morning (Tuesday). Elyse O’Neill from Wallis, near Woodstock, was standing outside her house at around 6.45am when she saw an unidentified flying object hovering over a large tree near the bottom her garden. “I ran inside the house to get my phone, but there wasn’t enough battery left to film it, but there was enough to take pictures, so I started snapping away,” she said. Morepage

THE WEDDING PRIEST THAT ESCAPED FROM BERLIN – PART II by Peter Fotis Kapnistos. Heinrich Himmler’s infamous Occult Corps (Geheimnisvolle Korps) kept an eye on all committed occultists in Germany. Since marriage ceremonies had already been devised for the SS elite, it is to be expected that someone presumed from Himmler’s Occult Corps — not a common civil magistrate — performed Hitler’s marriage. But bodyguard Rochus Misch never talked about that last enigma of the bunker. Did an occultist Hitler Double get away unobserved from the Berlin Fuehrerbunker? More…page

READ OFFICIAL STATEMENT BY LAURA MAGDALENE EISENHOWER ON ET INVASION by Alfred Lambremont Webre. In an ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, cosmologist Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, affirmed that an Extraterrestrial invasion has already occurred and governments do not want us to know. Reiterating her statement before the World Symposium in San Marino, Ms. Eisenhower stated, “There has been a massive cover up in regards to ET contact with our governments and there has been much secrecy in regards to those who have been either abducted or contacted – this is because an invasion has already taken place and they don’t want us to know this. More…page Also read: ITALIAN MARS ANOMALIST MATTEO IANNEO DISCOVERS ANOMALY IN SAUDI ARABIAN DESERT (Photo Album)page/p>

OUTER SPACE AND INNER SOUL by Ted Peters. Outer space has been lodged in my soul since my youth. This lead me to write the first edition of UFOs–God’s Chariots? in 1977. In more recent years, I’ve invested considerable academic energy in the dialogue between science and religion with a special focus on astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). More...page

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As regular readers of the UFO Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to friends or associates you believe may be interested in our articles. The newsletter is an important element of UFO Digest and I would really like to increase its membership. Thanks Dirk.

You are receiving this once-weekly e-mail newsletter because you signed up for it at UFODIGEST.COM. 

Send your comments and suggestions to me. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your friends. Keep your eyes to the skies. See you next time. Dirk.

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