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This week Diane Tessman writes about Spiritualism and ectoplasm. Next, Hope Bradford explains the connection between the pineal gland and mass consciousness. Then, Nick Redfern wonders if all of our top secrets are set to be destroyed! Tony Elliott follows up on last week’s article about house stenographer Diane Reidy and her rant about “serving two masters”. In keeping with the season Carolyn Shield writes about a haunted castle. I report on a great photo of a UFO in Seattle and also one in England. Scott Corrales writes about the Peruvian Air Force reopening is UFO research department and also contributes a 3-part article on the Punta Indio Aquatic Connection, plus more. Paul Dale Roberts contributes an article on USOs. John DiNardo writes about Planet X and Pope Pius XII. Next, Norio Hayakawa, reports on Occult symbology and Area 51, and finally John Foster writes about a third witness of the Dillion Lake encounter. Enjoy Dirk

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SPIRIT ECTOPLASM: Victim of Church Propaganda? by Diane Tessman. Ectoplasm is a phenomenon which has been almost entirely discredited as evidence of the presence of a ghost, spirit or other paranormal phenomena. Ectoplasm usually conjures up the image of fake séances in the 1800s, presided over by famous mediums who were then discredited. They did in fact, swallow and regurgitate cheese cloth smoothed with potato starch; a variation of fake ectoplasm was paper, textile material and egg white. Examples of ridiculous fake séances were widely publicized, showing so-called mediums doing really bad ectoplasm presentations. In some cases, they had pasted magazine pictures of human faces on their cheese cloth. More…

THE ANCIENT ALIEN CONNECTION: THE PINEAL GLAND AND CRITICAL MASS CONSCIOUSNESS by Hope Bradford. In 2004, a hypnosis client, Lena Lees, began to spontaneously channel Eastern Deity of Compassion Kuan Yin, thereby clarifying the Kuan Yin profound spiritual teachings. The Spirit Deity revealed Her immutable wisdom on Critical Mass Consciousness, Focused Intent and Compassion as well as Her prophecies for the future of humankind. More…

ARE OUR OFFICIAL SECRETS SET TO BE DESTROYED? by Nick Redfern. Mahatma Gandhi, the man who ultimately led India to gain independence from the United Kingdom, made a wise and knowing statement: “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” There is, however, another body of determined spirits that have an unquenchable faith in their mission and who can, and most assuredly have, altered the course of history. They have done so in two most unfortunate ways: by hiding history and, sometimes, even erasing it from the face of the Earth. And who might they be? More…

VERMONT’S WILSON CASTLE IS HAUNTED! by Carolyn Shield. Wilson Castle in the Green Mountains of Vermont has a reputation for being haunted. A friend of mine can confirm that he saw a ghost there while touring the house. It was built in the middle 1800’s. It has thirty two rooms throughout the three stories all decorated in antiques from Europe and the Far East. We were on the fall foliage tour of Vermont and decided to make a visit of Vermont’s castles. More…

UFO EMERGES FROM FOGGY SEATTLE SKYLINE by Dirk Vander Ploeg. This picture captures the incredible moment a ‘UFO’ hovers over Seattle, US. Emerging from the mist is the unmistakable outline of a saucer floating on the urban skyline – isn’t. Ok, maybe it’s the unusual cloud formations around the iconic Space Needle building appearing to reveal an alien ship in the sky above the city. More… Also read: FORMER NAVY AERONAUTICAL ENGINEER PHOTOGRAPHS UFOS IN ENGLAND

PERUVIAN AIR FORCE LAUNCHES ANOMALOUS AERIAL PHENOMENON RESEARCH DEPARTMENT by Scott Corrales. DINAE, the Office of Aerospace Interests, under the official sponsorship of CONIDA, the National Commission for Aerospace Investigation and Development and the Peruvian Air Force (FAP), in response to the significant increase in claims and reports on Anomalous Aerial Objects commonly referred to as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) in the skies over Peruvian Territory, has decided to RE-LAUNCH and RE-ACTIVATE the office established in 2001 under the name of Office of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena Research (OIFAA) and which has been inactive in recent year. More… Also read: THE PUNTA INDIO AQUATIC CONNECTION IN ARGENTINA

ENCOUNTERS WITH A UNIDENTIFIED SUBMERSIBLE OBJECT (USO) by Paul Dale Roberts. In the early 80’s I was in the Navy and assigned to “Coastal River Squadron 1” in Coronado, California. When I first arrived there, they had several of the old PT Boats made famous by John F. Kennedy. The squadron had also been receiving a new Patrol Boat (PB) that was 10’ shorter than the PTs, and invisible to radar. Like today’s stealth fighters, these boats were unpainted and were constructed with lots odd angles. More…

THE DEATH OF POPE PIUS XII by John DiNardo. Several years ago, I spoke with a person in the Catholic clergy who asked to remain anonymous. Until now, I have been fearfully reluctant to tell this story. However, with incoming cometary threats looming, I am compelled to persuade many, to whom you might forward this report, that the time for preparatory material and spiritual protection seems to be growing short. More…

OCCULTIC SYMBOLOGY EVIDENT AT AREA 51 “COMMUTER JET” TERMINAL IN LAS VEGAS by Norio Hayakawa. (E.G. & G. Terminal – URS, just south of Luxor Hotel/Las Vegas Strip) at Las Vegas’ McCarran Airport. (By the way, the JANET flights are on normal schedule again). By the way someone said that the bottom two angles of the Great Pyramid of Egypt were each 51 degrees 51 minutes. what’s more comical is that Lincoln County Sheriff Department (the official liaison between civilians and the perimeter security at Area 51 has its main telephone number as (775) 962-5151. More…

A THIRD WITNESS TO WHAT HAPPENED DURING UFO ENCOUNTERS AT DILLION LAKE, COLORADO, 1975 by John Foster. This is part of an interview of a third witness who recalls some of what happened at Dillon Lake in Colorado in 1975. There are four witnesses out of six who recall the UFO activity, and three of us validate some of each others accounts…enough to convince us that what we recall is true and accurate. This is Karen, our youngest daughter, who recalls a part of an out-of-body experience that she, her brother and I shared. I can validate most of what she has said. Because we both recall floating out over the water, indicating we indeed were out-of-body, this solidly supports the idea that there is indeed a “spiritual body” that most likely survives after we die. More…

HOUSE STENOGRAPHER DIANE REIDY’S RANT A PLANNED EVENT by Tony Elliott. Since my last article titled, “More To House Stenographer Diane Reidy’s Rant About Freemasons And God Than We Are Told” was published. More information slowly comes to light as to what she really said, where she actually said it, and possible motives to why she did what she did. More…

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