UFO filmed at a concert by Jon Bon Jovi in Lima, Peru September 29, 2010

A jon bon jovi ufo

by Christian Macé – http://ovniparanormal.over-blog.com/

??http://ovniparanormal.over-blog.com/   –     

Tuesday, October 5, 2010 May 2 / 10 / 2010 7:44
UFO filmed at a concert by Jon Bon Jovi in Lima, Peru September 29, 2010 

UFO filmed at a concert by Jon Bon Jovi in Lima, Peru, September 29, 2010. That was when the singer sang the song “In These Arms”. UFOs they would be interested in our preoccupations of the moment? Here the song on weapons, and recently there was the conference where the U.S. military revealed interventions UFOs over nuclear weapons! … : 

The photo here also from the video of the UFO in Lima, September 29, 2010

Read the article and see the photo posted October 4, 2010, on the site here:


In French:

http://translate.google.fr/translate?u=http% 3A% 2F% 2F80310% 2Fnoticia 2Fwww.generaccion.com%%-video-2Fdifundieron supuesto-UFO-concierto-jon-bon-jovi & sl = es & tl = en & hl = & ie = UTF-8

Bon Jovi concert in Lima, Peru, September 29, 2010:


The video here, posted October 4, 2010:



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