UFO Over Basilica of Lyon in France

By Christian Macé
UFO Digest European Correspondent

Frederick took the UFO picture near the Basilica of Lyon, France, on the evening of February 17, 2011.




Above the two original photographs taken by Frederick the UFO near the basilica in Lyon. From the top, the first photo was taken on 17 February 2011 at 21 H 53 and the second photo was taken on February 17 2011-21 H55. I circled in red and enlarged the UFO.

Frederick says:

“I experienced the same thing on Feb. 17 in LYON? And the luck I had was that I was able to photograph this thing round of intense blue. I was taking pictures of the Basilica ( being Seine Maritime, I went to work). At night and at first he was like a white ball over the right tower of the basilica and the time to take another photo, j I saw this disc away from the basilica and the white light on top of the tower was gone. Strange.. ” 

The first photo was taken 21 H 53 and the second at 21 H 55. 

Fred put his UFO sighting in his commentary here, following our article here: “UFO in the Var and Bouches-du-Rone, in southern France on Friday February 18, 2011. Frederick I emailed her two original photos of the UFO. Many Thanks!


Location and photos of the basilica in Lyon, France, on this site:

http://maps.google.fr/maps/place?hl=fr&rlz=1R2SUNC_frFR401&wrapid=tlif129853717125011&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=basilique+lyon+map&fb=1&gl=fr&hq=basilique&hnear=Lyon&cid=2241946245560284892&ei=1BpmTcbbFY2WhQffoLXGDQ&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct = placepage-link & resnum = 1 & ved = 0CBwQ4gkwAA

Jacky’s Friend Creneau took this UFO picture in Lyon, October 6, 2007. 

Original photo here:


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