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UFO mystery sighting on Central Coast of Australia

IS this an alien spacecraft or an American rocket that was mysteriously five days late showing up?

The truth – or even ET – may be out there, but for the moment it seems the Central Coast can’t be sure.

But we can say we played host to an unidentified flying object last week – days after other people along the eastern seaboard of Australia  reported similar sightings.

Sharon Smith was busy eating breakfast and packing lunches on Wednesday, June 9, when she looked out the window of her Wamberal home and saw something from out of this world.

“It was about 6.45 am and it was a quiet morning, no breeze, no noise with the sun just coming up and I saw this bright white light,” Mrs Smith said.

“I called out to my son Daniel, who was sitting at the table eating breakfast and we both ran out on to the deck and watched this bright white light move about.

“It was there for about 10 minutes and it kept moving quite fast and then it would stop and then it would move again,” Mrs Smith said.

“It just kept climbing up and up and then it went behind the trees and we lost it.”

Both say they have never seen anything like it and while they aren’t big believers in beings in spaceships, the pair aren’t ruling out the possibility it was something from a galaxy far, far away.

“I think there has to be something else out there.

“All I know is that I have never seen anything like it before,” Mrs Smith said.

“It definitely wasn’t a plane or a helicopter and it didn’t have a tail, but I don’t know what it could have been,” Daniel said.  

Story continues

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