Sage of Quay Radio: Robert Morningstar with Mike Williams
Unravelling The JFK Assassination
By Robert D. Morningstar & Mike Williams
(Copyright 2015, RDM* & Mike Williams – All Rights Reerved)
<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar & Mike William>
Jacqueline Kennedy speaking to author Arthur Schlesinger stated:
“On the day Jack was murdered, I happen to be looking at the large green Stemmon’s freeway sign, as we were passing the grassy knoll.
I saw a chunk of the green wooden sign suddenly shatter outwards and fly towards Jack and me. Then Jack was hit in the throat. I reached out for him. As I did, he was shot in the right side of his head. Just above his right eye. It was horrible. I saw the right side of his head fly onto the back of the car. I leaned back and reached for it. I just wanted to put Jack back together. t was just an instinctual response.”
“In hindsight, I guess that was the first bullet smashing thru the freeway sign that hit Jack in the throat.”
“I heard 5 shots fired at Jack from behind the freeway sign. I can still hear those 5 shots in my dreams. All the shots seem to come from behind the freeway sign.”
— Jacqueline Kennedy.
The Grassy Knoll
Robert D. Morningstar
New York City
Mike Williams
Raleigh , North Carolina
The Sage of Quay Radio Hour