This week I am happy to report the possible return of my favourite television series, The X-Files, possibly in the fall of 2015 or the spring in 2016! Stay tuned for updates. New contributor Joseph del Greco reports on a black triangle UFO spotted over Royorsford, Pa. Next, Warwick Associates launches two new books. The first is about the Akashic Realm and the second about the making of a mystic. Scott Corrales reports on UFOs over Lima, Peru and another over Mexico which was photographed with an infrared camera. Then, Ron Murdock, writes about aerial sightings of UFOs over the Kootenays in British Columbia, Canada. Next, Alejandro Rojas, of the Open Minds Forum reports on a scientist that believes a metal orb may have been sent by aliens! Then, Syracuse New Times’s correspondent Cheryl Costa tells the stories of the five points UFO incident and the exorcist and the UFOs. Next, Sam Chauhan, wonders if we were planted here on earth. Pat Regan suggests that pagan police officers who took time off  was “politically correct madness.” Contributor Theresa J. Morris writes about alien love and finally Gabrielle Pantera intrigues us with thoughts about immortality. Enjoy Dirk

We are featuring full-length movies in the center column of UFO Digest, including “And Did They Listen”, “Mirage Men”, “Cloud Atlas” and “Sirius.” Why not check them out. All previews are free! Only available in the United States and Canada. Thanks Dirk

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ARE ‘THE X-FILES’ COMING BACK TO TV?  by Stuart Conover. Long time fans of Agents Mulder and Scully might be very happy to hear that FOX is in talks to bring ‘’The X-Files‘ back to the small screen. For the longest time we thought there would be a minuscule chance of bringing Chris Carter’s series back in the form of a third film but no word on it returning to prime time. Until now. It looks like it might be a good thing that Carter’s latest project ‘’The After‘ won’t show up on Amazon after all. More…page

BLACK TRIANGLE UFO FILMED OVER ROYORSFORD, PA by Joseph del Greco. Some of the best footage to date of the infamous and elusive black triangle has been submitted to MUFON on today, the 12th of January. The sighting took place in Royorsford, Pennsylvania back in July of 2013 when the witness states that they were driving home from the local 7/11 on a warm summer night. The witness reports seeing the triangular object hovering over houses that were around 3,500 sq. feet in size, to give a size reference to the object. The viewer was not alone however, and had two other witnesses with him or her in the vehicle.More..page

A JOURNEY INTO THE AKASHIC REALM by Warwick Associates. Many people are unfamiliar with the Akashic Records, but the Records have been referenced in great books throughout written history. There are mentions of the “Tablets of Destiny” or the “Book of Life” in the “Jewish Torah, the Old and New Testaments of the Christian Bible as well as in the Islamic Qur’an. As a global concept found throughout China, Japan, India, Egypt, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas, the Book of Life is described as a record of a person’s deeds and destiny.”  More..page Also read: PADDY FIEVET AND THE MAKING OF A MYSTIC.page

UFO SPOTTED AND VIDEOTAPED OVER LIMA, PERU  by Scott Corrales. This isn’t the first video recording of an unidentified object, but documents of this sort are always impressive. On February 10, 2015, user Eduardo Chavez Guerra uploaded this video to YouTube showing a strange even. He was taping a television show in a district of Lima, Perú, when a strange object appeared in the recording.  More….page Also read: ALLEGED UFO CAPTURED ON INFRARED IN MEXICO.page Also read: UFO WITNESSED ON THE HOTTEST DAY IN LIMA, PERU.page

THE AERIAL SIGHTINGS KEEP ON HAPPENING OVER THE KOOTENAYS by Ron Murdock. It’s incredible the number of sightings of unexplained activity in the skies over Nelson and surrounding area. People of all walks of life are reporting their observations of what is happening overhead. There are those who know what is going on but so far they’re not telling us on what they know.  More...page

SCIENTIST BELIEVES METALLIC ORB MAY BE SENT BY ALIENS!  by Alejandro Rojas. Scientists have found a tiny metal orb they believe is extraterrestrial in origin, has evidence of life on its exterior, and also has “a gooey biological material oozing” out of it. The lead scientist of the team who discovered the object suggests that it may have been sent by an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization for the purpose of seeding life on Earth.  More…page

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THE FIVE POINTS UFO INCIDENT  by Cheryl Costa. The New York City of that era was a cramped urban setting before the age of tall buildings. Around midnight in a Five Points slum house on Baxter Street, Mrs. T. Richard Kinder was looking eastward out of an upper floor window towards the Church of Transfiguration. In the clear moonless sky she saw a cross like object with a flaming luminosity moving across the sky. She woke her husband and he too saw the radiant cross.  More…page Also read: THE EXORCIST AND THE UFOpage

WERE WE PLANTED ON EARTH AND OTHER TOUGH QUESTIONS?  by Sam Chauhan. Most Important question always strikes in our mind is,what is soul? We found that Soul is the group of highly integrated memories capable of independent existence of brain, we can’t burn them with fire, can’t make them wet with water, can’t make them dry with air. They are Immortal. In technical language we can call it hard disk of brain named as constant information domain. There is very deep link between UFO’s and soul.  More…page

UKIP: NEGATIVE OPINIONS ON INDIGENOUS MINORITIES & POLITICAL DISSENTERS  by Pat Regan. Pat Regan, founder of the Pagan Anti-Defamation Network, told The Champion on Monday, May 17, 2010, that a statement sent out by the UK Independence Party describing a ruling allowing Pagan police officers in Lancashire and Merseyside to take time off to commemorate their festivals as “politically correct madness” was offensive, and called for UKIP MEP Paul Nuttall to resign. More…page

ALIEN LOVE ET UFO EXPERIENCER  by Theresa J Morris . There wasn’t much for me to do except decide to tell the truth even if it cost me my life. The world was changing and I was a major part of the knowing. Knowing that I could tell a story that was a part of the overall global consciousness. But who would believe me? What difference would it make? I was only an experiencer. More…page

REVIEW OF A SUPERNATURAL NOVEL ABOUT IMMORTALITY  by Gabrielle Pantera. “The early draft of The Eterna Files was inspired by binge-watching the many seasons of MI-6 and really falling in love with the character dynamics,” says Eterna Files author Leanna Renee Hieber. “All of my books thus far are set in the late 19th century, between the 1860s and 1880s, and all of them are full of ghosts and paranormal activity, so I wanted to play with the idea of what would happen to a pre-MI-6 office dealing with the paranormal. This pulled in my love of The X-files as well. All my hard work in carving out a cross-genre niche in Gothic Victorian Urban Fantasy, a forerunner among modern Gaslamp Fantasy authors, is all coming together in The Eterna Files.” More…page

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