UFOs Photographed Near Angouleme, France

By Christian Macé
UFO Digest European Correspondent 


Two possible courses of UFO photographed near Angouleme in the Charente in France May 1, 2011  

Above the original photo taken by Peter. The photo shows 16 H 29 in my pc. The device is a “Coolpix L 12” stated in my pc.  


I have circled and numbered the flying objects in the above photo: Dirk


Above, Peter made this enlargement of the UFO.

Two possible courses of UFO photographed near Angouleme, Charente, France, May 1, 2011, between 15 and 16 H H 30. Many thanks to Peter who has sent us his original photo he took of these UFOs. I discreetly removed the name of Peter … : :

“My name is Peter and I live in France, more precisely in the Charente near Angouleme. It is the day May 1, 2011 between 16h and 16h 30 afternoon taken from the park behind my house in the countryside where I live near a group of wind turbines. To the naked eye nothing: very high and appeared a bit far but when I put it on the pc screen left photo two formations of three objects, including a more visible and we can probably see better because I have little capacity to expand but a funny thing. Here I send you this in case it would be interesting. DSCNO738 photo direct origin Nikon Coolpix 7.1 Megapixels. Test to see and what I discovered. Pierre” 

Location of Angouleme, Charente, France:


More photos are available at: http://ovniparanormal.over-blog.com/


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