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This week’s newsletter begins with an extensive look at ‘The Alien Autopsy…”OH NO!… NOT AGAIN” by Neil Morris. Next, a reader sends in a compelling report of a strange encounter. Then, Roger Marsh shares three of the latest MUFON sightings reports. Athena Yenko breaks news that the National UFO Archives in Adelaide, AU are being released. The Examiner’s Jon Kelly reports on a stunning Vancouver UFO photographed by a triple-camera imaging platform and also that Edward Snowden is linked to UFOs. Next, Lori Carter asks if a massive UFO hoax is being planned. Then, Edward Crabtree is back and examining nightmare entities! Carolyn Shield compares Arthur C. Clarke’s 2010 with events in the Ukraine. And finally Gordon J. Gianninoto is back, citing Courtney Brown “The World will change forever”  Click here for additional articles. Also see new videos at the bottom of these articles.  Enjoy Dirk

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THE ALIEN AUTOPSY…”OH NO!… NOT AGAIN” By Neil Morris. In most UFO circles, “The Alien Autopsy” (a.k.a. “AA”) is a subject of derision, it’s that silly hoax story “Ant and Dec” made that film about. But stay with me while I flog this “dead horse” just one more time and in the process, I hope to stir your interest just enough to get you thinking that there really is more to this old tired hoax story than meets the eye. We all think we know the “AA” story, but which one do you know? More… Also read: THE ALIEN AUTOPSY…”OH NO!… NOT AGAIN” – PART II

STRANGE ENCOUNTER IN SCOTLAND by Dirk Vander Ploeg. I received this as an email from David on Monday and was hoping some of the UFO Digest readers could help him and perphaps contact him with information if any of you have had a similar expereince as he describes below. I would like to thank David for contacting UFO Digest and invite others with sightings and questions to do the same by contacting us. More…

DID AN OREGON WITNESS PHOTOGRAPH UFO LANDING SITE? by Roger Marsh. An Oregon witness at Cascadia driving along Moose Creek Road reported watching a “diamond-shaped UFO with bright white lights landing on a nearby hill,” according to March 5, 2014, testimony in Case 54457 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. More… Also read: THE UFO FILES’ INSPIRES MUFON UFO REPORT Also read: FOUR STATES REPORT 153 UFO CASES IN FEBRUARY

NATIONAL ARCHIVES IN ADELAIDE, AU TO RELEASE UFO CLASSIFIED REPORTS by Athena Yenko. Classified reports of flying saucers and UFO’s will be revealed at the National Archives in Adelaide on Wednesday, March 5, 12 noon to 1pm. Nick Gleghorn, director of the South Australian office of the National Archives, will explore the topic of flying saucers and UFO sightings in Australia. More…

STUNNING VANCOUVER UFO PHOTOGRAPHED BY TRIPLE-CAMERA IMAGING PLATFORM by Jon Kelly. A new video published to YouTube on March 1, 2014, documents a stunning UFO incident recorded by one local astronomer’s triple-camera array from the deck of a Yaletown apartment in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Former skeptic now leading local UFO videographer Charles Lamoureux custom-engineered what he calls his “Skywatchers Mobile Unit” (SMU) imaging platform while anticipating nights with clear skies filled with mysterious objects. More… Also read: EDWARD SNOWDEN LINKED TO UFOS – LEAKED DOCUMENT SHOWS

IS A MASSIVE UFO HOAX BEING PLANNED? by Lori Carter. I get irritated when I hear of someone hoaxing a UFO sighting or ET experience. It is an insult to those of us who have actually had an experience that has changed our outlook, our lives. We have to live each day with what we saw or what happened to us, knowing and wondering what else is going on that is hidden from us through secrecy, lies and screen memories. Lost time and the indications of unpleasant encounters such as we had on our tapes can haunt you for the rest of your life. Researching, searching, and researching more cannot always help you find the answers, but can, in fact, take you in directions that lead to more discoveries of the strange, dangerous, unknown, and paranormal. More…

NOTHING LIKE US: EXAMINING REPORTS OF NIGHTMARE ENTITIES by Edward Crabtree. In a colossal science fantasy story by Herbert Wells, First Contact is made with an alien species. Our first sight of them is not a happy one: they look nothing like us! A lock unscrews on the cylindrical projectile which has been shot from the planet Mars only to alight in Surrey, England. What clambers out has a sideways beak and is octopus like. The narrator’s reaction is one of horrified disgust – and this is before they have declared their hostile intent! More… Also read: NOTHING LIKE US: EXAMINING REPORTS OF NIGHTMARE ENTITIES – PART II

CLARKE’S 2010 ODYSSEY II LOOKS PROPHETIC AS US AND RUSSIA TENSIONS INCREASE OVER THE UKRAINE by Carolyn Shield. In the 2010 Hollywood film based on Arthur Clarke’s book 2010 Odyssey II, astronauts are confronted with their countries being at war with each other. The ramifications of a US and Russia war scenario brings up the question what about the International Space Station. Many treaties have been signed but when war happens these treaties disintegrate. The US has a weak spot in their Space program in the fact that Russia transports personnel to the Space Station. As of September 2013, Russia’s complex in Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan is the only one giving rides to humans to the International Space Station. More…

THE WORLD WILL CHANGE FOREVER: COURTNEY BROWN by Gordon J. Gianninoto. Zetatalk had been stating for almost two years that our president would announce the presence of Planet X, the likelihood of Poleshift, and the existence of Extraterrestrials. I know from speaking of it, that most people say they would eat their hats if any such announcement in whole or part were to be made ever. Logically though, I felt inclined to believe the announcement would have to occur because if all of a sudden PX appears in the skies and no government had mentioned it, then all credibility would be lost. Many believe that no government has credibility now, so they think the announcement will never happen. More…

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As regular readers of the UFO Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to friends or associates you believe may be interested in our articles. The newsletter is an important element of UFO Digest and I would really like to increase its membership. Thanks Dirk.

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Send your comments and suggestions to me. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your friends. Keep your eyes to the skies. See you next time. Dirk.

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