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UFO in India

UFO in India

First Name: Clive
Last Name: Joseph
Email Address:
Location: Hyderabad, India
Date: April 24, 2010

I received an email from one of our readers, Clive, who managed to photograph accidently what may be a UFO. The following description relates to the photograph below.


Description and Date of incident: We were trying out our RC boat in a lake in Hyderabad, AP, India on 24/04/2010 and wanted to make a video of the trial. We took some pictures after we finished with the trials and came back home to download them of our Sony DSC W55 camera. On browsing through the pictures, we noticed an abnormal shape in the sky in only one of the pictures. Appears to be cigar shaped with a trail coming out of no-where.


Clive would love to hear your opinions on his photo. Please email him:

We at UFO Digest would like to thank Clive for sending in his sighting report and photo.


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