
Since his service in the Ground Observer Corps, author A.R. Roberts has been fascinated by UFOs and the mystery that surrounds them. After researching the topic for more than 20 years, Roberts now releases his study in his new book, “From Adam to Omega: An Anatomy of UFO Phenomena” (published by iUniverse), the complete guide to UFOs and why Roberts believes their existence has been denied by the U.S. government.

“Most people, whether they admit it or not, are interested, or at least curious, about UFOs but have a limited knowledge of the subject,” Roberts writes. “My book covers all elements of the UFO enigma and avoids sensationalism.”

“From Adam to Omega” analyzes both ancient and modern knowledge about UFOs and includes well-documented sightings. Roberts combs through biblical passages, as well as documents from the Middle Ages to highlight the evolution of UFO theory over thousands of years. The sightings come from carefully documented testimonies of credible police officers, astronauts and Air Force and commercial pilots.

“From Adam to Omega” will answer questions such as: 

  •     Were extraterrestrials involved with ancient civilizations?
  •     Are aliens abducting people and performing strange tests and examinations?
  •     Does the Bible reveal evidence of extraterrestrial visitation?
  •     Did the U.S. Air Force really retrieve crashed UFOs and alien bodies?

Roberts personally sites his books as a “must read for those who want to know the facts about UFOs”. He invites readers to visit him at http://www.fromadamtoomega.com.

“From Adam to Omega” 
By A. R. Roberts 
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 522 pages | ISBN 9781475905069 
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 522 pages | ISBN 9781475905045 
E-Book | 522 pages | ISBN 9781475905052 
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

For more information or to purchase this book from AMAZON.COM simply click on its title: From Adam to Omega: An Anatomy of UFO Phenomenair?t=paranortalkra 20&l=as2&o=1&a=1475905068

About the Author

A. R. Roberts was a musician in the 1960’s and traveled the country with different groups, one of which appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show in December, 1964. He later worked in the hotel industry before opening a photography studio. He became interested in UFO phenomena in 1954 while serving as a volunteer in the Ground Observer Corps. Roberts is now semi-retired and lives in Florida.

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