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Ultra Bright Square Object Reported Over the 405 Freeway, CA

The witness pulled over along the 405 Freeway in an attempt to identify the square-shaped object hovering over the ocean. Image: Mission Basilica in San Juan Capistrano.

A California witness driving south along the 405 Freeway near San Juan Capistrano pulled over in an attempt to identify an “ultra bright, square object” in the night sky, according to July 16, 2012, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

“The ocean was to my right, and there was average traffic for that time of night,” the witness stated. “The light over the ocean I first noticed as I passed the power plant. It was so bright that it was distracting from my driving. I assumed I would pass it soon, but it stayed to my right as I continued driving.”

The witness stated that the light was very bright.

“It reminded me of camera lights, the kind they use in movies. Very white, bright. I continued driving maybe another 10 minutes, and kept glancing to my right.”

The witness pulled over near Oceanside.

“I stood there maybe 15 minutes just looking at it. Helicopters practice out there dropping supplies to ships? That was my first thought. I eliminated that as there were no flashing red lights or movement. Plus I couldn’t see a ship.”

The witness described the light.

“I would describe the light as a huge, bright square. I could only see the front, but it looked like it was divided evenly into four lights. Like four on a dice. Each light put out the same white color, but randomly fluttered. I wouldn’t call it blinking.”

The witness finally left the scene and continued driving.

No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on July 16, 2012. The events occurred on July 11, 2012. The above quotes were edited for clarity. San Juan Capistrano is a city in southern Orange County, CA, population 34,593.

California is a current UFO ALERT 3 rating, with a high number of UFO sightings nationally. California had 84 reports in June 2012 – the highest reporting state in the nation.

You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page.

The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If California MUFON investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to

CA, July 11, 2012 – Ultra Bright Huge square over pacific ocean at night. MUFON Case 40855.

I was driving south on the 405 freeway from the town of San Juan Capistrano to my home in Oceanside. It was around 930. I drive this frequently. Between San Onofre Powers Plant and Oceanside,is a military base Camp Pendelton. I have observed military operation many time,and feel I can identify most of their vehicles.

The ocean was to my right,and there was average traffic for that time of night.The light over the ocean I first noticed as I passed the power plant. It was so bright that it was distracting from my driving. I assumed I would pass it soon,but it stayed to my right as I continued driving. It reminded me of camera lights the kind they use in movies.Very white,bright. I continued driving maybe another 10 minutes,and kept glancing to my right.
I knew there was a look out up ahead nearing Oceanside. I couldnt take it anymore,I had to pull over and look.

I pulled into the look out. There was a family who where having car problems.Beside them it was just me,my dog,and no parking lot lights. I stood there maybe 15 just looking at it. Helicopters practice out there dropping supplies to ships. That was my first thought.I eliminated that,as there where no flashing red light,or movement.Plus I couldnt see a ship. Maybe a oil derrick ? No, not unless they built it in a day. It wasnt any find of a ship or boat,as there was zero reflection on the water. The longer I looked, the more confused I got. I could barely see the horizon as there was fog that night.Once I could see the line I could tell the light wasnt sitting on the ocean,but was above. I kept waiting for it to move,and one time it jerked a little but remained it place.

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