“UFOs Above the Law: True Encounters with Law Enforcement”


“UFOs Above the Law: True Encounters with Law Enforcement”

Foreword by Richard M. Dolan

Acclaimed UFO historian


UFOs Above the Law is a collection of true UFO sightings and reports by    law enforcement officers and government officials from around the world, including amazing actual radio communication and transcripts between dispatchers and patrolmen.


“The national press rarely reports UFO sightings by law enforcement officers, leading civilians and officers alike to believe that such sightings are very rare. This book, which may contain the largest collection of officer reports ever published, shows that is not true.  Law enforcement officers, like the members of the civilian community, have reported some fascinating UFO incidents.  Their training to report police incidents adds to the credibility of the reports they make.  Anyone who thinks that sightings are only reported by “crazy people” or poor observers should read this book before dismissing all UFO sightings as so much “hot air” (or “swamp gas”).” 


~Bruce Maccabee, Retired U.S. Naval Optical Engineer

  and Former MUFON State Director for Maryland.




November 18th, 2011

Atglen P.A.


UFOs Above the Law is a collection of UFO reports from law enforcement officers and other government officials that prove that UFOs are not only real, but that they are here en masse. Those people who serve and protect the public tend to be the most credible witnesses and investigators when it comes to bringing forth the truth. When public servants see UFOs and are willing to stand up and testify about those sightings, their words are no less credible. In fact, with so many questions surrounding UFOs, there is great controversy that puts these respected men and women’s reputations, families, and careers on the line with every report. Still, in the name of truth, they step forth. Here, experience abductions, learn investigative procedures, read transcripts of radio chases, track strange lights, and investigate things that most people would run from! Join law enforcement officers from around the world in a pursuit for UFO disclosure.


                Jim Bouck and Frank Soriano are two former law enforcement officers. Frank Soriano is a retired New York State Corrections Officer and Jim Bouck is a former NYS Park Police Officer.  Both have had their own sightings and investigated many more experienced by others.


                Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. is based in Atglen, PA on the Schiffer Book Farm.   The company is known for publishing high quality Antique, Arts, Architecture, Lifestyle, and Military History books, as well as a successful line of children and ghost books.    Schiffer Publishing is always looking for people to write books on new and related subjects.  If you have an idea for a book, please contact them at [email protected]


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Book Details

ISBN: 978-0-7643-3920-2

Size: 6 x 9

Page Count: 192

Soft Cover

Price: $19.99





Media Contact:  Heidi McCauley

Marketing and Public Relations

Schiffer Publishing Ltd, Atglen PA


[email protected]




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