UFO filmed in Knokke in Belgium August 19, 2013
Here I made this still picture above and circled in red UFO and I enlarged. Looks like a gray sphere that traverses the sky from right to left … Click here to enlarge to photo.
Many thanks to the Friend Thierry Chauvet Toulon, just send an email to me the following information … :
“Hello Christian
With Agnes Eve and we’re on vacation with our friends at Beauraing in Belgium last night we took a drink and watched the news 19:00 on channel RTL when I noticed an object across the sky from right to left.
I got the part of the newscast via Real Player on the website of RTL http://www.rtl.be/videos/video/454742.aspx?CategoryID=312 to 1mn26 UFO is visible right behind the mat right with my friend Christian we tried several formats, the more accurate is the Real Player.
I make you go in a second email with the other test idle.
I hope all is well with you, have a good day.
Friendly “.

I have enlarged the photo and enhanced using autocontrast and the variation tools using Adobe Photoshop 7.0. Dirk
This UFO recently filmed in Knokke in Belgium:
http://ovniparanormal.over-blog.com/ovni-film% C3% A9-% C3% A0-Knokke-in-Belgium
Visit Christian’s website: Blog : The blog of Christian Macé