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Publisher’s Note: I found the following article in my Google Alerts and thought that I would share it with you. I was published on the website and appears to show a white object over the city. Watch the video below. Dirk

An unusual white light in Auckland’s sky last night has some wondering if they saw a UFO.

Click here to enlarge top photo.

Auckland man Andrew Russell said he saw the light in the sky while waiting in Pt Chevalier for a bus.

“I noticed people stopping their cars by the Z petrol station. Then a girl ran across the road saying ‘oh my gosh, did you see that?’ I thought she was a drunk actually.”

Russell said he saw a “stunning brightly lit white shield shaped light in the sky”.


It appeared to be gliding over the NorthWest motorway and was not making a sound.

He thought about 30 people had stopped what they were doing to watch the light.

Others posted about the light on the UFOs over Auckland Facebook page. 

A Stardome Observatory spokesman said it appeared the object was likely a multi-prop drone.

The remote controlled rotor device could be capable of the movement in the patterns recorded and could change colour based on its gear, he said. 

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