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This week I review The Eisenhower Enigma, one of the best books on UFOs I have ever read. I also report on a donut-shaped UFO and on the Southwest UFO triangle theory. Next, columnist, Nick Pope, asks what would you ask an alien? Then, Brad and Sherry Steiger ask, have you met this alien? (with illustration) Diane Tessman reports on the Goldilocks planets. Scott Corrales has been busy with sightings over San Juan, Vicuna and Peru. And from Europe, Christian Macé has discovered a phallus on Mars. Next, Sean Casteel writes about the private hell of Richard Shaver. Next, Michael Horn, states that Billy Meier knew and reported on the consequences of the Fukushima disaster. Then, Peter Fotis Kapnistos, reports on Edward Snowden. Is he a traitor or a hero? Neil Gould, MUFON Director, Hong Kong, interviews Cheuk Fei and discusses Greys. Hope Bradford writes about Kuan Yin and the law of attraction. Finally, Tony Elliott, reports on the LAX shooter Paul A. Ciancia. Enjoy Dirk

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FEW KNEW HOW CLOSE EARTH CAME TO ALIEN CONQUEST by Dirk Vander Ploeg. Let me start by saying that I thoroughly enjoyed reading.The Eisenhoweer Enigma; and basically read its 330 pages in one sitting. It is a novel, a fictional account of the history of UFOs, their occupants and the United States government’s response to them. More… Also read: DONUT SHAPED UFO CAUGHT ON ISS VIDEO Also read: SOUTHWEST UFO TRIANGLE THEORY

WHAT WOULD YOU ASK AN ALIEN? by Nick Pope. At the end of media interviews on UFOs or extraterrestrial life, a fun little question that I’m sometimes asked is something along the lines of “If you could ask an alien one thing, what would you ask?” It’s actually quite an interesting concept, so I thought that in my column this month, I’d throw out a few possibilities. The initial temptation would probably be to head for the ‘big questions’ – some vague, others specific. Vague ones would doubtless include “What is the meaning of life?” while examples of specific ones might be “Is there a God?” or “Does consciousness survive death?” More

HAVE YOU MET THIS ALIEN? by Brad and Sherry Steiger. When our book, Real Encounters, Different Dimensions and Otherworldly Beingswas published in October, we included the intriguing, detailed account of a series of UFO abduction encounters experienced by Z. Peterson, a mental health technician at an in-patient psychiatric hospital in Oklahoma, in April 2010. When we appeared on Coast to Coast (October 21), we posted the sketches made of the alien by Peterson. Almost immediately we began to receive emails from individuals who claimed to have experienced encounters with the same alien being. More…

WE ARE NOT ALONE! 40 BILLION GOLDILOCKS PLANETS! by Diane Tessman. We are not alone! Tens of billions of planets hospitable to life exist in the Milky Way galaxy. These planets are called “Goldilocks Planets” because they are not too hot, nor too cold – they are just right. Now, the known odds of something – or someone – living on another planet in our galaxy have increased beyond our boldest dreams! More…

CURIOUS LIGHT PHOTOGRAPHED OVER SAN JUAN by Scott Corrales. A UFO flying over San Juan? Luis Adolfo Tinto and Juan José Mulet, public utility inspectors, submitted the images of what they took to be a UFO to Tiempo de San Juan. They saw the object on Tuesday, October 22 while going about their duties. More… Also read: VICUNA OBJECT ‘JUST A SOLAR PANEL’ DEBATE CONTINUES Also read: UFOS APPEARING BY THE DOZENS AS GOVERNMENT RE-OPENS INVESTIGATIONS

CURIOSITY ON MARS DISCOVERS MINI MENHIR PHALLUS by Christian Macé. See this official website. The photo was taken by ground robot on Mars Curiosity October 31, 2013, and published online November 5, 2013. The details of the photo are MastCam Right, SOL 439. The photo that interests us here: More…

THE PRIVATE HELL OF RICHARD SHAVER AND THE COMING OF THE FLYING SAUCERS by Sean Casteel. The Book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament decries repeatedly “the evil that is done under the sun,” but what if there is also great evil done beneath the surface of the Earth? I have written previously about how flying saucers may originate from an Inner Earth paradise, but the late author and “victim” Richard Shaver would doubtless offer a vigorous protest to that idea. More… Also read: THE PRIVATE HELL OF RICHARD SHAVER AND THE COMING OF THE FLYING SAUCERS – Part II

TRUTH ABOUT FUKUSHIMA PUBLISHED BY UFO BILLY MEIER…DAYS AFTER EVENT OCCURRED by Michael Horn. While it is just now beginning to come to light, the true – and as yet still unreported – terrible magnitude of the Fukushima disaster was first told to, and reported by, UFO contactee Billy Meier just days after it occurred. In the days, weeks…and for generations to come, the world will not only come to realize, but also be plagued by, the awful truth. More…

SNOWDEN ACT, TECHNOLOGICAL SINGULARITY HAS KICKED IN? by Peter Fotis Kapnistos. Edward Snowden is the former CIA employee and computer analyst whistleblower that in 2013 provided the Guardian (newspaper) with top-secret NSA documents leading to revelations about US surveillance. Some US officials, such as Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, condemned his actions as having done damage to US intelligence capabilities while others, such as former president Jimmy Carter, applauded his actions. Snowden was granted temporary asylum and work in Russia, his lawyer said. More…

THE GREYS AND GALACTIC DIPLOMACY by Neil Gould. Continuing in this series of video interviews on Galactic Diplomacy Neil Gould and Cheuk Fei of Hong Kong Media platform MJ13 provide exopolitical commentary, this time, on a species of extraterrestrials known as the Greys. More…

KUAN YIN: “I KNOW THE WHOLE STORY”: CRITICAL MASS CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE LAW OF ATTRACTION by Hope Bradford. Representing the Third Eye Chakra and humanity’s innate intuitive abilities, Kuan Yin is worshiped throughout India (as the male god Avalokitesvara), Japan (as Kannon) and mainland Asia. Kuan Yin has many names having many translations, for example: “She who harkens to the cries of the world” or “the Lord who looks upon the world with compassion”. Reverence for Kuan Yin is estimated, by many, to date back to Mother Goddess Devi and the Indus Valley Civilization (3000-1500 BC). More…

LAX SHOOTER PAUL A. CIANCIA, OH REALLY? by Tony Elliott. We have yet another shooting that took place at LAX 11/01/13 involving a shooter that, as we are told, suffers from a mental condition, is sick of the US government, and used an assault rifle (AR-15) as his weapon of choice. The gunman was identified as Paul Anthony Ciancia, a 23-year-old New Jersey native who lived most recently in Los Angeles. More…


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