
Many are skeptical – and raise their eyebrows – when they are asked about the truth of UFOs. For retired chemist B. Timothy Pennington, sometimes the truth cannot be hidden or just locked away anymore. In his newly released book, Science, Skeptics, and UFOs, he offers everyone a book on UFOs that’s unlike anything previously published. He takes on a different approach by presenting the viewpoint of the scientific establishment, skeptics, and ufologists squarely and fairly while demonstrating a scientific approach, which he should have done decades ago. What makes this UFO-related read unique is that it’s written on a personal level and with an adventurous style, making it more intriguing and interesting to UFO fans and skeptics alike.

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“During retirement, a feeling of intellectual dishonesty slowly crept over me.  I realized that I needed to share my family’s UFO experiences with the world…” And so this began the author’s personal quest. He interviewed family members to document their stories; although many of the stories were familiar, there were some that were new to him. Some of these stories were disturbing, so the scientist in him kicked in and he started investigating, delving into the UFO literature. The author went on an incredible journey of adventure and discovery; and these profound findings and insights are what he shares in the pages of this new book.

Science, Skeptics, and UFOs can be considered a history book about the early days of UFOs, a collection of folksy and humorous family vignettes, and a science textbook complete with equations, maps, charts, and more. Just like his research projects during his career, he gathered related literature, investigated the surprising and shocking Mississippi sightings, and formulated hypotheses to document these stories.

This book can be purchased at Amazon.comir?t=paranortalkra 20&l=as2&o=1&a=1457523124.

About the Author

B. Timothy Pennington is a member of the American Chemical Society for more than 35 years and has 21 U.S. patents as an inventor and co-inventor.  He spent 30 years working in the Chemical Industry near Lake Charles, Louisiana, after teaching and writing scripts for chemistry videotapes as part of a National Science Foundation grant. He earned his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Southern Mississippi and spent two years of post-doctoral research at the USDA Eastern Regional Research Center and was a Robert A. Welsh post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Texas at Arlington.

Science, Skeptics, and UFOs by B. Timothy Pennington
Publication Date: January 2014
Price: $18.42; 328 pages; ISBN 978-1-4575-2312-0

For review copy request, contact Raffi Anderson at BookWhirl.com by phone at (877) 207-1679 or by Email.

SOURCE BookWhirl.com

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