
by Steven M. Greer M.D.

Over the past few years I have had the responsibility of briefing senior government and scientific leaders both in the US and abroad on the UFO/Extraterrestrial subject.

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The evidence regarding this subject is clear and overwhelming: It has not been difficult to make a compelling case for the reality of UFOs per se. What is a greater challenge is elucidating the architecture of secrecy related to UFOs (see the exposition of this matter contained in the paper entitled “Unacknowledged” by this author). But the greatest challenge is explaining the ‘why’. Why all the secrecy? Why a ‘black’ or unacknowledged government within the government? Why hide the UFO/ET subject from public view?

The ‘what’ or evidence is complex but manageable. The ‘how’ or nature of the secret programs is more difficult, much more complex and Byzantine. But the ‘why’ – the reason behind the secrecy’- is the most challenging problem of all. There is not a single answer to this question, but rather numerous inter-related reasons for such extraordinary secrecy. Our investigations and interviews with dozens of top – secret witnesses who have been within such programs have enabled us to understand the reasons behind this secrecy. They range from the fairly obvious and straight-forward to the really bizarre. Here, I wish to share some key points regarding this secrecy, why it has been imposed and why it is so difficult for the controlling interests within covert programs to reverse policy and allow disclosure.

dr greer large

Steven M. Greer M.D.

In The Beginning

In the early days of the ET/UFO phenomena, military, intelligence and industrial interests had concerns regarding the nature of the phenomena, whether it originated from our human adversaries and once it was determined to be extraterrestrial, how the public would react.

In the 1930s and 1940s this was no small matter: If these UFOs were of terrestrial origin, they would be evidence of an earthly adversary with technological devices far in advance of US aircraft. And once it was determined to be extraterrestrial (some quarters knew this prior to the end of WWII) there were many more questions than answers. To wit: why were the ET s here? What are their intentions? How do the devices travel at such fantastic speeds and through the vastness of space? How might these technologies be applied to the human situation -both in war and in peace? How would the public react to this knowledge? What effect would the disclosure of these facts have on human belief systems? Political and social systems?

From the late 1940s through the early 1950s, a concerted effort was made to figure out the basic science and technologies behind these spacecraft, primarily through the direct study and reverse-engineering of the retrieved extraterrestrial objects from New Mexico and elsewhere. It was immediately recognized that these objects were using laws of physics and applied technologies far in advance of internal combustion engines, vacuum tubes and the like. In the climate of the Cold War and in a world where a relatively minor advantage technologically could tilt the balance of power in the nuclear arms race, this was no small matter.

Find out more information about the Sirius Disclosure project and Sirius – The Movie: click here.

Indeed, the theme of human geo-political dysfunction appears as a recurring feature of the secrecy related to UFOs – up to the present hour. More on this later.

smithFrom the Wilbur Smith top secret Canadian government document of 1950, we know that this subject was held in greater secrecy than even the development of the hydrogen bomb. There was a tremendous effort underway by the late 1940s to study extraterrestrial hardware, figure out how it operated and see what human applications might be made from such discoveries. Even then, the project dealing with this subject was extraordinarily covert.

It became much more so by the early 1950s when substantial progress was made on some of the basic physics behind the ET craft energy and propulsion systems. The best we can estimate, it was then that the entire project became increasingly ‘black’ or unacknowledged.

The compartmentalization of the project dealing with UFOs was exponentially increased by the early 1950s when it was realized what it was that these covert projects actually had: Devices displaying physics and energy systems which – if disclosed – would forever alter life on Earth.

By the Eisenhower era, the UFO/ET projects were increasingly compartmented away from legal, constitutional chain-of-command oversight and control. This means that -while we know from witness testimony that Eisenhower knew of the ET craft – the president ( and similar leaders in the UK and elsewhere) were increasingly left out of the loop. Such senior elected and appointed leaders were confronted with (as Eisenhower called it) a sophisticated military-industrial complex with labyrinthine compartmented projects which were more and more out of their control and oversight. From direct witness testimony we know that Eisenhower, Kennedy, Carter and Clinton were frustrated by their attempts to penetrate such projects.

This is also true of senior congressional leaders and investigators, foreign leaders and UN leadership. This is indeed an equal opportunity exclusion project – it does not matter how high your rank or office, if you are not deemed necessary to the project, you are not going to know about it. Period.

Contrary to popular myth, since the 1960s concern over some type of public panic when faced with the fact that we are not alone in the universe has not been a major reason for the secrecy. Those in the know -notwithstanding the fantastic tales spun in UFO circles and on the X-Files -understand that fear of hostile ET s has also not been a significant factor. While there has been continued confusion in some covert circles over the ultimate purpose behind the ET phenomena, we know of no knowledgeable insiders who regard the ET s as a hostile threat.

By the 1960s – and certainly by the 1990s – the world was very familiar with the concept of space travel and the popular science – fiction industry had thoroughly indoctrinated the masses with the idea of ET s from far away being a possibility. So why the continued secrecy?

The Cold War is over. People would hardly be shocked to find out that we are not alone in the universe ( the majority of people already believe this – in fact most people believe the UFOs are real). Besides, what could be more shocking than to live through the latter half of the 20th century with thousands of hydrogen bombs aimed at every major city in the world? If we can handle that, surely we can handle the idea that ET s are real.

