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Argentina: UFOs in Victoria – There’s Something Going On (1998)
[From Carlos A. Iurchuk’s “El Fuego del Dragon”, No.1, Vol.1]
By Andrea and Silvia Pérez Simondini – VISION OVNI
Throughout the year 1991, a story dominated the first pages of the country’s major newspapers: UFOs were invading the small and little-known locality of Victoria, located in Entre Rios, in the Republic of Argentina.
Witnesses everywhere discussed the lights they would see flying over Laguna del Pescado, in single units, twos and threes, in an incredible itinerary that made it a show not to be missed by anyone.
But it wasn’t until the mayor (who was Juan Carlos Stratta at the time) saw the maneuvers of these objects while in the company of his daughter that the story spread rapidly throughout all the news agencies. What had become a show exclusive to the area was now a nationwide one.
It was around this time that our research group (my mother Silvia and I) reached the spot and quickly learned about the experiences of the local residents.
Upon reaching the area, we installed ourselves and our gear, at the Victoria campgrounds, since it was one of the best observation spots facing the lagoon, dominating every detail in the island sector, from which the maneuvers of these objects could be witnessed constantly.
At the edge of one of the canals bordering the campgrounds, we saw a mustard-yellow light toward the north, rising over the horizon and remaining stationary for some 8 minutes, as if hanging from the sky. The possibility that it was an antenna we hadn’t noticed earlier was discussed, or had it really been an object? Momentarily, faced with disbelief, I stared at the light, which after a few minutes began traveling toward the northeast, that is to say, toward the center of the city.
 began signaling it with a flashlight, and it suddenly changed its trajectory toward me. I quickly went to where the others were watching, as they had also noticed the change in movement.
When the object crossed a row of trees that runs along the edge of the camping, we noticed that it had lights facing forward. As it flew overhead, those lights cast their beams over us as though looking downward. In a matter of seconds, the object turned off and vanished as if it had never been there.
Our astonishment lasted for hours – we could not believe such a thing could have happened to us. I think the story conveys the sensation that engulfed all those who were witnesses to this incredible experience.
I recall that there were many people present, mostly casual campers. Around that time there was a team from Colombian television on hand. The Caracol Network, as I remember.
This event impacted us greatly and resulted in the need to inform ourselves with facts and data that would allow us to find an answer to something that clearly has none. We purchased all of the basic elements for an investigation: a good photo camera, a video camera, testers, compasses. We were ready to kick off our research. We got in touch with those who we thought the most scientifically-minded researchers in Argentina – but we soon understood that the answers to our questions would only be found in the place where the evidence was being generated. We had already found it: Victoria.
We interviewed direct witnesses to the objects’ maneuvers, those who had found possible evidence of them, those who claimed having seen entities or beings emerging from craft that landed on the fields. A wealth of information allowed us to establish some significant statistics.
But the substantial element was that these objects – contrary to what was believed – did not emerge from Laguna del Pescado. Rather, they emerged from one of the branches of the Victoria River, a brook with a strong current. This brook was the deepest area, and eyewitness accounts not only described the lights that emerged or came out of there, but also the noises that could be heard under the water. We stationed ourselves there several times and on several occasions were auditory witnesses to the sounds that caused great fear among the locals.
Regarding the objects, they said that their luminosity was so great that many of their homes had dark drapes over the windows, since the objects could bathe the ranches in light. It is somewhat humorous to see all these little houses with black curtains.
This is where we came across stories from fishermen whose experiences occurred in 1912, 1920, 1940- when “UFO culture” did not yet exist, and they interpreted it as legends of the “evil light” and wandering spirits, according to local tradition.
Our research led us to a book of life in the islands, written by a Benedictine father, Gregorio Spiazzi, who had a mission in the islands around the 1950s. His book, “El País de los Chajás” (the land of the Chajás) contains a chapter called “Linterneando”, in which Martín del Pos Pos (pseudonym) retells the experiences of local fishermen with the lights that came upon them. Even more important is the fact that one of these experiences dates back to 1912.
He gave us the key to find places where fishermen seldom visit with their small motorboats. The written accounts are spellbinding, but the sightings even more so.
During the nights on which we held our vigils, we observed the maneuvers of intelligent lights in twos and threes, as if playing a crazy game during their motions, one we could hardly understand. We concluded that they were exploring the area in some way. Interesting photos were taken of these maneuvers, leading us to understand that these objects were not the product of our drowsiness during the long sky watches, but a physical fact, capable of being captured on a photographic emulsion – a great incentive in itself.
However, the best result of those photos was that people who in decades past thought they had seen the “evil light”, or wandering spirits, had in fact been witnesses to a technology that humankind cannot explain even today. Fishermen also told us that the lights flew at low altitude, causing them to open fire against them with shotguns, out of the fear the phenomenon instilled in them. All stated that bullets always bounced off, as the objects had something that caused them to bounce off. The only evidence of these stories can be found in the pellets embedded in the vessels following one such encounter.
[Translation © 2013, Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Carlos Iurchuk and Andrea Pérez Simondini]
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