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Publisher’s Note: After publishing the article about a UFO being photographed over Auckland Island it has been discovered that the strange light in the sky was from a helicopter chartered to advertise an power company – Auckland, Energy Online. It just goes to show that not every light in the sky is a UFO. Dirk

By Athena Yenko

An electricity service provider in Auckland, Energy Online, had cunningly taken advantage of people’s interest in unidentified flying object, UFO, to promote its services.

Over the weekend, Aucklanders saw peculiar lights landing at the city – only to find out that Energy Online had tricked them in order to have their attention to its latest cheaper electricity services.

Pictures taken of the “UFO sightings” had been massively shared across social media platforms.


“We wanted to grab the attention of the Auckland market with this out-of-the-ordinary launch and let consumers know that cheaper energy had well and truly landed. We are keen to grow our market share here as we have in the Kapiti Coast, Hawkes Bay, Tauranga and Nelson areas. The launch proved the mystery and intrigue surrounding UFOs is alive and well in the city of sails,” Jason Christini-Crawford, Business Manager of Energy Online said in a statement.

In order to create the UFO effect, Energy Online made use of octocopter – an eight-rotor remote control drone.

The octocopter was created by Raglan, a company importing different components from suppliers around the world. The drone was designed with hundreds of LED lights installed around the drone to give that ring-like appearance of the UFOs.

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