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UFO near White House emits ray of light: horseplay, false flag or ‘socially destabilizing’ event?

A hyperdimensional UFO in over flight approximately one mile south east of the White House in Washington, DC appears to have fired a ray of light or directed energy beam in the vicinity of the White House. 

The incident, which occurred on July 20, 2010 at 3:18 AM, was photographed in high-speed, high definition photographs by Wilbur “Will” Allen, a former White House employee and Air Force One engineer under U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton.  Mr. Allen is also a talented professional photographer for major motion picture  studios such as Warner Brothers and record labels such as DefJam. 


Mr. Allen states, “On July 20, 2010 at 3:18:07 AM in NW Washington DC, a relatively short distance from the White House, I imaged a slow moving UFO pulse through the sky, and then [observed the UFO] fire an energy beam which extended from it.”  Mr. Allan also states, “I took several stationary images of the stars as I usually do. However, there is one object I thought to be a star, moving and then discharging a beam of light!!!…. There is one frame that does not make much sense? A Star is either moving or shooting a beam of light that is ‘bent’? The motion is not registered with any of the other ‘stars’ in this sampling.”

Bibiana Bryson, Director of Exopolitica Argentina has also prepared an explanatory video of Mr. Allan’s photographs, available in the article below.

Mr. Allen’s photographs of the incident have been assembled in a special slideshow in the article below.

Hyperdimensional UFOs have been photographed over the U.S. Capitol, Washington monument, and in restricted P-56A air space since at least 1950. 

Mr. Allen has photographed hyperdimensional UFOs in restricted P-56A airspace overflying and landing on the U.S. capitol in 2002 and 2008, as well as hyperdimensional UFOs over the July 4, 2002 celebration on the U.S. Capitol Mall.  This appears to be a first photograph near the White House where a hyperdimensional UFO is emitting a ray of light or directed energy beam.

As this article discusses, it is reasonable to whether this event may be (1) horseplay or creative signaling by a hyperdimensional UFO from an inter-dimensional intelligent source as a consciousness awakener to the public at large through Mr. Allen.  A veritable lightshow of creative signaling from hyperdimensional UFOs took place over the Millennial Celebration on January 1, 2000; (2) a false flag event from a U.S. or other black ops vehicle; or (3) a ‘socially destabilizing’ event of the sort that John Podesta, Co-Chair of the Obama Transition Team is reported to have warned Mr. Allen his work would result in.

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