UFOs Over Riboux France

By Christian Macé
UFO Digest European Correspondent

My friend Catherine Saclier took these pictures of UFOs in Riboux in the Var, in south-eastern France, March 6, 2011. Catherine was with friends Riboux enthusiasts UFOs, UFOlogy to revitalize the area. For the first photo taken 14 H 54, Cathy tells us that this winged UFO was still present on the sector. For the second photo, taken 15 H 37, we see the UFO at the extreme left of the photo. The aircraft used is a “HP Photosmart R 960”. Many thanks to Cathy!

Above, the first original picture taken by Catherine Saclier Riboux to March 6, 2011 at 14 H 54. I surrounded the UFO in red and enlarged.

skylift2 0

Above the 2nd original picture taken by Catherine Saclier Riboux to March 6, 2011, 15 H 37. I circled in red and enlarged the UFO.


Unknown object close-up- enhanced

Locating Riboux:


UFO photos of Amie Catherine Saclier:


Visit Christian’s website:  http://ovniparanormal.over-blog.com/

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