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UFO in the sky over Isle of Arran Scotland?

UFO in the sky over Isle of Arran‏, Scotland 


North West UFO Research (NWUR) Founder – Pat Regan

Report by Pat Regan (originally printed in the book, UFO: THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH).

The following Scottish UFO account is one that caught my eye that I would like to share with readers. 

Gordon Smith was enjoying a family holiday, on the Isle of Arran, off the coast of west central Scotland, on 18thSeptember 2006. 

It was mid-morning, and the weather was dry, quite clear, with excellent visibility and light, hazy cloud cover with only a light breeze. 

Looking skywards, Gordon spotted a buzzard-type of bird and decided to take a couple of photographs. He saw nothing unusual in the sky at the time of taking the photos and nothing remarkable on the camera’s small LCD view screen either. 

It was later, when transferring the pictures onto his laptop, that he noticed something strange in the sky, slightly above and to the right of the buzzard, in the 2nd of his two photos. Gordon assured me that there was nothing at all in the sky at that time, apart from the buzzard. 

The following is a video clip of Pat Regan discussing the Scottish UFO image on YouTube 

Gordon kindly sent me a zoomed/cropped and colour/contest enhancement of the image to make it clearer. A mysterious disc or saucer – shaped object can be clearly seen in the picture. 

Gordon’s camera was a Nikon Coolpix 8700 8Mp digital camera. The original file is a jpg; size 2.66Mb, resolution 3264×2448. 

Although the bird of prey is frozen by the camera’s shutter speed, which was set on auto and recorded 1/238 sec, the unknown object appears to have motion blur, which suggests it was moving at considerable speed. 

Above: Gordon Smith’s remarkable photograph of a UFO seen close to a majestic bird of prey in Scotland  

Above: closely cropped image of the Scottish UFO. 

What was it that Gordon inadvertently captured on film that day in the Scottish sky? 

Did any other witnesses see it? 

Pat Regan © 2010 

Author of: 

UFO: The Search for Truth

What others say… 

“This book is no dry analysis of a quaint mystery. It’s a muscular thesis that isn’t afraid to take on the difficult issues and ask the questions that more traditional UFO researchers have avoided. Buckle up, readers, and get ready for one hell of a ride.”

 (World renowned Ufologist, Nick Pope) 

“Pat Regan’s own first-hand experience and his research into the MoD UFO files make his book a very authoritative read.” 

(Bill Birnes, UFO Hunters, UFO Magazine) 

“Pat’s authoritative research into the darkest corners of the UFO phenomena cuts right to the heart of the matter and is a long overdue assessment of this complex phenomena”

(Andy Russell, Top UFO Researcher) 

“The field of Ufology can’t have enough books that tackle these vexing issues head-on. Pat Regan’s new book, UFO: The Search for Truth can now certainly be added to the list of those that provide new and valuable insights to those looking for the truth.”

(Lloyd Pye, Starchild Project)

Short video by author Pat Regan about UFO

Pat Regan on MSNBC Today Show with TV Anchor, Dara Brown:

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Pat on Amazon

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