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by Steven M. Greer M.D.

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This would widely be considered a good thing: after all, much of world instability, warfare and the like is related to mind-numbing poverty and economic depravity in a world of great wealth. Social injustice and extreme economic disparity breeds much chaos and suffering in the world. These decentralized, non-polluting technologies would change that permanently. Even the deserts will bloom…

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But it must be remembered that geo-political power flows from technological and economic prowess. India has over 1 billion people and the US about one-fourth that, but who has the greater geo-political power?

As these new energy systems proliferate, the so-called third world will rapidly reach parity with the industrialized world of Europe, the US and Japan. This will cause a massive shift in geo-political power. And the industrialized world will find that it must then actually share power with the now down-trodden third world.

Those in the cat-bird seat currently (and in 1950) have no interest in doing any such thing. We can hardly even support and share power in the United Nations.

The release of information on the UFO / ET subject will lead to the global proliferation of new energy systems which will rapidly result in an equalization of power in the world. The US and Europe have around 600 million people. That is only 10% of the world’s population. Once the other 90% rise in technological and economic standing, it is clear to see that the geo-political power will shift – or equalize – to the rest of the world. Power will have to be shared. Real global collective security will be inevitable. It is the end of the world as we know it.

Find out more information about the Sirius Disclosure project and Sirius – The Movie: click here.

When you combine the economic and technological impact with the geo-political impact, it becomes obvious that the changes related to ending secrecy are truly tectonic – massive, world-encircling and transformative. It is not to be regarded lightly.

But 50 years after the world could have had these new technologies – and 50 long years of ecological degradation, social and economic chaos and disparity – we find that we are the last generation in the long line of passing the cosmic hot potato known as the UFO secrecy problem.

And here we stand, holding this hot potato, but what shall we do about it?

To end the secrecy means vast and profound changes in virtually every aspect of human existence – economic, social, technological, philosophical, geo-political and so forth. But to continue the secrecy and the suppression of these new energy and propulsion technologies means something far more destabilizing: the collapse of the Earth’s ecosystem and the certain depletion of the fossil fuels on which we depend. And the growing anger of the have- nots, who are needlessly being deprived of a full and dignified life. There are no more generations to which we can pass this cosmic hot potato: we must deal with it and do what should have been done in 1950.

The Webs We Weave

As if the foregoing was not enough to justify secrecy, recall that extraordinary things have been done to maintain this secrecy. The infrastructure needed to maintain and expand the level of secrecy which can deceive presidents and CIA Directors and senior congressional leaders and European Prime Ministers and the like is substantial – and illegal. Let me be clear, the entity which controls the UFO matter and its related technologies has more power than any single government in the world or any single identified world leader.

general1.jpg (8381 bytes)That such a situation could arise was forewarned by President Eisenhower when, in January 1961, he cautioned us regarding the growing “military- industrial complex”. This was his last speech as president to the world – and he was warning us directly of a frightening situation about which he had personal knowledge. For Eisenhower had seen the ET craft and deceased ET bodies. He knew of the covert programs dealing with the situation. But he also knew that he had lost control of these projects and that they were lying to him about the extent and full nature of their research and development activities.

Indeed, the current state-of-the-art in secrecy is a hybrid, quasi-government, quasi privatized operation which is international – and functions outside of the purview of any single agency or any single government. ‘The Government’ – as you and I and Thomas Jefferson may think of it – is really quite outside the loop. Rather, a select, tightly controlled and compartmentalized ‘black’ or unacknowledged project controls these matters. Access is by inclusion alone and if you are not included, it does not matter if you are CIA Director, President, Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations or UN Secretary General, you simply will not know about or have access to these projects.

Indeed the situation is so dire that senior Joint Chiefs of Staff leaders in the Pentagon who I have briefed have no more access to such projects than any other civilian – unless they are on the ‘inside’ for some reason. But this is rare.

Essentially, the covert management of this matter operates as part super-secret international government program, and part privatized organized crime operation: It is more like a secret Mafia than government as one would normally think of it.

To acquire and maintain such power all types of things have been done. We are reminded of that Robert Frost poem in which he describes ‘the webs we weave…’. But how does such an entity extract itself from such a web of secrecy, deceit, lies and insubordination?

To be specific, this group has usurped power and rights not legally granted to it. It is extra- constitutional, both in the US and in the UK and other countries around the world. It is, therefore, a criminal enterprise and a conspiracy of the first order. Additionally, it has committed crimes which include assassinations, murder, kidnaping, theft of technology and so forth.

I will grant the possibility that, at least initially, this covert undertaking was designed to maintain secrecy and avoid instability. But the risks of inadvertent leaks – or a national or world leader deciding legally that it was time for disclosure – made it essential to weave a web of greater and greater secrecy and of illegal operations. And now the web has closed in on the operation itself.

That is, the complexity of the compartmentalized projects, the degree of unconstitutional and unauthorized activity, the ‘privatization’ (or theft) by corporate partners (the ‘industrial’ part of the military – industrial complex) of advanced technologies, the continued lying to legally elected and appointed leaders and to the public – all of these and more have contributed to a psychology of continued secrecy -because disclosure would expose the greatest scandal in recorded history.

For example, how would the public react to the fact that the degradation of the entire Earth’s ecosystem and the irretrievable loss of thousands of species of plants and animals now extinct due to pollution, has been utterly unnecessary -and could have been avoided if only an honest release of this information had occurred in the 1950s?

