UFOs Over Valensole, France

By Christian Macé
UFO Digest European Correspondent

Many thanks to Bernard who sent us here with his email with photos attached. Above one of the photos enlarged by Bernard … , Recorded in my pc, the date is 12 July 2009 to 19 H .

The camera is a ” Nikon D 200 . ” I circled in red UFOs (visit Christian’s website) and the enlarged elongated like an airplane. But is it really an airplane? For Bernard did not hear any sound! … : Extract email from Bernard :

Here the email I received from Bernard with his picture.


“… Three years ago in 2009, I took some pictures on the set of Valensole. Nothing special except on closer examination of horizontal black lines which I can not find the originals, 


Failure of the device, may be a passing bee very present in this season so? Aircraft, although there was no audible sound.

They may have been aircraft, although there was no audible sound.

Maybe could you tell me about this and let me apologize if I’m wasting your time on this kind of image defect that may very well known.

However, some ask to look at carefully by enlarging the image in hope that you will receive the images.

Thank you in advance.

For more photos and enlargements visit Christian’s website below.

Visit Christian’s website: Ovniparanormal.Over-Blog.com


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