UFO Over The Island Of Tahiti


By Christian Macé
UFO Digest European Correspondent

Our reader Thierry photographed this UFO over the island of Tahiti, the peninsula Toahotu, 12 January 2011-13 H 25 local time. The camera used was a Pentax K20D. F8 35 mm F8, 1 / 500 seconds … Many thanks to Thierry! 

Unknown object above swimmer in center of photo.

Tahiti ufo2

Unknown object possibly UFO hilighted in above photo.

Tahiti ufo3

Closeup of Unknown object.

“Hello my dear Christian!

I just returned from French Polynesia, and I am sending you a photo taken in Tahiti on the peninsula Toahotu 12 January at 13.25 local time. On one of my pictures I noticed an object in the upper left corner of the picture, and after expansion we distinguish this object of cylindrical shape, there seems quite high in the sky and moving fast enough, note that This item has been arrested at the speed of 1 / 500 seconds enough to distinguish a bird which is not! … and furthermore, it does not at all as a bird!

I want to say that no planes were visible at the time of this picture was taken, weather conditions were good, and little wind.

I want to thank you Christian about the following to make this shot … your friend Thierry! 

tahiti map

Visit Christian’s website: http://ovniparanormal.over-blog.com/

I circled in red Toahotu peninsula where the photo was taken of the UFO, Tahiti

Location of the Island of Tahiti

http://maps.google.fr/maps?hl=fr&rlz=1R2SUNC_frFR401&q=tahiti+map&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Tahiti,+Papao,+Polyn%C3%A9sie+fran%C3%A7aise&gl=fr&ei=fJ1ITfinE6eJ4gbjmZyrBQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CB8Q8gEwAA http://maps.google.fr/maps? 


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