How would society react to the knowledge that trillions of dollars have been spent on unauthorized, unconstitutional projects over the years? And that these tax-payer dollars have been used by corporate partners in this secrecy to develop spin – off technologies based on the study of ET objects which were later patented and used in highly profitable technologies? Not only have the taxpayers been defrauded, they have then been made to pay a premium for such breakthroughs which were the result of research paid for by them! And this does not address the intellectual property theft of such technologies from the ET s. While the basic energy generation and propulsion technologies have been withheld, these corporate partners have profited wildly from other breakthroughs and benefits in electronics, miniaturization and related areas. Such covert technology transfers constitutes a multi-trillion dollar theft of technologies which really should be public domain since taxpayers have paid for it.

And how would the public react to the fact that the multi-billion dollar space program, using internal combustion rockets and the like, has been a primitive and unnecessary experiment since much more advanced technologies and propulsion systems were in existence before we ever went to the moon? NASA and related agencies have, for the most part, been as much a victim of this secrecy as has the rest of the government and the public. Only a small, very compartmentalized fraction of NASA people know of the real ET technologies hidden away in these projects. Certainly my uncle, who helped design the lunar module which took Neil Armstrong to the moon, was as much a victim an anyone insofar as he was denied access to these technological breakthroughs. He had to rely on the old physics and the old internal combustion jet thruster technologies just like everyone else. What a shame.

The inescapable reality is this: This secret project, no matter how well intentioned initially, got carried away with its own secret power. It abused this power. It has hijacked our future for fifty years. And the scandal of this fact would result in such consternation in society and in government that its consequences can hardly be imagined. Indeed, it could well be cataclysmic from a social and political perspective.

In fact, the quiet coup d’etat of the late 1940s and early 1950s, once exposed, could result in real instability today.

But the situation is actually much worse than this. All that is written above is dwarfed by a larger problem: The covert group running these UFO related black projects have also had exclusive sway over the early days of an embryonic extraterrestrial-human relationship. And it was been tragically mismanaged – nearly to the point of genuine global catastrophe.

For what happens when an unelected, unappointed, self-selecting, militarily oriented group alone has to deal with inter-species relations between humans and ET s? Well, as in most areas, if you wear rose-colored glasses the entire world looks red. And if you are wearing military glasses, every new and uncontrolled development will be seen as a potential or real military threat.

The nature of such a group – which is inordinately controlled and incestuous – is that it is homogenous in world-view and mind-set. Power and control are preeminent qualities. Such extreme secrecy creates a very dangerous milieu in which checks and balances, give and take, are utterly lacking. And in such an environment, very dangerous decisions can be made with inadequate feedback, discussion or insight from needed perspectives which are, per force, excluded.

In such an environment of extreme secrecy, militarism and paranoia, we have found that immensely dangerous actions have been taken against the ET s. Indeed, we have multiple inside sources who have described to us the use of increasingly advanced technologies to track, target and destroy extraterrestrial assets. If there is even a 10% chance that this is true ( I am convinced it is 100% accurate) we are dealing with a global diplomatic and social crisis which is utterly out of our control but which puts the entire planet at risk.

Remember, covert reverse-engineering projects have resulted in huge quantum leaps forward in technologies which, once applied to military systems, could be a real threat to ET s which may be here peacefully. The attempts to rapidly militarize space is likely a result of a myopic, militaristic and paranoid view of extraterrestrial projects and intentions. If left unchecked, it can only result in catastrophe.

Indeed this group, no matter how well-intentioned, is in urgent need of exposure so that global statesmen with a new perspective can intercede in this situation. While we see no evidence that the ET civilizations are at all hostile, it is also clear that it is unlikely that they will allow unfettered and growing interference with their operations. Self-defense is likely a universal quality. And while tremendous restraint has been shown by the ET s thus far, might there be a ‘cosmic trip wire’ if human covert technologies begin to reach parity and we are using such advanced technologies in a bellicose fashion? The prospect is sobering.

jimmy carterWe need our Jimmy Carters and Dalai Lamas and other international statesmen involved with so vast a problem. But if access is denied -and the subject remains undisclosed and off the global radar screen – we are left with the unelected few to decide our fate and act on our behalf. This must change, and soon.

In the final analysis, while the changes attendant such a disclosure related to UFOs and ET s would be massive and profoundly impact virtually every aspect of life on Earth, it is still the right thing to do. Secrecy has taken on a life of its own – it is a growing cancer which needs to be cured before it destroys the life of Earth and all who dwell on her.

The reasons for secrecy are clear: global power, economic and technological control, geo- political status quo, the fear of scandal surrounding the exposure of such projects and their behavior and so forth.

But the one thing more dangerous than disclosure is continued secrecy. The Earth is dying because we are killing her. The top 250 people and families in the world have the net worth of 2.5 billion of our poorest citizens. The promising relationship between humanity and people from other planets is being militarized and strained by failed thinking and failed programs run completely in secret.

As daunting as disclosure may be, with all its potential for short-term instability and change, continued secrecy means that we will destroy the Earth through our folly and greed. The

future of humanity, which has been delayed and hijacked for the past 50 years, cannot be hijacked for 50 more. For we do not have 50 more years – the Earth’s ecosystem will collapse before then.

There are no easy choices. But there is one right one. Will you help us make it?

Steven M. Greer M.D.

Photos courtesy of

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