UFO Photographed Christmas Eve in France

By Christian Macé
UFO Digest European Correspondent

UFO photographed December 24, 2011 in Poitiers in the Vienne in France    

Thanks to our great friend Thierry de Toulon in the Var, France, who sent his email with his original photo attached with it! Do not contain confidential information or personal, I reproduced here as it is. Above the photo of the UFO taken by Thierry in Poitiers December 24, 2011

2011 12 24 0001
Click here or on photo above to enlarge.

“Hello Christian,  

My best wishes for the New Year, health, peace and joy for 2012. A small picture taken in Poitiers on the evening of Christmas Eve. The shape is really weird, rectangular with a dark opening in the front, it is topped by a cylindrical shape (as a horizontal vessel) in relation to both parties prior to?? I think of something being materialized or assembly. Approximate distance, from 50 to 80 meters and approximate dimensions of 60 cm to 1 meter. I saw nothing at the plate, is as usual in my photos after I discover surprises. No wind, cloudy but no rain, north-east, temperature 6 °. I will deal with the photo before and one after that and if there is something new I’ve got you know. Have a good day at plaisirAmicalement.    


Thierry de Toulon took the ORB in the form of HEART!:


Thierry de Toulon created this video of UFOs and ORBS it usually takes a picture in Toulon:

Visit Christian’s website: Ovniparanormal.Over-Blog.com


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