UFO photographed during Sainte-Maxime airshow

By Christian Macé
UFO Digest European Correspondent

UFO photographed during the airshow Sainte-Maxime near Saint-Tropez in the Var in France October 8, 2011.

Sainte Maxime France DSC00720 cercle

Sainte Maxime France large jpg

Many thanks to our reader who has just sent the email below with the original photo attached with. I circled in red the UFO and I enlarged. It is the right of the photo, near the military aircraft Fouga Magister. Enregistée in my pc, the original photo taken October 8 shows (Saturday) 2011-16 H 46. The camera is a “DSC-HX9V.” It was at the airshow Sainte-Maxime, which took place on Saturday 08 and Sunday, October 9, 2011.

“Hi, Here is a picture of a UFO taken by chance at the meeting of Ste Maxime Var ds Saturday, October 9, 2011 after noon. From source. There was not other aircraft or helicopter ds heaven at that time the . But I can see a UFO saucer shaped by zooming in on the subject of a Fouga Magister dte! You decide.”

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