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This week we begin with an article by Brad and Sherry Hansen Steiger about UFOs Alchemy, secret societies and the new world order. Sean Casteel writes about contacting aliens and angels! Next, Doc Vega pens an article abuut a paranoral Christmas in 1914. Then, Matt Brady teaches us all how to record evidence of the paranormal like a professional. Tony Elliott is back and he is investigating the Paris shootings and US false flag production. Our latin-american correspondent Scott Corrales publishes several articles about Argentina and Chile. Pat Regan offers a moving poem and reports on evil race hate Then, Deanna Jaxine Stinson writes about the great world and the mysterious eye. Theresa J. Morris writes about alien/ET theory of knowledge. Finally, Paul Dale Roberts reports on the death angel of Stockton.  Enjoy Dirk

We are featuring full-length movies in the center column of UFO Digest, including “And Did They Listen”, “Mirage Men”, “Cloud Atlas” and “Sirius.” Why not check them out. All previews are free! Only available in the United States and Canada. Thanks Dirk

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UFOs, ALCHEMY, SECRET SOCIETIES AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER  by Brad and Sherry Hansen Steiger. A “respectable burgher of North Holland” appeared “modest and simple” to the alchemist Helvetius one day in 1666. It was the stranger’s incredible knowledge that startled and inspired the alchemists of Helvetius’s day, and though these learned and determined men never did acquire the philosopher’s stone that would transmute lead into gold, they did fashion the seeds of the science of chemistry that has accomplished so many transmutations of the human environment and the human condition in the last three hundred years. More… Also read: THE INVASION OF THE PHANTOM MARKSMEN

CONTACTING ALIENS AND ANGELS WITH CIPHERS AND SYMBOLS by Sean Casteel. Tim Beckley, the CEO of Inner Light/Global Communications, has always had a healthy interest in helping his customers make their personal spiritual journey to some kind of positive, joyful outcome. While Beckley resists some of the more “preachy” literary paths to salvation, he does inject into the marketplace a goodly amount of information intended to firm up your faith that there are patient, heavenly forces reaching out to those who are open to them  More..

PARANORMAL CHRISTMAS 1914 by Doc Vega. Recently the Queen of England in a public appearance alluded to a strange incident that indicated a paranormal occurrence during the first World War in 1914. This bizarre anecdote in history clearly illustrates that not only is fact stranger than fiction, but that the spirit of Christmas is alive and well even in the midst of man’s self created hell on earth.  More..

RECORD EVIDENCE LIKE A PRO, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE! by Matt Brady. You never know when the strange will strike. You may spot an abnormal light in the sky while driving in your car or see an odd-looking creature outside your kitchen window at night. Often witnesses have encounters with the anomalous when they least expect it and that makes recording the event difficult. There are some simple things you can do to collect great evidence when your path crosses the supernatural or anomalous, and all you need is a smart-phone.  More... Also read: DECADES LONG QUESTION OF WITNESS CREDIBILITY OVER UFOS Also read: DECADES LONG QUESTION OF WITNESS CREDIBILITY OVER UFOS – PART II

THE PARIS SHOOTINGS JUST ANOTHER US FALSE FLAG PRODUCTION  by Tony Elliott. The latest so-called terrorist attacks in Paris, France are nothing more than replays of US government inspired staged terrorist events that have been played out both in the US and around the world for decades. In the latest case of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris, we are told it was carried out by 3 gunmen, Cherif and Said Kouachi, brothers, and Hamyd Mourad. Of course, officials say all 3 were linked with terrorist organizations and the US stated that they have been on a terror suspect list for quite some time.  More…

If you enjoyed this issue of the UFO Digest Newsletter please send a copy to a friend and recommend us. I would really appreciate it. Dirk

DISC STRANGE FIGURES AT CORONEL PRINGLES, ARGENTINA  by Scott Corrales. The news corresponds to the end of a year that was rich in reports on strange manifestations of “flying saucers” and their landings on European soil, in particular. It heralded a rise in sightings worldwide. On 5 December 1954, Buenos Aires’s “La Razón” newspaper reported – with glaring errors – that “Mr. Enrique Aguirre Zabala, employed at a shop in this city, and who is on vacation on a property that a brother of his owns on the outskirts of Coronel Pringles (Province of Buenos Aires), left the home yesterday at 6 to do some groceries, and saw a luminous disk in space that changed shape as it approached, becoming a “cigar-shaped” structure. More… Also read: NO CONNECTION BETWEEN UFOS AND CHUPACABRAS IN CHILE

LAST GLORY, LOST FRIENDS by Pat Regan. In the dark in the trench there is nothing but stench. In the dark in the trench I see death and last doom. Rats come to gloat and the fear arrives soon. In the last ray of sun there’s no hope or no joy; It’s the last time for man who‘s no longer a boy. More.. Also read: THE KING JAMES BIBLE – JUST ONE EXAMPLE OF EVIL RACE HATE CAMOUFLAGED AS ULTIMATE GOOD!.

THE GREAT WORLD AND THE MYSTERIOUS EYE  by Deanna Jaxine Stinson. When I was a young child, in Penryn, CA I can’t remember the exact age that I was, I believed in the world… I believed that there was no evil when I was just blind to it. I had black hair as a young girl. I remember that I was wearing shorts because it was in the summertime. I was spinning around in front of the door to my daycare talking to my spirit guide. I stopped dead in my tracks because I felt something staring down at me very hard. It took me a minute to look up but when I did I saw something incredible. At the top of my viewpoint is a pine tree that often dropped many pine cones. The lawn it was in was strange.  More…

ALIEN OR ET THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE?  by Theresa J Morris. Who are we? Methods, validity, and scope is what we are sharing in the world of awakening awareness as in consciousness. Being awake and aware of all that surrounds us and being plugged into the universal consciousness is not only a right but a responsibility. Wakefulness is a daily recurring brain state and state of consciousness in which an individual is conscious and engages in coherent cognitive and behavioral responses to the external world such as communication, ambulation, eating, and sex. Being awake is the opposite of the state of being asleep in which most external inputs to the brain are excluded from neural processing.  More….

DEATH ANGEL OF STOCKTON  by Paul Dale Roberts. Time to be there: 1900 Hours – Location: Mark Bales home. Mark feels the presence of an entity in his home. At one time he felt the presence of two entities. Big Al felt the same presence. Could it be Mark’s deceased father or something else? Address to be at: Stockton, CA – Special Note: Mark is cooking dinner for us. Deanna and I will be at: NOON: Starlite Lounge, 1517 21st Street, Sacramento, CA for a commercial spot with – sponsored by Tom Presler. Special Note: Deanna and I did not attend this event, we got busy with something else. More… Also read: THE ELIDA RODRIGUEZ STORY

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