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UFO Digest Newsletter December 31, 2011 (2012 PREDICTIONS)

Read this special edition of the UFO Digest Newsletter! 

This issue to devoted to 2012 Predictions

Our writers and contributors have gazed into the future and will give you glimpses of events yet to come.

Many readers are worried about the arrival of Planet-X, the end of the Mayan calendar and other catastrophes. 

The next 12-months may well hold the key to our future. Read on and see what our procrastinators have to say.

When reading Diane Tessman’s article ‘Predictions 2012: The Setting Sun, a New Dawn or Just Another Day?’ be sure to discover the meaning of the Change Point!

Chris Holly believes 2012 will be a difficult year but…

Amy Evans sent us various facts all pertaining to events happening in 2012 or in the near future.


Click here to reader this special edition newsletter!



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