The facile explanations of fear, panic, shock and the like do not suffice to justify a level of secrecy so deep that even the President and his CIA Director could be denied access to the information.

A Current Estimate

Continued secrecy on the UFO subject must be related, then, to on-going anxiety related to the essential power dynamics of the world and how such a disclosure would impact these.

That is, the knowledge related to UFOs/ET phenomena must have such great potential for changing the status quo that its continued suppression is deemed essential, at all costs.

Going back to the early 1950s, we have found that the basic technology and physics behind these ET spacecraft were discovered through very intensive reverse-engineering projects. It was precisely at this point that the decision was made to increase the secrecy to an unprecedented level – one which essentially took the matter out of ordinary government chain of command control as we know it. Why?

Aside from the possible use of such knowledge by US/UK adversaries during the Cold War, it was immediately recognized that these devices were not your dad’s Oldsmobile. The basic physics behind the energy generation and propulsion systems were such that they could easily replace all existing energy generation and propulsion systems on the Earth. And with them, the entire geo-political and economic order.

In the 1950s, there was no great concern over global warming, eco-system collapse, ozone depletion, rain forest loss, bio-diversity degradation etc. In the wake of WW II, what was needed was stability, not a new convulsion of the world economic, technological and geo- political order. Remember: those in control like to stay in control. They are risk – averse, do not like significant change and do not give up control and power easily.

The disclosure of the existence of ET s, with the inevitable disclosure related to these new technologies soon to follow, would change the world forever – and they knew it. This was to be avoided at all costs. Besides, that was the era of ” what is good for GM is good for America” , and the same would be true of big oil, big coal and the like.

The inescapable fact is this: The disclosure of the ET presence would bring with it the certain release of these technologies -and that release would sweep away the entire technological infrastructure of the planet. The changes would be immense – and sudden.

Fifty years later, as we prepare to turn the page to a new millennium ,this is more true now than then. Why? Because avoiding the problem in the 1950s – while convenient at the time – means that the situation is more tenuous now. For example, world dependence on oil and internal combustion technology is greater now than in 1955. And the world economy is larger by orders of magnitude now, so any change would be exponentially greater – and potentially more chaotic.

And so this is the conundrum: each decade and generation has passed this problem on to the next, only to find any path but continued secrecy more destabilizing than it would have been a decade earlier. In a maddening circle of secrecy, delay of disclosure and increasing world complexity and dependence on out-dated energy systems, each generation has found itself in a greater squeeze than the one before. As difficult as disclosure would have been in the 1950s, disclosure now is even more difficult. And potentially earth-shaking in its consequences.

The technological discoveries of the 1950s resulting from the reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial craft could have enabled us to completely transform the world economic, social, technological and environmental situation. That such advancements have been withheld from the public is related to the change-averse nature of the controlling hierarchy at the time – and to this day.

And make no mistake, the changes would be immense.

* Consider: A technology which enables energy generation from the so-called zero point field and which enables every home, business, factory and vehicle to have its own source of power -without an external fuel source. Ever. No need for oil, gas, coal, nuclear plants or the internal combustion engine. And no pollution. Period.

* Consider: A technology using electro-gravitic devices which allows for above surface transportation – no more roadways to cover fertile farmland since transportation could take place totally above the surface.

Sounds great. But in the 1950s, oil was plentiful, nobody worried too much about pollution, global warming was not the faintest concern and the powers that be just wanted stability . The status quo. And besides, why risk the tectonic changes related to such a disclosure? Let a later generation take care of it.

But now, we are that later generation. And 1999 is not 1949. The Earth is straining under the burden of a growing population – now 6 billion people – all of whom want cars, electricity, TV s and the like. Everyone knows that we do not have 50 more years of oil – and even if we did, the Earth’s ecosystem could not withstand 50 more years of such abuse. The risks of disclosure are now much less than the risks of secrecy: If secrecy continues much longer, the Earth’s ecosystem will collapse. Talk about a big change and global instability…

Many people will consider the technological and economic impact of such a disclosure as the central justification of continued secrecy. After all, we are talking about a multi-trillion dollar per year change in the economy. The entire energy and transportation sectors of the economy would be revolutionized. And the energy sector – the part where non-renewable fuels are purchased and burned and have to be replenished – will utterly vanish. And while other industries will flourish, only a fool would dismiss the impact of such a multi-trillion dollar segment of the economy disappearing.

Certainly the ‘vested interests’ involved in the global industrial infrastructure related to oil, gas, coal and internal combustion engines and public utilities is no small force in the world.

But to understand UFO secrecy you must consider what all that money represents at its core. Power. Massive geo-political power.

One must consider what will happen when every village in India (or Africa or South America or China) has devices which can generate large amounts of power without pollution and without spending huge sums of energy on fuel. The entire world will be able to develop in an unprecedented fashion – without pollution and without billions spent on power plants, transmission lines and combustible fuels. The have-nots will have.

Article continues on Thursday, August 22, 2013.

Photos courtesy of http://siriusdisclosure.com

Copyright April 1999

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