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UFO Sky Watch Saturday Night!

Saturday night UFO Sky Watch seeks stars of human destiny

by Jon Kelly UFO Examiner

Signs of intelligent life from elsewhere in the universe may be near at hand for night sky-watchers this coming Saturday, February 4, 2012. Astral Connections in Delta, BC will be hosting local UFO videographer Jon Kelly (producer of the weekly online UFO documentary series UFO Mountain) in a sky watch to be held at Delta Watershed Park.

This is to be an event that may leave some participants wondering how much we really know about the stars of human destiny.

According to satellite tracking tables, there are fewer than 20 bright manmade objects of magnitude 3.5 or lower expected over Vancouver, BC on Saturday night. The International Space Station (ISS) will not be visible that evening, nor will the U.S. Air Force X-37B.

What will be left for sky watchers to ponder will be objects with flight paths that deviate from straight lines, objects that display multiple colors, objects that oscillate in magnitude and clusters of luminous flying objects. With the exception of known commercial passenger jets, helicopter and propeller aircraft, these anomalous objects will inspire informed discussions along with sharing of personal UFO sighting and ET contact stories from participants.

About the Location

Watershed Park is Delta’s largest park, situated on a large artesian water supply. According to the Corporation of Delta website, eleven kilometers of gravel trails wind their way through the park for cycling, walking, jogging and horseback riding through second growth coniferous forest.

About the Videographer

A veteran of UFO sky watch events in Texas (Dallas, Stephenville, Marfa) Roswell, New Mexico, Mt. Adams, Washington, Southwestern BC, Vancouver and the Gulf Islands, Jon Kelly maintains a library of original video recorded using 3CCD and digital night vision cameras along with a unique collection of still photography. “Delta Watershed Park was the location for some of my most stunning paranormal photographs from the last decade. I have great confidence in the way that this demonstrated portal-like setting will facilitate a natural expansion of consciousness for participants, allowing for perceptions of phenomena from beyond our civilization.”

Weather forecasts predict favorable skies. In case of rain, this event will be held indoors at Astral Connections allowing for equipment demonstrations, questions and answers along with sneak previews of coming UFO Mountain episodes and other soon-to-be released projects.

Event Details

Where: Astral Connections 7915 – 120th St., Delta , BC (map)

When: Saturday, February 4, 2012

Time: Meet at 5:00pm, leave for Delta Watershed Park at 5:15pm

Fee: $15.00 per individual, $10.00 each for two or more.

What to bring: Personal video camera, still camera (for recording orbs), appropriate outdoor clothing, foam or blanket for seating.

Read this story and more in the Vancouver UFO Examiner.

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