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This week in the UFO Digest newsletter, Brad and Sherry Steiger write about Spirit Mimics and visitors from other dimensions! Then, new contributor Lester Maverick informs us about the Mexican gods Quetzalcoati and Quentin and explains who the Psycheans are. Next, Roger Marsh reports that Missouri witnesses saw a UFO that was “bigger than a house!” Syracuse New Times’ Cherly Costa writes a brass colored UFO over Lake Erie! Carolyn Shield suggests that the Nakla meteorite might show possible life on Mars. Scott Corrales reports on the close encounter of Maria Elodia Pretzel. Then Alejandro Agostinelli discusses the flaps of “cow mutilations” or cases involving “cattle mutilations” that represent a branch phenomenon of popular ufology or the urge to find evidence of extraterrestrial activity on Earth. Next, Robert Salas writes about UFOs and an impending nuclear crisis. Chris Holly is back from holiday and updates us on the cat mutilation situation. Next, Paul Schroeder writes about the metaphysics of ghost rescues. Finally, Theresa J. Morris writes about the laws of the cosmos beings. Enjoy Dirk Vander Ploeg

We are featuring full-length movies in the center column of UFO Digest, including “And Did They Listen”, “Mirage Men”, “Cloud Atlas” and “Sirius.” Why not check them out. All previews are free! Only available in the United States and Canada. Thanks Dirk

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SPIRIT MIMICS OR VISITORS FROM OTHER DIMENSIONS? by Brad Steiger. Gary said that he was driving back to Redlands, California. Both of the lumberjacks nodded in unison. The one who had not yet spoken said, That’s nice. That’s a nice drive. You will enjoy it. Gary could not shake the feeling that he had walked into an automated display at Disneyland or some other amusement park. None of the people in the place looked quite real,î he said. ìIf I would have really thought about it at the time, it probably would have freaked me out. The All-American Mom asked him what he liked to eat.  More.. Also read: SPIRIT MIMICS OR VISITORS FROM OTHER DIMENSIONS? – PART II.

ABOUT QUETZALCOATI AND QUENTIN  by Lester Maverick. Perhaps you might be intrigued by how Quentin (his space name) became the legendary god Quetzalcoatl in South America. So here are some blurbs that I wrote about it. Quentin is a real to life extraterrestrial SUPERMAN originally from the fifth Spectran dimension with all the super powers of a superman! Also Quentin is a grade 5 personal representative of the Council of Guardians who are a kind of a group mind of super beings who are the elder BROTHERS of humanity everywhere in multiple universes… More… Also read: SUBJECT: WHO ARE THE PSYCHEANS?.

UFO WAS ‘BIGGER THAN A HOUSE’ CLAIM MISSOURI WITNESSES  by Roger Marsh. Missouri witnesses in Joplin reported watching a silent, boxy object “bigger than a house” traveling about 300 feet off of the ground about 9:15 p.m. on July 8, 2014, according to testimony in Case 57853 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The husband and wife reporting witnesses were traveling home when they noticed a man in the street trying to flag them down and pointing to the sky. More….

A BRASS COLORED DISC OVER LAKE ERIE  by Cheryl Costa. A high school student witnesses a brass colored disc over Lake Erie but it would be 57 years before we would know the depth of his sighting. On the afternoon of September 20th 1957 in Buffalo, NY a Northbound Niagara Street bus had just dropped Steven at this corner on his way home from high school. As he started to walk the short block to his house on Prospect, something blinking caught his attention. More….

NAKLA METEORITE GIVES POSSIBLE EVIDENCE OF LIFE ON MARS EXISTS  by Carolyn Shield. Scientists took one more step closer to confirming that the possibility of life on Mars. The Nakla meteorite which fell to Earth over a century ago revealed to a team of scientists “a fossilized biological cell”. Its structure resembles biological cells on Earth. More...

THE CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF MARIA ELODIA PRETZEL  by Scott Corrales. Despite our best efforts, it can be difficult to obtain follow-up material for every single case, especially those that occurred decades ago. A casual reading of the October 1983 issue of UFOPRESS, however, kicked up an article by our friend Alejandro Agostinelli about the Pretzel CE-3 case. The article’s original title: “La incredible y triste historia de la cándida Elodia y de su padre el desalmado” (The Incredible and Sad Story of Fair Elodia and Her Heartless Father ) is a nod to novelist Gabriel García Márquez’s “Eréndira” – To read the original case, please see “Argentina: The 1968 Night Visitor” at — SC]  More…  

“I SEE DEAD COWS” – TOWARD A MUTILATED VISION OF REALITY  by Alejandro Agostinelli. They return every so often, especially when the weather grows cold and the media runs out of stuff to talk about, or the story runs afoul of a hungry editor starving for a juicy ration of paranormal ghoulishness. The flaps of “cow mutilations” or cases involving “cattle mutilations” represent a branch phenomenon of popular ufology or the urge to find evidence of extraterrestrial activity on Earth. More... Also read: “I SEE DEAD COWS” – TOWARD A MUTILATED VISION OF REALITY – PART II.

BEWARE THE NEXT IMPENDING NUCLEAR CRISIS  by Robert Salas. Immersing oneself in the world of the unidentified flying object can be exciting, illuminating, stimulating , and enlightening. That very same world, however, is filled to the brim with cold-hearted killers that will not think twice about taking you out of circulation, if such action is deemed absolutely necessary. And not all of those cold-hearted killers are human. More

IN 2014 HALF CAT MUTILATIONS CONTINUE by Chris Holly. I had an extremely interesting summer off and wanted to return to writing about my experiences as soon as I returned to my blog. Sadly I feel as an animal lover and pet owner to once again do the right thing and report that I have had two more half cat reports during the last few weeks and feel it more important to start off my new fall season with this news in hopes it may somehow prevent this from continuing. I will bring my other articles on board soon. First let me deal with this disturbing issue.  More..

THE METAPHYSICS OF GHOST RESCUE  by Paul Schroeder. I have heard astonishing things most unverifiable about Heaven, from odd PSYCHIC MEDIUMS: Too heavy smokers retain visibly black lungs, the vain- cosmetic- surgery- addicted, sport disfigured countenances, those too rich, ornate and gaudy, appear homely and threadbare. That is, according to some PSYCHICS, there is an inverse relationship between our aspects, after death, in an astral world, that mirrors and reflect our damages, foolishness and wrong values, from the life most recently departed. More…

LAWS OF THE COSMOS BEINGS by Theresa J Morris. Gary said that he was driving back to Redlands, California. Both of the lumberjacks nodded in unison. The one who had not yet spoken said, That’s nice. That’s a nice drive. You will enjoy it. Gary could not shake the feeling that he had walked into an automated display at Disneyland or some other amusement park. None of the people in the place looked quite real,î he said. ìIf I would have really thought about it at the time, it probably would have freaked me out. The All-American Mom asked him what he liked to eat.  More..

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